20 Nov


Eva Resz – Lincoln, Nebraska … Campion Academy senior students took two days off classes at Campion Academy in Loveland, Colorado, to visit colleges, November 2-3. Most of the students went to Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska, for the annual College Preview Days which included such interactive activities as campus tours, team building scavenger hunt, and time to hang out with friends while experiencing college life. 


During the stay at Union College, the students participated in several tours and explored different academic programs in breakout sessions.  


Union College staff not only planned an academic tour, but they gave the visiting students the chance to experience the college town through a scavenger hunt. The students ran through downtown Lincoln to complete the hunt receiving a variety of prizes. 


Andrew Barr, senior student, expressed, “The highlight of my trip to Union College was being able to see a bit of what campus life looks like at a college.”


The evening activities included swimming, hanging out in the student center, and playing pool or foosball. “I liked hanging out with my friends in the student center after the events, and it was amazing being able to grow closer to my classmates and the other visiting students,” shared Madison Ramirez, senior student. 


For worship on Friday night, students gathered in the College View Church of Seventh-day Adventists in Lincoln, Nebraska, with a spiritually uplifting praise team and a testimony from a Union College staff member and graduate. He shared the importance of letting God be the guide and having Him as the foundation in life.


Saturday morning began with an impactful Sabbath School followed by a church service. Students were able to have a day to rest and, as the Sabbath ended, Union College’s Student Association held a dodgeball tournament. 


Some senior students ventured to other schools including Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee, and Colorado Christian University in Lakewood, Colorado. Catie Fairfield, senior student, reflected, “It was a good opportunity to see other colleges that I was considering.”


College Preview Days were the perfect opportunity to guide the Campion Academy senior class in making the important decision of which college to attend. Ramirez concluded, “Visiting Union College helped me to see what my future might look like.”


—Eva Resz is Campion Student News Team. Photos by Julia Santiago.

09 Nov


Introduction by Nathaniel Gamble

On May 4, 1493, Pope Alexander VI articulated a principle in his papal bull Inter Caetera that has become a fixture in political theory since the sixteenth century: the Doctrine of Discovery, where non-Christian lands and their inhabitants can be taken over by “Christian” peoples and governments.

Politicians, theologians, historians, sociologists, and various legal courts have documented for over five hundred years the ways Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox nations have used the Doctrine of Discovery to legally justify military takeovers and political control of peoples in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Christian denominations into the present, including the Seventh-day Adventist Church, have not been guiltless in this matter, sometimes begrudgingly assisting and sometimes enthusiastically cooperating with such government activity as an acceptable price to doing missionary work in these lands.

Seventh-day Adventist representatives of Indigenous Peoples in the North American Division helped prepare the below statement as a way to more fully champion our Adventist identity. If read and practiced with prayer, love, and attentiveness, it will enable Seventh-day Adventists to more fully embrace the vision of Revelation 14:6-12—to proclaim to every nation, tribe, language, and people the good news that a good God loves them and is working for their salvation and justice.

—Nathaniel Gamble is RMC religious liberty director. Photo by Pieter Damsteegt and republished with permission by North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.



Statement by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Regarding the Doctrine of Discovery

October 31, 2023

From its inception, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has sought to reflect Christ’s ministry of healing and reconciliation. Our commitment is driven by unchanging biblical truths about God’s character and His relationship with humanity, which reveal that every person bears the image of the Creator (Gen. 1:26-28), is cherished by Him (Rom. 8:35, 37-39), and is endowed with infinite dignity and worth (Ps. 8:4-8,139:1-16; Matt. 10:29-31).

In a world devastated by human violence and selfishness, Seventh-day Adventists, as followers of Christ, acknowledge our responsibility and calling to be His ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20); to share the joy of His salvation and the hope of His soon return (Ps. 96:2-4; 1 Peter 3:1516; Rev. 14:6-12); to demonstrate His compassion for “the least of these” (Matt. 25: 35-40); to pursue justice (Isaiah 1:17; Luke 11:42-44); and to defend those who are oppressed (Ps. 103:6). Thus, we deplore human actions and attitudes, past and present, that have misrepresented God’s character and contributed to the profoundly broken structures of today’s world.

