11 May


Sue Nelson – Littleton, Colorado … Around 400 Adventurers, staff, parents, and helpers converged May 7 on the Mile High Academy campus in Littleton, Colorado, for the annual Rocky Mountain Conference Adventurer Fun Day! This year’s theme for the event was Through the Storm.

The day started off with a long parade around the grounds ending in the gymnasium for the opening program. The Adventurers then split into groups to gain patches for their sashes like “Noah’s Ark,” “Sand Art,” “Rainbow Promise,” and “Weather.”

At lunchtime, participants could choose from several food booths and build fellowship with some fun activities such as bouncy houses, an obstacle course, a memory verse table, and club flags contest. Casanova the tortoise, cared for by RMC youth director Brandon Westgate, came to visit for a while. He wasn’t much bothered by all the attention he was receiving—he just wanted to eat the grass!

Another highlight of the day was the Bug Beauty Contest and Race. Each child made a “bug” at their home club meetings and brought them to Fun Day to be judged for the “Best Looking Bug.” Each bug had wheels and bug races were held throughout the day, ending in the finals at the closing ceremonies. There were lots of prizes the first, second, and third place winners could choose from.

The day ended with the clubs with at least 1,000 points for their yearly reports receiving a special trophy.

Brandon Westgate remarked, “The day was very well organized. It was inspiring to witness the passion our Adventurer leaders have for facilitating an impactful event for our youngest club ministry members. The children and the adults all had a fun and engaging day!”

Brent Learned, RMC associate youth director, said “It was wonderful to see so many kids excited to learn, play, and grow in Christ.”

Thank you to the RMC Adventurer ministries team David Graham, Cinthyia Miranda, and Lacinda Hopkins! It truly was a “Fun Day!”

—Sue Nelson is executive coordinator for RMC Club ministries. Photos supplied. Photos of Casanova by Brandon Westgate.

11 May


Anton Kapusi – Pueblo, Colorado … Pueblo First Seventh-day Adventist Church is no different from any other Adventist church in the Conference, Union, or Division. It is blessed, however, to have members that want a mature and spiritually intelligent approach to challenges, disputes, and conflicts in their home, workplace, and church relationships.

To nurture this approach, Pueblo First Church hosted Ron Price, MA, a family and marriage coach, speaker, and author for the Family and Relationships Emphasis weekend, May 5-6. The in-person and online participants eagerly followed the worksheets as the presentation unveiled the reality of relationships.

Ron spoke of “the germs that sicken and destroy” relationships in all aspects of life, including the family, work, and church. He gave solutions to the “germs of destruction” at a retreat the following day.

Valuable techniques for conflict management and relationship enhancement were conveyed to the participants through his entertaining presentation of the content. Participants had a good time with the speaker, and frequent bouts of laughter, interruptive questions, and comments bonded participants and speaker in a unique way.

“We should not fear a conflict but use it for maturing and growth,” remarked a participant.

Having the tools to prevent and resolve conflict and knowing how to deal with emotional people and situations is invaluable. Gerry Thomas wrote on page 163 in his book Sacred Marriage: “Conflict provides an avenue for spiritual growth. To resolve conflict, by definition, we must become more engaged, not less.” This attitude and spiritual desire are what our faith community wants to experience and know.

—Anton Kapusi is lead pastor of First Pueblo Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos by Larry Downing.

Participants engaged in praise service at the Family and Relationships Emphasis weekend at Pueblo First Church.
Photo montage of participants at the Family and Relationships Emphasis weekend at Pueblo First Church.
11 May


Ana Segawa – Loveland, Colorado … Students in Campion Academy’s Spanish classes I and II presented cultural projects to celebrate Spanish-speaking cultures on May 5, Cinco de Mayo.

Joshua Koroma, an international student from Mexico, was the host for the event and dressed up in a traditional Mexican outfit called Charro. Cooking demonstration videos, performances of songs in Spanish, and even artistic reinterpretations were part of the event.

Even though learning how to sing a song in another language can be a challenge, several students took up the challenge and performed songs in Spanish. Olivia Heller, Campion junior, shared, “The process of learning and choosing a song in a different language was a little more challenging than I had expected, but it was really fun to see the cultural differences in music too. I’m not used to singing in another language, but it was definitely a fun project that pushed me out of my comfort zone.”

Isabella Alberto, a student from the Dominican Republic, presented the Bachata, a dance that originated in the Dominican Republic, with another student, Dwayne Rey. Alberto remarked, “Before my part, I was super anxious, but it turned out well. I thank Dwayne for being patient with me while we practiced and the effort he put into understanding what the steps were. I had a lot of fun practicing.”

