01 Nov


Brandon Westgate – Gillette, Wyoming … Several personnel from the Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) made their way to Gillette, Wyoming, October 18, to lay eyes on the place where the Pathfinder International Camporee will take place August 5-11, 2024.

Mic and Jana Thurber, RMC president and RMC Women’s and Prayer Ministry coordinator, respectively, along with Jade Teal, RMC Youth assistant director, and Eli Gonzalez, RMC Club Ministries executive coordinator, rode in one vehicle. Doug and Susan Inglish, RMC vice president for administration and RMC Treasury accountant, respectively, with Brandon Westgate, RMC Youth director, and Mickey Mallory, RMC Ministerial director, rode in the other. Brent Learned, RMC Youth assistant director, drove from Casper, Wyoming, to meet with everyone at the Gillette Seventh-day Adventist Church where they were greeted with open arms and a nice supper that the members had prepared.

The purpose of the trip was twofold. One was to walk the area where the Mid-America Union Conference (MAUC) Pathfinders will be camping during Camporee and to explore the city of Gillette to see what it has to offer. The other, and perhaps more important reason for the visit, was to meet with and pray with the members of the Gillette Seventh-day Adventist Church to encourage them and offer support to them as they prepare to engage in a special way with their community.

Can you imagine what it would be like for your small congregation in a town of 32,000 people to have a spotlight shone on you as the population of your town is increased by 55,000 Seventh-day Adventist Pathfinders? It is quite a challenging position the local church finds itself in.

I am pleased to report that this congregation is eager to do what they can to make a great impression before, during, and after Camporee. They do not have many young people in their church but local community people are interested in their young people being involved in Pathfinders so they can be a part of the Camporee.

Mic Thurber commented, “It was great to see the big dreams that will come to fruition with the camporee in Gillette. What a joy to have more than 50,000 Adventist young people together right here in our territory! Lives will be changed, and heaven’s census increased because of it. I am looking forward to seeing how God will bless our work in this town because of the blessing of having this event in our backyard!”

To which Doug Inglish added, “I was really impressed with the facilities and with the welcoming spirit from a few people we met in the community who are looking forward to the Camporee. And the church was really willing to take advantage of this opportunity to get involved. I can’t wait to see how God blesses them for their faithfulness.”

The city of Gillette is fully equipped to host an event of this magnitude. Their recreation center, ball fields, and basic infrastructure are top notch. Truly this is a great location for Camporee!

Since our visit, the local church in Gillette has already started a Pathfinder club! They are excited for the opportunity to minister to the young people and their families in their community. They will be investigating and praying for other ways to minister to the inquisitive folks in Gillette and extend to them a hand of fellowship. This church is on the move!

When asked what his impression was of the camp site area known as Cam-plex, Mickey Mallory said, “To be able to see the location of the Camporee caused me to dream of what it is going to look like next summer. In my mind, I could see over 55,000 Pathfinders worshiping Jesus on those grounds. And some of them even surrendering their lives to Jesus in baptism. Wow! What an amazing experience it will be! The words God spoke to Moses came to mind: take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground (Exod. 3:5).”

—Brandon Westgate is the RMC youth department director. Photos supplied.

12 Jul


RMCNews and Eli Gonzales – Gillette, Wyoming … The Rocky Mountain Conference was well represented at the Fourth of July celebrations in Gillette, Wyoming, with over 65 Pathfinders from seven different clubs marching in the day’s parade. The Pathfinders presence in the parade is part of community involvement and to gain awareness for 2024’s International Camporee in Gillette.

Tyrone Douglas, director of church ministries and youth director at Mid-America Union, remarked, “It was truly a blessing to participate with the Rocky Mountain Pathfinders as we followed in the footsteps of Jesus and mingled with the residents of Gillette, Wyoming, for their July fourth parade. I am looking forward to the International Camporee in 2024.”

“It was a delight for our Pathfinders to join the Gillette, Wyoming, fourth of July parade. A gentleman asked about our uniforms, and he smiled and saying he’d been reading all about [Pathfinders] and the “Adventists,” commented Alex Rodriguez, associate director of Voice of Prophecy from Loveland, Colorado.

He continued, “At the parade, I was shocked at the attendance—both sides of the street were packed with people cheering and clapping for our Pathfinder clubs. It’s a blessing to run a club and to participate in weekly activities and campouts. But for me, this Gillette experience captured the essence of what Pathfindering can be—not just an internal ministry, but a way to make positive inroads into our communities demonstrating the beauty of what the Seventh-day Adventist Church is and can provide for families worldwide.”