For this reason, the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists acknowledges and denounces the destructive impact and legacy of the so-called Doctrine of Discovery, which for many centuries has presented a distorted image of God and His purpose for humanity.

From the 15th century on, the Doctrine of Discovery linked the Christian faith with colonialism as European nations expanded their power throughout the world. While the doctrine was founded on unbiblical and racist beliefs, it was used as a “Christian” rationale and justification for the “discovery” and settlement of territories by Catholic and Protestant nations, and for the brutal treatment of Indigenous Peoples, including the Indigenous Peoples within the North American Division territories and Indigenous Peoples in Africa brought to the Americas.

Historians trace the rise of this doctrine to a series of Papal Bulls, including Dum Diversas, Romanus Pontifex, and Inter Caetera, issued during the 15th century. Under the terms of these Bulls, Catholic monarchs and their explorers could claim sovereignty over any empty land (terra nullius) they found. Any land inhabited by non-Christians was considered terra nullius, and thus newly discovered. As non-Christians, Indigenous Peoples living in these lands were considered not fully human, with no inherent rights to the land they inhabited. The Doctrine of Discovery thus provided the opportunity for explorers, in the name of their sovereign, to lay claim to inhabited territories, and to use any means necessary to convert and subdue Indigenous Peoples. The doctrine was also subsequently adapted and relied upon by Protestant nations and, today, legal principles derived from the doctrine are still embedded within the laws of Canada and the United States.1  Through the centuries, the doctrine continued to be used to justify policies aimed at the eradication, assimilation, and enslavement of Indigenous Peoples.

Centuries of dehumanization, subjugation, and exploitation of Indigenous Peoples, often under the banner of Christianity, compel a response from those who bear Christ’s name. The doctrine was cited, for instance, by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2005 case City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation of New York, and by the Supreme Court of Canada in the 2014 case Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia. Although acknowledging that no one now alive is guilty of the atrocities of the distant past, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America recognizes the need, today, to address the legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery within North America.

We therefore unequivocally repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and the ideas and beliefs that undergirded it, and we fully commit ourselves to create and foster healthy, respectful, and equitable relationships with the Indigenous Peoples in the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and Guam Micronesia. In doing so, we will continually seek to reflect—within our churches and institutions, and within our broader communities—the true character of the God we serve.

This statement was voted during the Year-end Meeting of the North American Division Executive Committee on Oct 31, 2023, in Columbia, Maryland.

1 The doctrine was cited, for instance, by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2005 case City of Sherrill v. Oneida Indian Nation of New York, and by the Supreme Court of Canada in the 2014 case Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia.

09 Nov


Linda Hashman – Cañon City, Colorado … The Cañon City Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cañon City, Colorado, collaborated with their Four Mile Adventist Christian School to host an innovative Fall Festival, October 15. The festival was held in the field behind the church and school. Over 200 people came to check out the fun with most visitors coming from the community.

The kids enjoyed such activities as face painting, pumpkin decorating, hayrides, corn hole, and the thrill of having two Shetland ponies on site. The food was plentiful with a chili cook-off, a pie baking contest, and a donut eating contest. Ribbons were given to the top three entries in each contest.

Families with students attending Four Mile school manned the booths for the kids and donated all the pumpkins. Hay bales were everywhere amid a vintage tractor and truck for photo ops, and classic cars lined the front of the parking lot to help advertise the festival.

Jim Burr, a member of the Cañon City Church, was in full star mode with a telescope and his potato gun. The music was light and fun, with visitors in cowboy boots, hats, and jeans. It was a great success for everyone involved.