Alberto further commented, “You don’t always get the opportunity to represent your country, your culture, so that was quite nice.”

For the ones that chose to make a how-to cooking video, they picked a recipe, recorded themselves cooking, and narrated the process in Spanish. After the presentations, the audience had the opportunity to sample the dishes the students had prepared.

Sujamis Colmenares Frank, a Campion junior and part of the audience, shared, “I thought it was all very nice because, as a Mexican, the fact that they brought some of my culture to the school made me feel very special. And the food I saw people making and sampled made me remember my mom’s cooking.”

A reception took place in the Hankins Hall Tower that had been decorated by the students using papel picado strings they had made. While students sampled the food, they could also admire the artistic creations on display to further enjoy the experience this fiesta offered.

—Ana Segawa, Campion Student News Team. Photos supplied.

11 May


By Rick Mautz

Different types of work provide varying degrees of opportunity to reveal Christ. The one that Christ often utilized in His ministry was coming close to the people and helping them to find health of body, mind, and soul and bring relief from physical suffering.

We read statements regarding this type of work that raise it to a level of “the most important,” “the right arm,” “the door for truth,” “the signature of heaven.” I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work, [see: Ellen G. White, Counsels on Health, p. 533. When reading about medical missionary work, the idea of a personal work, coming close to people to bring wellness to body, mind, and soul is repeated over and over, a work that any can do not just trained professionals].

God has blessed our church with clear instruction on how to be most effective in reaching our world and particularly in these last days. Scripture and other prophetic words tell us Gods character will be revealed through the lives of those working closely with individuals from day to day but especially as they help them toward wellness. “The world needs today what it needed nineteen hundred years ago—a revelation of Christ … Christ’s method alone will give true success [See: Ellen G. White Ministry of Healing p.143].

Health Ministry can “Light the world with His glory” or it can just give information. If we are to represent Christ in our world, then we need to act like Him in every way we can. There is no doubt that Jesus changed His world, revealed the character of His father, and was successful in restoring the image of God in those who followed Him. And now He calls you and I to let Him work through us to do the same for our world today. By studying Him, His methods, His passion, and then ask Him to work in us.

What would happen if, instead of just one Jesus changing His world, there were millions with Christ living in them. The members of every church, connecting, supporting, loving those in their family, church, work, and community. Reflecting the character of Christ and changing lives daily

One of the most important roles that we as Christians play in a world that is in the middle of a great controversy, is to reflect the character of God to those with whom we come in contact. Many are rejecting a God that doesn’t even exist just because He has been described or misrepresented by others in a light that is far from who He really is. How do we reflect Christ’s character? Do we just smile bigger, or do we go from door to door telling people we are here to reflect God’s character? Of course not, we must first connect with them in natural and meaningful ways.

This could occur in the process of life such as at work, at the store, or with our neighbors. Or we may connect through community programs that address and meet felt needs such as around health. As people see your interest in them, they will see a glimpse of God in His caring for them. But when a program is over, and they have barely started to apply some of the health principles to their life, we need to be available to support them in their struggles instead of letting them struggle and fail alone.

We do this if we expect to correct the misconceptions of who God is and what He is like. We can change this by learning how to continue to support those we have come to know Him through meaningful and ongoing support toward their chosen goals and interests.

John the Revelator saw in vision the earth filled with the Glory of God. It is not information alone, even gospel information, that fills the earth with God’s glory, it is the people reflecting His image. My prayer is that we will let Him use us in the most personal way to give the gospel through word and action and expect the unexpected.

—Rick Mautz, PT MS, is RMC director of the Rocky Mountain Lifestyle Center. For more information, call (303) 282-3676 or click here to visit the Lifestyle Center’s website, and more material on this subject. Photo by Unsplash and iStock.

09 May


Rajmund Dabrowski – Littleton, Colorado … Four and a half years ago, Nathaniel Gamble became an associate pastor at Littleton Seventh-day Adventist Church. On Sabbath, May 6, dozens of church members came to support him and witness his ordination to the Gospel ministry at the very church he attended when he was younger. They were also joined by members from churches he served or is currently serving.

“Having attended the Littleton Church as a youngster, it was great to see him being ordained in the church of his youth. Some even remembered him from those early days. It just reaffirms how important it is for all of our churches to take good care of our youth. You just never know where they will end up someday,” commented Mickey Mallory, the Rocky Mountain Conference ministerial director.

Following the service, Nathaniel said, “I was very surprised by the large turnout of people who came to my ordination, and it was a pleasant surprise.” He added that “it was incredibly special to me to see all the support I received from Aspen Park, Fort Lupton, Denver West, Lakewood Fellowship, Golden, Littleton, Mile High Academy, and the Conference office. That support and encouragement was probably the best gift of the whole service.”

