Brayden Marroquin – Lincoln, Nebraska … Nine students from Campion Academy in Loveland, Colorado, were selected to train with other Adventist schools at the Mid-America Union Conference (MAUC) Leadership Conference at Union Adventist University (UAU) in Lincoln, Nebraska, this past week.

The MAUC Leadership Conference is held annually at UAU. Each year, top class and Student Association officers are selected to attend and improve their leadership skills.

Students participated in workshops, breakout sessions, group activities, and worships. In small groups, they learned about emotional intelligence, conflict management, and identifying their strengths.

Toby Quillin, Senior Class president, expressed, “my favorite part was the conflict management seminar. They explained how to handle relational conflicts, and how we can adapt to help others and ourselves.”

Each evening, ministry leaders from UAU talked about how to have a heart aligned with God so that He can use the students as leaders. Over the course of the weekend, the spiritual programing was a highlight for students.

Student Claire Jorgensen recalls, “David Kabanje (UAU’s chaplain) really matched our energy and made it more relatable to us; his passion about how our hearts affect our leadership was really inspiring. Also, the speaker from the last session did not sugarcoat anything and put into perspective how God puts trials in our lives to make us stronger.”

Quillin added, “I really liked the music and the afterglow we had Friday night. It was fun and brought me closer to God.”

—Brayden Marroquin, Campion Academy Student News Team. Photo supplied.