12 Jul


RMCNews and Eli Gonzales – Gillette, Wyoming … The Rocky Mountain Conference was well represented at the Fourth of July celebrations in Gillette, Wyoming, with over 65 Pathfinders from seven different clubs marching in the day’s parade. The Pathfinders presence in the parade is part of community involvement and to gain awareness for 2024’s International Camporee in Gillette.

Tyrone Douglas, director of church ministries and youth director at Mid-America Union, remarked, “It was truly a blessing to participate with the Rocky Mountain Pathfinders as we followed in the footsteps of Jesus and mingled with the residents of Gillette, Wyoming, for their July fourth parade. I am looking forward to the International Camporee in 2024.”

“It was a delight for our Pathfinders to join the Gillette, Wyoming, fourth of July parade. A gentleman asked about our uniforms, and he smiled and saying he’d been reading all about [Pathfinders] and the “Adventists,” commented Alex Rodriguez, associate director of Voice of Prophecy from Loveland, Colorado.

He continued, “At the parade, I was shocked at the attendance—both sides of the street were packed with people cheering and clapping for our Pathfinder clubs. It’s a blessing to run a club and to participate in weekly activities and campouts. But for me, this Gillette experience captured the essence of what Pathfindering can be—not just an internal ministry, but a way to make positive inroads into our communities demonstrating the beauty of what the Seventh-day Adventist Church is and can provide for families worldwide.”

The day did not come without its challenges, as there was rain that day. But Jenny Hansen, a parent and club staff member of the Golden Adventist Church Pathfinders said, “It was a great experience! I am so glad my family went. You wouldn’t believe how many town people came out in the rain to see the parade. Even got to mingle with some of them and let them know who the Pathfinders are. And that we serve the Living God.”

—RMCNews and Eli Gonzales is the RMC club ministries associate executive coordinator. Photos supplied.

06 Jul


Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers,
for by so doing, some people have shown
hospitality to angels without knowing it.
– Hebrews 13:2, NIV

A translation of the above text in The Message paraphrase of the Bible caught my attention and unleashed memories from my early days at my parental home. Be inventive in hospitality, I read in Rom. 12:13 (MSG).

Memories. In my parents’ home, you could not miss an embroidered towel adorning the kitchen wall. It was made of white linen with a flowery navy-blue thread stating plainly: Guest in the home, God in the home.

These were simple words with a gigantic message!

Good homes are always crowded with guests, and with them come all those joys that are missing when they are not with us. My mother often says that angels visit good homes. They come in disguise. Good hosts always know when they come.

Since childhood I have learned to welcome guests at the doorstep, and I keep asking myself whether any of them are from … another world? Childish thoughts, perhaps, but real and my very own.

As children, we often had guests “up to our ears,” as we say. But we would soon be quietly reminded to look at the towel in the kitchen. “If you don’t like the first half of the message, contemplate about the other part!” we were told.

A preacher—a genuine distinction from the designation pastor and slowly becoming an endangered species in the Western world—once told me that he seldom invites people to his home because he wouldn’t be able to do justice to the hospitality he enjoys while visiting his flock. Strange, right? As if everyone had to judge our Christianity by the color of the tablecloth on our dining table. But there is something to ponder about this. Could this be a picture of an insulated, boxed-in, and formalized Christian attitude, perhaps? Hoarding or hiding your gift means living in isolation.

Strangers in our lives are the involuntary targets of our attitudes—love and lack of love; kindness and harshness; hospitality and indifference. What great achievement is it when my love is only shared with fellow-Christians? Consider that a choice group of friends and acquaintances may limit the available blessing.

Hospitality is a name. Spiritual gifts? Faith. Healing. Proclamation. Reconciliation. Peace-making. And Hospitality.

God gave us a church community, and he gives us tools to tend it. But our task is measured by how we look after the vulnerable, homeless, and voiceless …

Hospitality is a name … It is given to those who care for the least of these, God’s brothers and sisters.

—Rajmund Dabrowski is the RMC communication director and editor of NewsNuggets. Photo by Pexels.

05 Jul


RMCNews – Denver, Colorado … Reporting to the Rocky Mountain Conference Executive Committee, June 26, Darin Gottfried, RMC VP for finance, said that local church giving is up by 28.32% from 2022.

