By Love Pickle – Loveland, Colorado … After a semester of receiving anonymous gifts each Sabbath, Campion Academy girls got to meet the generous families behind the Adopt-a-Student program over a Thanksgiving fellowship meal on November 20.

Campion Church members created the Adopt-a-Student program to express their love to students by bringing them weekly heart-warming gifts and treats to church. The adopted families hid their identity until the Thanksgiving meal.

Faith, a junior, expressed, “It was super fun meeting my adopted family. I wanted to see a face behind the person who gave me gifts.”

At the special gathering, students had the chance to share their appreciation for their adoptive families.

“My adopted family was the Kasts, and I had no idea. It was very nice to get to know and talk with my adoptive family while eating lunch together. I am glad I could thank them because their gifts always made my day,” Airi, senior, said.

The program has impacted many students through small acts of kindness by the Campion Church members.

The Campion Academy boys are looking forward to experiencing the Adopt-a-Student program next semester.

–Love Pickle is a senior at Campion Academy; photos supplied