Danita Ray Juan – Holbrook, Arizona … The Native American Ministries Camp Meeting was held at the Holbrook Indian School (HIS) in Holbrook, Arizona, May 24-26, with the camp theme “Jesus Calls Us.” HIS is an Adventist Native American boarding school in Arizona. Several members of the La Vida Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church in Farmington, New Mexico, attended the camp meeting.

“My husband and I went to Holbrook for the first time to a Navajo camp meeting with our La Vida Mission* friends, VJ and Beth Panganiban, who invited us to join them. La Vida Mission director, Kim Ellis, also attended,” commented Danita Ray Juan, wife of La Vida Mission staff member Harrison Juan Jr.

“It was a very beautiful campus and very welcoming to us. Our first-time experience at the Camp Meeting was a delight,” she continued. “The speaker was Bill Payne. He taught us about our spiritual visions, what they are, and how we need to prepare ourselves for our journey God will send us on.” Dr. Bill Payne is the director of Voice of Prophecy (VOP) Bible School at VOP.

Participants found the speaker’s presentation very motivational and uplifting. After the nighttime meeting, there was a campfire for those who wanted to hear more about God’s Word and get to know one another.

The next morning, there was an early devotion at 7:00 a.m. followed by breakfast. Danita remarked, “It was a very beautiful Sabbath morning with everyone sitting together and encouraging one another with Bible Scriptures and comforting words to start our Sabbath day. We had our breakfast, which I’d like to say was very delicious and filling. Thank you to those who provided the food.”

After breakfast, participants prepared for the Sabbath School portion of the event. The Sabbath School started out with songs and then moved into a study of Ellen G. White’s The Great Controversy. There was a panel discussion with five speakers to explain the readings, breaking it down for participants to understand the messages better.

Dr. Payne presented on God’s infinite wisdom and the perfect order that is the result of His work at the Sabbath service. Payne also spoke on how all can work in harmony together to show God’s work for others and themselves as one.

“The entire Sabbath service was done with good faith, praise, and prayers,” commented Danita. “I felt that the entire community was very welcoming and loving. The members of the camp meeting came up to us and introduced themselves. They were very polite and helpful.”

Participants would like to thank the Holbrook camp meeting organizers for their efforts and making the experience a huge blessing. Danita closed the experience by saying, “The beautiful community has done a great job, and we will be returning to the next camp meeting. May God bless you all abundantly.”

* Please note that La Vida Mission is not affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) nor the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.

—Danita Ray Juan writes from La Vida Mission and is wife of Harrison Juan Jr., Navajo staff member at La Vida Mission. Photos supplied.