Gottfried also said that the Conference “is currently experiencing a very slight financial gain this year, mostly due to expenses being significantly under budget so far.”

Gross tithe is currently down by 1.66%, a decrease of $126,404 from 2022. If windfall tithe is removed from the calculation, base tithe is up by 7.15% or $500,591 from 2022. The Conference received $626,995 in windfall tithe year-to-date in 2022.

The Mid America Union and the North American Division continue to have a very strong tithe year with the Union being up 3.95% and the Division being up 9.33% this year.

“We praise God for the many ways the Adventist Church is being blessed and pray for guidance as we work through challenges as well. I am so thankful for all of the members of the Rocky Mountain Conference and for all those that support their local Church and Conference,” Gottfried expressed.

In his report, Mic Thurber, RMC president congratulated the educators for another successful end of school year and graduation and wished restful summer break to both students and teachers. With 2023 camp meeting season in progress, he shared his appreciation for interest, energy, and fire to organize them locally. He informed that, at the conclusion of camp meetings, the Conference leaders will participate in Town Hall meetings in several locations.

Doug Inglish, RMC VP for administration, reported on pastoral openings and shared that presently six churches are in the process of pastoral search. He also shared that a new tool from Adventist Risk Management is available, and the Committee voted it to be a regular part of the hiring process allowing the Conference to determine if a candidate is insurable based on their work history.

Inglish also stated that a policy will be presented for a vote that will standardize the process for groups to achieve company status and then church status.

A special presentation was given to the Committee by Ryan Teller, executive director for integrated marketing communications at Union College. He presented plans to change the institution’s name to reflect their status as a university. The college is considering name change to UNION ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY, a leading name. No final choice has yet been made.

The Committee voted to approve Northglenn Hispanic Company’s request to become a church.

Ordination credentials were also voted for Carol Hurley Turk, who has previously been credentialed by the North American Division. She will be eligible to pursue a chaplain position.

It was voted that when the building for the former Holyoke Church is sold, after retiring any debt for that church, funds will be used to retire the Revolving Fund loan for the Sterling Church. Remaining funds will be set aside as per policy.

Doug Peterson from Colorado Springs Central Church was voted to fill the opening position on the K-12 Education Board left when Jason Tuzinkewich stepped down from the Board.

It was voted to decline a request from the North American Division to have access to our e-Adventist records for the purpose of sending gifts to newly baptized members. Instead, we will work with them to find ways of getting those gifts out without granting e-Adventist access.

Mic Thurber presented his vision and priorities for the Conference. The publication of this report will be released in the near future.

The next meeting of the Executive Committee is planned for August 22, 2023.


05 Jul


Jasmine Miller – Ward, Colorado … The spiritual atmosphere at Glacier View Ranch (GVR) summer camp has been able to have a positive impact on campers and staff alike. Eight campers and one staff member were baptized June 30 at Glacier View Ranch.

Charles Metz, staff member and theology major from Union College, rededicated his life to Jesus and said that he was inspired to reconnect with God at camp because he has had time to “pause and reflect” and be present in a “healthy environment” with people that encourage him in his walk with Jesus.

For many staff members and campers, camp can be a temporary escape from problems at home, and, for Charles, being able to be in an environment that “presented a God that I didn’t grow up knowing and one that loved me for who I am” brought him closer to God.

Pastor Brandon Westgate, Rocky Mountain Conference youth director and pastor of GVR, mentioned that he takes time to have “intentional conversations with staff and give council about things going on in their lives.” Brandon, who walks at least 18,000 steps daily throughout GVR, loves to give “aha moments” and help them come to realizations about their true purpose. Charles mentioned that Pastor Brandon, other staff, and last week’s camp Pastor Leandro Bizama have had a positive impact on his spirituality.

Leandro, an associate pastor at Campion Adventist Church, baptized two of the candidates and was at the camp with his family. “Last week was very special. You combine beautiful, gorgeous nature, mountains, and great weather, with sharing the story of Jesus with 10- to 12-year-olds, what is there not to like about that? We enjoyed a great week. The baptism was a great celebration,” he shared.