Josh Sholock, the new pastor at Cañon City Church, and his wife Bonnie were the coordinators for the event. Bonnie’s social media marketing skills brought in many people from the community. The Sholocks have fresh and interesting plans to lead the church into becoming a friendly and recognizable contributor to the community.

It was a beautiful day of friendship as everyone pitched in to make it a success.

—Linda Hashman is communication leader at Cañon City Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos supplied.

09 Nov


RMCNews – Aurora, Colorado … The Mile High Indonesian (MHI) Fellowship celebrated its first Sabbath as a church, November 4. “Today brought us so much joy and fulfillment, watching everything that God is doing at Mile High Indonesian Fellowship,” remarked Albert Palar, church Elder.

People from across the country joined in the celebration and watched as the charter members signed the document establishing the church. MHI Fellowship had been voted from company to church designation at the last Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) Executive Committee Meeting, October 17.

Doug Inglish, RMC vice president for administration, gave the sermon for the Sabbath on the Second Coming, and Mickey Mallory, RMC Ministerial director, provided the dedication prayer.

Charles Dien, also a church Elder, commented, “God is moving at our Church, and it was such a blessing to celebrate with everyone and the leaders of the RMC Conference.”

The service also included several musical selections. The MHI Fellowship is currently renting church space at the St. Paul Presbyterian Church in Aurora, Colorado. They graciously invited the music director of the Presbyterian church to provide a musical number at the service. Following the service was an extensive meal of Indonesian cuisine.

“[We are] so thankful for everyone involved in making this celebration happen,” remarked Theron Mamanua, church Elder.

—RMCNews. Photos by Susan Inglish.

08 Nov


Carey Jordan – Loveland, Colorado … The HMS Richards Adventist School (HMS) in Loveland, Colorado, celebrated a new floor in their gym with a ribbon cutting ceremony, October 20. The story began with a phone call from Matt Hasty, Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) Literature Ministries director, back in May 2023. It was a call that would set into motion a remarkable chain of events.

An installation project for some high-end vinyl flooring had been delivered to a work site at an athletic center in Utah. Unfortunately, some of the rolls had been damaged, and the athletic center in Utah had denied the material.

It was at this time that Hasty was called. The installers were asking if we wanted the flooring, and they were offering it for free! Hasty commented, “It’s wonderful how one man’s folly can be someone else’s blessing.” The only stipulation was that it had to be picked up within days, or it would meet an unfortunate fate in a landfill.

Miracles, as we know, often happen when you least expect them. A few weeks prior, Carey Jordan, HMS principal, had a conversation with Nancy and Wayne Harlow, members of Campion Seventh-day Adventist Church, who had mentioned they liked doing road trips. This memory gave Jordan hope that there might be a plan. With just one phone call to the Harlows, the plan was in place.

Nancy and Wayne had secured airline tickets on the rather uncomfortable seats of Frontier Airlines and rented a U-Haul for the long journey back to Colorado. They had picked up their U-Haul, and, with the help of a forklift from the installers in Utah, they loaded 15,000 square feet of flooring to head back to Colorado with.

Back at HMS Richards gym, with the help of some extraordinary individuals from the Bible University Sabbath School class and a few HMS Alumni, 35 rolls of flooring were unloaded, some weighing a staggering 300 plus pounds each.

But the journey had only just begun. The school was faced with the challenge of finding contractors to transform this space into a new athletic center. This included installing pole sleeves for future volleyball and pickleball nets, leveling the floor, laying the pad, and, finally, installing the new flooring.

Along the way, they encountered several more miracles—an error on the drilling invoice that saved HMS $1,800 and the flooring installers generously installing the flooring material completely under the stage at no additional charge.

It’s been a long journey, but HMS celebrates the culmination of the miracles … special gifts from God that got them to today and the stunning transformation of their gym floor.

They also celebrate the dedication and hard work of countless volunteers who made this dream a reality. “The gym floor is a constant reminder of our highly supportive community at HMS and the amazing transformations that happen when God blesses us with His gifts,” commented Jordan.

