By Love Pickle – Loveland, Colorado … After a two-year absence, Campion Academy varsity basketball teams returned to Lincoln, Nebraska on February 17 to participate in the annual Union College basketball tournament.

Students said the days were long with games, but the exhaustion didn’t stop them from bonding on a deeper level.

Reflecting on the event, Nicole, Campion junior, said, “I thought it was a good experience. I was able to hang out with people I don’t normally interact with at school.” She added, “I liked seeing how different schools with the same beliefs came together to compete while experiencing God. There was a lot of good sportsmanship from other teams, which made it fun.”

Kendra, Campion senior and manager of the girls’ basketball team, shared her experience. “Union’s tournament was a highlight of my senior year. I am so proud of how the girls worked together to win first place.”

While the girls celebrated their championship win, the boys’ team was eliminated after a series of losses. The loss, though, didn’t hinder the boys’ experience. “The Union basketball tournament was definitely one of the highlights of the year for me. Even though the team didn’t end the season how we wanted to, I know I will remember the moments and my team for a long time,” said Colton, Campion junior.

One of the boys’ team captains, Jadon, reflected on what the tournament meant to the team. “Some people will be optimistic and focus on the girls’ team win. Others will be pessimistic and talk about the guys’ team losing. Ultimately, though, the tournament was a blast. Although it’s about basketball, what I’ll remember most is the time spent with my teammates, chilling and talking, playing with a hacky sack, and running around roughhousing.”

Colton reiterated Jadon’s sentiments saying, “My favorite part about the tournament was hanging out with the team on late nights and being on the court playing basketball. It was a fun way to end a season.”

–Love Pickle is a senior at Campion Academy; photos supplied