Overall, Brandon and the returning staff said that staff morale and relationships are more positive than last summer. Brandon said, “we are all following Matthew 18,” which talks about dealing with conflict in a healthy and uplifting way towards others. He also said “creating a safe place to let staff know their opinion matters and that they are valued” is very important to a healthy environment.

Staff pastor Ashley Halvorson talks about ways she can encourage staff who may be struggling or in need of some extra encouragement by utilizing the “warm fuzzy board” that is posted in the camp’s office where staff can leave notes of encouragement either anonymous or by name. She also has created a survey for staff to fill out weekly which “gives people who are less likely to speak up about their feelings to share how they are doing and get support,” Ashley said. She is reminded that “God is the one taking care of people, not me. Because I couldn’t do it alone.”

Having a spiritual high among the staff enables them to be able to better pour into campers who might be questioning spirituality or wanting to deepen their relationship with God. Hannah Boyd, a first-year girls’ counselor, explained how special it feels to see her campers last week “make a life-altering decision” by getting baptized and know that she had an impact on their walk with God. She said she can feel the “spiritual high” within the atmosphere at camp and how it makes it easy to show God to the campers “when he is all around.”

It appears showing God’s love at camp has become a chain reaction. Feeling something of this nature seems “unavoidable”, says Charles, “even though I’ve been running a lot”, an environment with God’s love at the center is “all I’ve ever wanted.”

—Jasmine Miller is marketing and communications consultant at GVR’s 2023 Camp. Photos by Jasmine Miller and Rajmund Dabrowski.

GVR Camp staff at work: (left to right) Jonah De Oliveira (media director), Kimberley Hansen (nurse), Jade Teal (assistant camp director), and Brandon Westgate (Camp director).
The warm-fuzzy-board is an important spot at the camp. “We encourage each other and love to be appreciated,” commented one of the support card writers. (Left to right) Vanessa (office administrator) and Hanna (girls counselor).
All-smiles-cowgirls: Horse riding is one of the popular features of the camp at GVR. Horse barn staff - (left to right) Alexis, Elianna, and Sydney.
03 Jul


Sarah Hernandez – Aurora, Colorado … This year’s Literature Ministry Youth Rush in the Rocky Mountain Conference has started off strong with 19 students deciding to dedicate their lives this summer working in the Lord’s Literature Evangelism program.

Youth Rush not only consists of a summer based on faith and powerful door-to-door experiences, but of powerful life changing testimonies as well. This week’s testimonies have helped not only our students but also our leaders to realize that God is working. Testimonies from two of our students share their experience—not only about selling books, but about strengthening their own spiritual experiences.

Vanessa, 15, from Quemado, New Mexico, recently had a first door experience. After fervently praying for a first door experience, Vanessa’s prayer was answered in a very interesting manner.

Vanessa shared that one afternoon after lunch, “My leader had dropped me off at our new territory. My prayer throughout that day had been to have a first door experience. I had started to approach my very first door that evening and started to pray as I rang the doorbell. I started canvassing a man who opened the door by telling him about the books. I had thought to myself that he wouldn’t be interested and that he would just reject the books.”

“But he proceeded to tell me that he would be interested but he didn’t know if his wife was going to be interested, too. ‘Honey, are you interested in cookbooks or books to help you go to school?’ His wife responded, ‘Tell her we are not interested, and we have no time for her.’ ”

“Then he tells me, ‘Well you heard my wife,’ but then asked me where I was from? ‘I am from Quemado, New Mexico,’ I answered. He was surprised and said that he was also from there and had family still living there. After hearing this, his wife came dashing too the door with a check book in her hand and said that she couldn’t believe that I was from Quemado, New Mexico. When she heard where I was from, she immediately felt the need to donate. After looking at various books, the couple decided to donate not only for The Great Controversy, but also donated more.”

Vanessa’s experience told us that, when we really believe with our hearts, God will hear us and answer our prayers.

Mallory, 17, comes from California. She shared an experience with a lady that helped her realize that God puts us at peoples’ doors for a reason.