The new floor is a testament to the power of community and the remarkable things that can happen when we let God lead, pray often, and come together with a shared purpose.

Let this gym floor be a reminder of the God who sees and cares for us AND the special gifts He loves to give to HMS. Thank you all for being part of this extraordinary story and for joining in the celebration of this beautiful new chapter in the history of HMS.

So, if (we) sinful people know how to give good gifts to (our) children, how much more will (our) heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him (Matthew 7:11, NLT).

—Carey Jordan is principal at HMS Richards Adventist School. Photos supplied.

08 Nov


By Doug Inglish

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows (Psalm 23:5, last part, NIV).

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you (Luke 6:28, NIV).

The threshing floors will be filled with grain; the vats will overflow with … oil (Joel 2:24, NIV).

… (S)ee if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it (Malachi 3:10, last part, NIV).

We are all familiar with passages that promise blessings beyond what we can imagine. If you look over the ones listed above, or even maybe some others you can think of, it’s very easy to get the impression that, in all cases, those blessings are tangible, material increases. Maybe we don’t need literal threshing floors filled with grain or overflowing vats of oil, but it’s not too great a leap to imagine it as a garage full of cars that are paid for and a retirement plan overflowing with diversified investments.

Well, sometimes blessings come in the form of material or monetary increases. But if that’s the only way you measure the return that comes from being a faithful and generous steward, then you will never see the cup as being full.

You know the old saw, that an optimist sees a glass as half full. What nonsense! A true optimist knows that most of a meal is outside the glass and adjusts his field of vision to see the whole picture.

Likewise, most of the blessings God sends to us are outside the category of material goods. That includes the blessings that flow from being a faithful steward. We read Malachi and see that, if we bring all the tithe to Him, He will open the windows of heaven. The natural assumption is that, if I am giving Him monetary gifts, the windows of heaven are set to pour out monetary blessings. But that’s not what it says!

Which may come as a relief to you, if you have noticed that materially speaking, you have plenty more room to receive despite being a faithful steward. At least, that’s my experience. Can you honestly say that you really can’t use any more money, you have too much already? No? Well then, the only way to explain this promise is that the blessings of being a faithful steward are mostly not monetary.

Sit back and think honestly for a moment about what really matters in your life. It could be a ministry that you enjoy, a fulfilling career, getting an education, or a hobby that brings you peace and relaxation. I hope that what really matters includes family at friends, preferably at the top of the list.

Are you blessed by any of these? Do some of them fill you to overflowing? Are they even so important to you that you trade in some of those precious, and even scarce, monetary blessings in order to receive more of the things that make life meaningful? Of course you do, because unless you are the kind of miser who would rather have the cold hard cash than a warm house in winter, money is only there to purchase what we really need or want.

And some of what we need or want can’t be purchased. It can only come to us from the hand of God. Faithful stewards rejoice not only when they keep ahead of the bills, but also when good health, the peace that passes understanding, the assurance of eternal life, good relations with loved ones, and so many other things are being pressed down, shaken together, and running over in their lives. And they rejoice because they know that these, more than monetary things, are what flow from the windows of heaven when they are faithful.

The glass may only be half full, but there’s more to the meal than fits in a glass. Count your blessings and rejoice over them.

—Doug Inglish is RMC vice president for administration. Photo by Unsplash.

08 Nov


Caylee Campbell – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … The middle school students at Mile High Academy (MHA) in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, participated in an Agape feast and communion service, November 3.

This special evening came at the end of the school’s FOCUS week, where they spent time to “Focus On Christ’s Ultimate Sacrifice.” Throughout the week, they had daily chapel services lead by two pastors in the community, and they also engaged in the annual all-school “Love Matters Most” service day.

The middle school Agape feast was an unforgettable experience as every middle schooler who attended not only enjoyed delicious food but also learned about the significance of communion. They learned why we hold communion services and why those services are so meaningful. The communion service, for instance, traces back to the Last Supper where Jesus broke bread symbolizing his self-sacrifice and passed around a cup that representing his blood—a seal of God’s covenant and the forgiveness of sins.