The day did not come without its challenges, as there was rain that day. But Jenny Hansen, a parent and club staff member of the Golden Adventist Church Pathfinders said, “It was a great experience! I am so glad my family went. You wouldn’t believe how many town people came out in the rain to see the parade. Even got to mingle with some of them and let them know who the Pathfinders are. And that we serve the Living God.”

—RMCNews and Eli Gonzales is the RMC club ministries associate executive coordinator. Photos supplied.

03 May


Sue Nelson – Denver, Colorado … It goes without saying that we are excited the Pathfinder International Camporee is coming to the Rocky Mountain Conference in Gillette, Wyoming, August 5-11, 2024.

The city of Gillette is expressing excitement for the Pathfinders to come to their community. Starting with the Cam-Plex, they are building a permanent stage to accommodate the Camporee’s needs and buying 600 Porta-a-John’s!

Local organizations are helping in many ways. The Chamber of Commerce, recreation center, museum, school district, and more, are opening their doors to the visiting Pathfinders. The local Walmart store has been in contact with the Oshkosh Walmart to know and understand the enormity of what they will need to handle. Take note: four of the hotels are already booked full. Gillette is getting ready!

The Cam-Plex and Gillette town tour dates are planned for May 22, June 5, September 11, and September 25. If you can plan on taking a tour, it is well worth it! They are held on Mondays so that businesses are open. Bus transportation is arranged for visitors to get out and hear what the different places are planning for the Pathfinders. These tours are free and include lunch and ice cream at the local Ice Cream Café! Detailed information can be accessed for the “Walk-Around Tours” at www.camporee.org under “Information.”

RMC is also planning to involve a few Pathfinders for the Independence Day parade in Gillette in 2023 and 2024. They will march in the parade with full dress uniforms, flags, and drum corps. We would like the community of Gillette to see what Pathfinders look like!

With the theme “Believe the Promise,” this mega-event will be centered around the story of Moses. The event is expected to have 50,000 attendees, and, currently, 10,000 tickets have already been sold with 12 clubs registered! Are you ready for the “world coming through Colorado and Wyoming?”

Rocky Mountain Conference churches and schools need to be prepared for Pathfinder clubs traveling through. Some of them will need a place to stay overnight on their way to and from the Camporee with a plan for sleeping areas and meals. Some countries are already asking our Conference for help in setting up their equipment to be ready for them when they fly in.

A contest is being planned for a pin design to represent our Conference. The winner will get a free ticket. Pin trading is a big thing at every Camporee.

There is so much to do at an International Camporee. Some 200 honors for the Pathfinders to take are planned. Among a variety of activities, the participants will hope to achieve a Guinness World Record. Expect a talent stage and, of course, there will be baptisms. Several RMC Pathfinders are getting ready to be baptized at the Camporee.

RMC is also in charge of the lost and found department and donation trailers. Pathfinders are like everyone else—they lose everything. Imagine losing your phone, tablet, computer, money, passport, keys, and more. Our staff will stop and pray with them right there that they may find their lost items.

The donation trailers will be placed at each of the nine Union exits. At the end of Camporee, all those clubs who have come a long distance and cannot take camping items back with them, will be able to donate them by placing them in one of those trailers. Those items will then be given to the local Gillette community services, like Salvation Army and others, for distribution as gifts to the community.

Clubs are actively fundraising to attend the Camporee. Some are hosting food booths at Adventurer Fun Day and Pathfinder Fair; others are holding car washes and anything you can think of to raise funds. The LifeSource Mountaineers Pathfinders had a bake-off, and the Durango Ironhorse club is having a yard sale and making “Junk Journals” to sell in June. The Colorado Springs Pikes Peak club is doing a bike-a-thon, a bake-off, and selling Butter Braids.

The Louisville club had a Valentine’s dinner and breakfast fundraisers. They have also decorated a “Giving Christmas tree” with labeled envelopes of items they needed, such as “Camporee ticket.” And the Club Ministries staff served haystacks to delegates In the August 2022 Constituency Conference meeting in Denver, Colorado. If you are interested in supporting your church’s Club, get in touch with them to see what you can do to help.

For more information and to buy tickets, go to www.camporee.org. Don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter. What a special event it will be, and one that will always be remembered. Get ready!

—Sue Nelson is executive coordinator for RMC Club ministries. Photo supplied.