“I was being dropped off at a new location, and I started making my way to the second house on the street. A lady opened the door, and I gladly started to share with her what I was doing. I showed her Simply Fresh and flipped through the pages. She looked at me and was like, ‘Oh now I’ve got to get it because you showed me my favorite foods.’ I also showed her our devotional set which includes Peace Above the Storm and Lessons of Love. She was really interested in the set and asked me if I was a Christian. I told her I’m a Seventh-day Adventist.”

“We talked for a little longer and I mentioned how I had just finished high school and was going to start college in the fall to become a nurse. She smiled and was like ‘That is amazing! Now when you become a nurse, who will you be healing for?’ I looked at her and confused and smiled, puzzled by the question. I then responded by saying ‘I’m sorry what?’ She then said, ‘Will you be healing for the Lord?’ I smiled and said, ‘Yes I’d be healing for the Lord.’ She jumped in excitement and went into the house for $100 for my school. She was super excited and happy I came to her door. She gave me a hug and told me to keep working for the Lord and to not give up on becoming a nurse because I’ll be able to serve the Lord through it.”

From a leaders’ perspective, literature ministry is just as important to a leader as it is to a student. Nicholas Lesch, a Leader from Redlands, California, is on his eighth Youth Rush summer. Working in this ministry has helped him not only share the gospel and change his life but change many other people’s lives as well.

—Sarah Hernandez is the communication assistant for RMC literature ministries. Photos supplied.

The Jahn’s from Campion Adventist Church purchased Chipotle meals for our whole team.
29 Jun


By Nathaniel Gamble

Many Americans will be spending the Fourth of July celebrating with family and friends. And that makes the Fourth of July a good time for Seventh-day Adventists to familiarize themselves with the first amendment of the United States Constitution and how our view of religious liberty helps us appreciate and cherish that amendment.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

When most people read these words, they are filled with a sense of pride and gratitude for the freedoms outlined. Nevertheless, this amendment is often misinterpreted on two points. First, the phrase “Congress shall make no law” grammatically applies to all the freedoms in the amendment: the practice of religion, the ability to engage in free speech, operating a free press (including journalism and self-publishing), and the right of citizens to assemble publicly and peacefully to petition the current members of government to listen to their constituents. The reason I point this out is because it is so easy to think that the only item Congress is or isn’t supposed to make laws about is religion. In reality, Congress is supposed to concern itself with ALL of the freedoms listed in the first amendment.

Second, the expression “shall make no law” identifies the way in which Congress is to be involved with the freedoms of religion, speech, the press, and public assembly and informing the government of your displeasure: as guardian, not as dictator. According to the first amendment, Congress is to guard these freedoms tenaciously. The work of Congress in our system of government is to legislate—to make laws that govern our land. But the first amendment instructs Congress to use its law-making powers to guard and protect these freedoms, so the American people can engage in or refrain from utilizing for themselves the freedoms of religion, speech, the press, and public assembly. Congress is not to refrain from making laws about religion, free speech, free press, or public assembly. Rather, it is supposed to make laws that protect the American citizen’s ability to make decisions about these freedoms for him or herself.

What does this brief government lesson have to do with the Seventh-day Adventist view on religious liberty? Our views on religious liberty are quite expansive: we believe everybody belongs to God and that God has given everybody the freedom to choose or reject him. Consequently, Adventist practice of religious liberty has always maintained that God calls me to support my neighbor’s exercise (or not) of religion, even if I disagree with my neighbor’s choices.

God’s job is to work with each individual to bring them to the knowledge of his love for them and the salvation he has available for them in Jesus. Your and my job is to advocate and defend each individual’s decision about religion which they make for themselves. As we seek to share the love of Jesus with others, Jesus’ love will move us to do two things: support other people in their use of the freedom God gave them and, if necessary, remind Congress (and other government leaders) to safeguard this freedom for each individual.

As you celebrate the Fourth of July, have fun and enjoy your friends and loved ones! But don’t forget that the maintenance of religious freedom, like any other freedom, is an ongoing and present necessity which none of us can underestimate or pass off to someone else.

—Nathaniel Gamble is the RMC religious liberty director. Photo by Rajmund Dabrowski.