During the event, the students also participated in a foot washing service to connect to when all the disciples were waiting for servants to wash their feet before their supper with Jesus. When no one stepped forward, Jesus humbly took on the role of a servant, taking off his garments and wrapping a towel around himself. He then washed the disciples’ feet one by one and wiped them on the towel that covered him. This act symbolized Jesus taking upon himself the sins of the disciples.

The students extended their heartfelt gratitude to the middle school teachers for orchestrating this special evening and to Pastor Godfrey Miranda, head pastor at Littleton Seventh-day Adventist Church, for helping guide them as they learned the special meaning behind the communion service.

—Caylee Campbell is an eighth-grade student at Mile High Academy. Photos supplied.

08 Nov


Julia Santiago – Loveland, Colorado … Campion Academy in Loveland, Colorado, had the pleasure of holding the first Week of Worship (WOW) with Dick Duerksen the week of October 23. Duerksen shared memorable stories from the Bible and from his experiences around the world.


Duerksen used his photography as a feature in his presentations. “The pictures that he takes reflect God’s true character and His love towards us through the beauty of nature,” shared Sharon Vasquez, a senior student.


In his lectures, Duerksen’s main point was to help the Campion Academy students understand how much Jesus loves each of them. Eriane Saraiva, a senior student, expressed, “Learning more about Jesus’ love was an amazing experience to me. Hearing that Jesus loves me so much, and He will run to save me, is something that I will never forget.”


Daniel Camas, a senior student, agreed that God’s love was an important theme: “There are still many more things that we can learn about Jesus’ love. It is always something worth studying and preaching about.” 


In addition to the guest speaker, a student-led praise team introduced the theme song “Never Lost,” making the worship more impactful. Jasmine Smittick, junior student, commented, “The theme song reminded me that even through tough times when I don’t know where I am going or I feel lost, I remember that God has it all in control. No matter what happens, He’s already won the battle.”


To finish the Week of Worship, Duerkson did a photography presentation of “Lions, Bears, Boobies and Bubbles” on Friday night, and a sermon called “When God Smiles” on Sabbath at Campion Church. The students of Campion Academy were left with the feeling of being blessed by Duerkson’s words and his teachings, and certainly knowing more about God.


—Julia Santiago, Campion Student News Team. Photos supplied.

08 Nov


Ardis Stenbakken – Loveland, Colorado … The connection between faith and the arts, the creating of something new and beautiful, has been around since creation when God Himself put beauty in everything. So, the Campion Adventist Church in Loveland, Colorado, dedicated the month of October and a few days of November to celebrate this connection and invite the public to join in the “Faith and the Arts Festival.”

The month started with a full choir and orchestra concert Sabbath evening, October 7. It featured such classics as Beethoven’s “Kyrie in C” and the “Hallelujah Chorus.” A special feature was part of a full cantata written and composed by the Campion Church pastor Leandro Bizama, “Gethsemane’s Battle,” which was well received. One guest remarked, “It has been a long time since I heard such beautiful music as we had tonight!”

the month continued with evening presentations by experts in the congregation on topics such as beginning drawing classes, a song writing lab, beginning pottery lab; oil painting on porcelain demonstration, stories and lessons learned from 40 years of sculpting, and photography class; paper card workshop, scrapbooking, and Bible art journaling; basic nature photography class and lab. One nice feature of the classes was how people stayed around visiting and making connections with the artists and others who had similar interests.

Jamie Autrey, an art teacher and professional potter, presented the sermon, October 14, connecting the work of the potter to what Jesus does as He shapes and changes our lives. The well-known Loveland sculpture Victor Issa did a multimedia presentation, sculpting the head of Christ as it may have been during the Passion Week, October 21. Both Autrey and Issa are members of the Campion Church.

