Karrie Meyers – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … Mile High Academy (MHA) in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, celebrated its final week of the school year filled with ceremonies, tributes, and moments of reflection, marking the end of an academic journey and the beginning of new chapters for many students.

Final Chapel of the School Year

The week kicked off on May 20 with the final chapel of the school year. MHA chaplain and upper school Bible teacher, RD Gallant, delivered a special message that inspired students and staff to reflect on their growth and accomplishments. Following his message, the yearbook team presented a slide show of memories, highlighting the year’s most remarkable moments and bringing smiles, laughter, and cheers from the students, parents, staff, and community members. As students filed out of the gym, hugs were shared and tears flowed as they realized it was the end of the school year.

Kindergarten Graduation

The Kindergarten Graduation ceremony celebrated the 20 youngest members of MHA’s 2024 school year, May 21. The kindergartners walked in with grins and bounces, ready for their last evening together before moving on to first grade.

The ceremony featured a touching class song, “You Are My All in All,” and each student shared their favorite kindergarten memories, which included visits to the splash park, the museum, and witnessing the solar eclipse. Andrew Carpenter, MHA principal, couldn’t retain his smile as he bent to shake hands and congratulate each young student as they celebrated this moment in their journey.

Eighth-Grade Graduation

The following evening, May 22, was dedicated to the eighth-grade graduation. Twenty-three graduates marched into the gym, ready to take the stage for their final evening as middle schoolers. The ceremony included heartfelt family tributes and the presentation of roses to parents and loved ones.

Coach Michael Camacho, the honored speaker, shared special memories of each graduate and encouraged them to “give your life and hearts to Christ, so you can continue to shine His light.” Graduates Owen Fritz and Seth Caballero added a touch of humor by presenting the school with the class gift—new gym wall mats.

Senior Graduation Services

The senior graduation festivities spanned several days, starting with the blessing service at LifeSource Adventist Fellowship’s (LAF) chapel in Denver, Colorado. This intimate event allowed seniors to reflect on their journey with their parents as well as receive academic and service awards.

The next service, the Consecration was held at Littleton Adventist Church on May 24 and featured teachers sharing humorous stories and reflections on the special qualities of the Class of 2024. Attendees witnessed the baptism of Gwendolyn Loney as she publicly dedicated her life to Christ. And, in MHA tradition, each student received Bibles filled with words, Bible verses, quotes, and messages from teachers and staff.

On the morning of May 25, the seniors led a worship service at LifeSource before enjoying the afternoon together with their families and friends. Finally, uniting as a class for what could be the last time, the week culminated at MHA with the Commencement ceremony on the evening of May 25. Pastor Jordan Arce, student pastor of LIFEGATE Church in Denver, Colorado, delivered an encouraging speech, reflecting on the song “Jesus Loves Me” and advising graduates to “follow the One that called you” in times of uncertainty.

This year’s senior class is particularly notable as it marks the 60th graduating class of MHA. Despite being a small class of nine students, the Senior Class of 2024 received over $1 million in scholarship dollars, with all students headed to pursue their college studies.

Looking Forward

As MHA prepares for post-session activities, only teachers remain on campus this week, cleaning classrooms and preparing for their summer break. The academy looks forward to welcoming back the new first-grade class and the incoming freshman class in the fall. Reflecting on the year, the staff smile with pride knowing that this year’s senior class is ready to move forward in their academic studies.

Principal Andrew Carpenter remarked, “This has been an incredible year of growth, learning, and community. We are so proud of our students and excited for what the future holds for each of them. The Class of 2024 has shown remarkable resilience and achievement, and we can’t wait to see the impact they will make in this world.”

—Karrie Meyers is the marketing and development coordinator at Mile High Academy. Photos supplied.