29 Jun


Daniele Fantoni – Alamosa, Colorado … The Alamosa Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted a bonfire gathering, igniting a sense of unity, and fostering deep connections among community members on June 24.

The event was an inauguration of the new fire pit built behind the church, but was more of a celebration of our community, with a delightful array of food snacks, heartwarming conversations, and memorable moments.

Attendees gathered around to indulge in the simple pleasures of outdoor cooking as the crackling fire provided a warm and mesmerizing backdrop. Marshmallows were roasted, some to perfection and some to charcoal, and delicious treats were toasted, creating an atmosphere of culinary delight that brought people closer together.

However, it was the bonds formed and strengthened that genuinely defined the evening. Friends, both old and new, came together to create memories. The bonfire served as a catalyst, drawing people into its inviting glow and fostering a sense of camaraderie that resonated throughout the gathering.

Pastor Fantoni, lead pastor at Alamosa church, and the organizers extend their sincere gratitude to all who attended, as their presence and genuine enthusiasm lit up the surroundings even more than the flames themselves. Pastor Fantoni reminisced, “This gathering served as a beautiful reminder of the power of community and the joy of coming together. And we hope this will be just the first of many! The bonfire gathering was a testament to the spirit of friendship and togetherness within our church community.”

They eagerly look forward to future opportunities to create more remarkable experiences together.

—Daniele Fantoni is pastor at the Alamosa, Monte Vista, and Pagosa Springs Adventist churches. Photos supplied.

29 Jun


Jill Harlow – Loveland, Colorado … Zeca and Cindy Santana, along with Dean and Sue Helm, recently returned from 10 days in Brazil where they met with potential new students and families and established strong connections with many Adventist schools in the capital city of São Paolo. As a result of the trip, Campion is expecting 6-12 new students from Brazil to enroll in the upcoming school year, with most arriving in January.

During their trip, they visited seven different schools where they introduced middle and high school students to Campion Academy. At the assemblies, Zeca Santana was able to talk about the experience of coming to Campion in his native tongue, Portuguese, while Dean Helm provided entertainment with his Helmdini magic shows.

Paulo Pedroso Nascimento, an international student agent with his own company, You Bet Schools, arranged for the school visits and helped connect the Helms and Santanas with students with serious intentions of studying abroad. Paulo has been the primary agent Campion has worked with since 2018 and has sent over 25 Brazilian students to Campion over the years.

In the evenings, around 20 families attended meetings at Paulo’s office to talk about specific details and arrangements. Current and former Campion students from Brazil also attended the meetings to share about their experiences.

Zeca Santana was instrumental in organizing Campion’s first recruiting trip to Brazil in 2018, and the first seven Brazilian students arrived in January of 2019. Since that time, Zeca has served as guardian for all of the Brazilians and always kept in close contact with their families while supporting the students. Many of the potential students that attended the recruiting meetings were brought directly from the families of current and former students at Campion due to their positive experiences.

A highlight of the trip for the Santanas was having the opportunity to reunite with former students and families. The Brazilian students often refer to Zeca as Vovô, grandpa in Portuguese, as he and Cindy have become like family to them. Zeca shared that parents strongly expressed their appreciation for the staff and committed to spreading the word that Campion Academy is a great place to send their teens to not only learn English, but to be guided in their spiritual lives.

Most of the students that come to Campion from Brazil are Seventh-day Adventists and their primary motivation to come is to learn English and potentially study at American universities. Fluency in English opens the doors to many job and career opportunities for young adults in Brazil, significantly affecting their future.

Dean Helm commented, “It was a great trip overall and we were very well received. It was a positive relationship-building trip with our agent as well as our current parents, and future students and families.”

—Jill Harlow is the Campion Academy communication director. Photos by Zeca Santana and Dean Helm.

29 Jun


By Liz Kirkland

Vacations are an opportunity to unwind, relax, and explore new horizons. But it’s good to remember that our Christian faith is not something we want to leave behind when we go on a trip. In fact, vacation can be an excellent time to strengthen and deepen our spiritual connection.

So how can we keep our faith strong while on vacation?

Begin with Prayer: Before embarking on a trip, take a few moments to pray and seek God’s guidance and protection, asking for His presence throughout your journey. By starting with prayer, you invite God into your vacation plans and set the tone for a spiritually uplifting experience.