Dick Duerksen, who had been on campus all week as the guest speaker leading the week of prayer for Campion Academy and HMS Richards Adventist School, presented the sermon, “When God Smiles,” October 28. His sermon featured examples of his well-known nature photography and stories, showing how God shows His love to us as illustrated by Duerksen’s photography.

One of the oil painting on porcelain classes has resulted in Bible studies. At the last class, November 4, on Bible journaling, a woman from a non-denominational church in Fort Collins said how upset she was when she thought she had missed that class but saw the reminder on Facebook and came. She loved it.  She spent some time talking to Pastor Bizama after the class was over.

A wide variety of people attended the events from both the congregation and the community. Many positive expressions of appreciation were heard for the events.

—Ardis Stenbakken is the Campion Adventist Church communication director and is involved with Women’s and Family Ministries. Photos by Leandro Bizama.

01 Nov


Brandon Westgate – Gillette, Wyoming … Several personnel from the Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) made their way to Gillette, Wyoming, October 18, to lay eyes on the place where the Pathfinder International Camporee will take place August 5-11, 2024.

Mic and Jana Thurber, RMC president and RMC Women’s and Prayer Ministry coordinator, respectively, along with Jade Teal, RMC Youth assistant director, and Eli Gonzalez, RMC Club Ministries executive coordinator, rode in one vehicle. Doug and Susan Inglish, RMC vice president for administration and RMC Treasury accountant, respectively, with Brandon Westgate, RMC Youth director, and Mickey Mallory, RMC Ministerial director, rode in the other. Brent Learned, RMC Youth assistant director, drove from Casper, Wyoming, to meet with everyone at the Gillette Seventh-day Adventist Church where they were greeted with open arms and a nice supper that the members had prepared.

The purpose of the trip was twofold. One was to walk the area where the Mid-America Union Conference (MAUC) Pathfinders will be camping during Camporee and to explore the city of Gillette to see what it has to offer. The other, and perhaps more important reason for the visit, was to meet with and pray with the members of the Gillette Seventh-day Adventist Church to encourage them and offer support to them as they prepare to engage in a special way with their community.

Can you imagine what it would be like for your small congregation in a town of 32,000 people to have a spotlight shone on you as the population of your town is increased by 55,000 Seventh-day Adventist Pathfinders? It is quite a challenging position the local church finds itself in.

I am pleased to report that this congregation is eager to do what they can to make a great impression before, during, and after Camporee. They do not have many young people in their church but local community people are interested in their young people being involved in Pathfinders so they can be a part of the Camporee.

Mic Thurber commented, “It was great to see the big dreams that will come to fruition with the camporee in Gillette. What a joy to have more than 50,000 Adventist young people together right here in our territory! Lives will be changed, and heaven’s census increased because of it. I am looking forward to seeing how God will bless our work in this town because of the blessing of having this event in our backyard!”

To which Doug Inglish added, “I was really impressed with the facilities and with the welcoming spirit from a few people we met in the community who are looking forward to the Camporee. And the church was really willing to take advantage of this opportunity to get involved. I can’t wait to see how God blesses them for their faithfulness.”

The city of Gillette is fully equipped to host an event of this magnitude. Their recreation center, ball fields, and basic infrastructure are top notch. Truly this is a great location for Camporee!

Since our visit, the local church in Gillette has already started a Pathfinder club! They are excited for the opportunity to minister to the young people and their families in their community. They will be investigating and praying for other ways to minister to the inquisitive folks in Gillette and extend to them a hand of fellowship. This church is on the move!

When asked what his impression was of the camp site area known as Cam-plex, Mickey Mallory said, “To be able to see the location of the Camporee caused me to dream of what it is going to look like next summer. In my mind, I could see over 55,000 Pathfinders worshiping Jesus on those grounds. And some of them even surrendering their lives to Jesus in baptism. Wow! What an amazing experience it will be! The words God spoke to Moses came to mind: take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground (Exod. 3:5).”

—Brandon Westgate is the RMC youth department director. Photos supplied.

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