Carry Your Bible and Devotionals: Make room in your luggage for your Bible, devotionals, or any spiritual reading material that inspires you. Spend time meditating on God’s Word, seeking His wisdom and guidance, and remaining connected to the teachings of Jesus even when you’re away from your regular routine.

Do Some Church Tourism: Research the area before your trip and find out if there are any churches nearby that you can visit. Attending a local church service allows you to connect with fellow believers and experience the diversity of the Christian community. After all, we, as Adventist Christians, are a family of believers. It can be an enriching experience to worship in a different setting and learn from different perspectives.

Connect with Meaningful Conversations: While on vacation, you are likely to meet people from different cultures, backgrounds, and faiths. Use this opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations about your beliefs. Share your faith in a respectful and loving manner and be open to learning from others. Our actions and words can reflect our faith, so let them shine as a testament to God’s love and grace.

Embrace the Beauty of Creation: Vacation often takes us to beautiful places, whether it’s a scenic beach, a majestic mountain range, or a vibrant city. Take time to marvel at the wonders of God’s creation. Allow the beauty of nature to remind you of His greatness and creativity. Offer prayers of gratitude for the intricate details and breathtaking landscapes you encounter and let them deepen your appreciation for the Creator.

Set Aside Quiet Time: Amidst the excitement and busyness of vacation, it’s important to set aside quiet moments for reflection and prayer. Find a peaceful spot, such as a park, a balcony, or a cozy corner, where you can spend time alone with God. Use this time to meditate, journal, or simply bask in His presence.

Practice Acts of Kindness: Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and vacation provides ample opportunities to put this teaching into practice. Look for ways to show kindness and compassion to those you encounter during your trip. Whether it’s assisting someone in need, offering a listening ear, or showing generosity, let your actions demonstrate the love of Christ.

Vacations can be transforming experiences for Christians with intentionality and a desire to grow in faith. By adding prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and acts of kindness into your vacation, you can nurture your relationship with God and strengthen your faith. Remember, faith knows no boundaries, and, wherever you may roam, you can carry the light of Christ within you.

—Liz Kirkland is a member at Littleton Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photo by Unsplash.

22 Jun


RMCNews – Aurora, Colorado … The Rocky Mountain Indonesian American Adventist Church had much to celebrate this year June 12-17 running their first Vacation Bible School (VBS) since the Pandemic. The theme of this year’s program was “Fiercely Faithful,” which was shown by the whole church working together to put on the program.

The program was led by Melva Tobing, the church’s VBS and children’s ministry director. She had a lot of support from her husband, Peter Tobing, Pastor Purasa Marpaung, and church elders Mangapul Sianipar and Grace Supriyanto. Twelve teens acted as crew leaders for each participant team.

It was also supported by a host of volunteers including 11 young adults as station leaders and 18 adults participating at the stations and coordinating the closing VBS dinner. They even had over 12 volunteers assist with preparations for the event.

Patty Rivera, the RMC Hispanic women’s ministries director and volunteer for children’s ministries, attended the event and commented, “Melva and Peter moved from California last year and were eager to do something for their new church home. Melva showed the spirit of commitment by organizing the VBS program and it was contagious!”

She continued, “The whole church was involved, and it was a feast filled with joy. The elders all had smiles. Melva directed and so many were involved, including great support from her husband.”

The program had five stations: Yeshua Gate, House of Peace, Cabana Shop, Olive Branch Cafe, Sand Pit, and the Mazan Oasis for opening and closing of the VBS. It was enjoyed by the church’s youth, 11 children from another Indonesian Adventist church, and even two non-Adventist children. Each team received a VBS t-shirt that they wore each day.

One child participant commented, “I love VBS! I made a lot of friends, and I loved going to the Olive Branch Cafe to eat healthy snacks, playing in the sand pit, and watching a movie while eating a snack in the House of Peace. I also enjoyed Yeshua’s Gate where I was able to play and pray a lot.”

A church member remarked on the day, “I love this program. It brings the whole church together working for this ministry.”

—RMCNews. Photos by Marheppy Simbolon.

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