The service was led by RMC leaders. Leading the ordination prayer was Mic Thurber, RMC president, and ministry affirmation was presented by RMC Secretary Doug Inglish. As with similar services, theirs was a reminder that an ordination service is not so much the bestowal of a pastoral calling by Conference leadership as much as it is the recognition by the people of God of a call to pastoral ministry that He has already given a person.

“It was wonderful to celebrate that call with so many church members, past and present,” Nathaniel, whose name means “Gift of God,” later commented.

In his life sketch, Nathaniel, a Colorado native, recalls God’s call and leading, but also his wrestling with faith and doubt for several years. “God deepened my faith in the deity and resurrection of Jesus. Since being called to the pastorate, God has shaped my ministry through two callings: to always preach the gospel and to always take religious liberty seriously by highlighting God’s character to advocate for the poor and voiceless,” he stated.

Nathaniel’s mother insisted he and his sister attend Adventist schools. “It was Adventist education that introduced me to the denomination and Jesus,” he added. Pastor Nathaniel’s mother, Debra Gamble, and grandmother, Betty Carol, attended his ordination.

Pastor Nathaniel is well-known for his scholarship in Biblical Theology. He received his Master of Arts in theology at Denver Seminary and is completing his PhD at Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “God deepened my faith in the messiahship and faithfulness of Jesus, by teaching me lessons of obedience, trust, and listening to the Holy Spirit,” he shared.

“Preach the Word is the greatest honor,” said Pastor Dan McGrath from Metropolitan Seventh-day Adventist Church in Detroit. Friendship between Nathaniel and Dan goes back to the time they met in Grand Rapids. Dan still remembers the themes and titles of several sermons Nathaniel preached at his church.

Mickey Mallory commented Nathaniel’s “insights into Scripture which have helped many to bond with Christ.”

“Pastor Nathaniel’s ordination was a testimony to the power of God. It demonstrates how, when a person is willing to follow God’s calling on their life, God can work wonders through them,” he added.

In an Ordination Response, the newly ordained pastor shared one of his favorite mission stories about two young men from the early 1700s attending a Moravian church service in Germany. David Nitschman and John Leonard Dober were listening to their pastor about a slave master in the West Indies who owned his own island and operated a massive plantation. He treated his slaves brutally, not allowing any preacher or missionary, any religious writing, or any worship service on his island. His slaves would live and die without ever hearing the gospel or that Jesus loved them.

Nathaniel continued the story, that connected him with the meaning of being a missionary for Jesus. David and John decided to challenge the situation and boarded a boat to the West Indies. As they walked onto the vessel, their families started to cry because they knew they would never see the two young men again. And, as the ship cast off and the gap grew larger and larger between the vessel and those standing on the dock, one of the young men shot his fist into the air and called across the gulf, “May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering!”

Concluding, Nathaniel raised his hand and repeated as his ministerial motto, “May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering!”

—Rajmund Dabrowski is editor of NewsNuggets. Photos by Rajmund Dabrowski.

Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director, presenting Nathaniel Gamble with his Certificate of Ordination.
Nathaniel's mother, Debra Gamble, and grandmother, Betty Carol, were in attendance at his ordination.
04 May


By Rick Mautz

No one should ever be made to feel ashamed of their body, for everybody is a miracle of God. Everyone should be treated with love, especially those who have been bruised and wounded daily for much of their life because of their weight. Having addressed this important element, the answer is not to ignore this epidemic.

I am a health educator and a follower of Jesus with a desire to become more like Him. I struggle with the desire to help those that deal with constant pain related to body shaming but also have such a high risk of death from obesity. If I have an answer for them, I want to help without causing more pain.

Everyone is not meant to be whatever weight they are without considering the extreme health risks that come with this personal condition. The risks include a significant increase in the following: many forms of cancers, diabetes, heart disease, joint destruction, chronic inflammation, and vascular disease. There is an increase in death from all causes.

So how do we help reduce the health burden, both personal and societal? The answer is not body shaming. If that were the answer, no one would be overweight because there is lots of shaming going on. We don’t need more of that.

The answer is not a simple one as each person struggling with weight has put lots of energy into losing it already. However, our society doesn’t make it easy to make lifestyle changes: from food addictions, from the food itself, and the manipulation of processed food in a way that makes it even more addictive.

Food producers spend billions to make their product even more addictive, we are bombarded with attractive advertising everywhere we turn. We celebrate everything with very addictive foods. So, even when a person tries to lose weight by making lifestyle changes, there are so many obstacles to prevent their success. We need not add to their burden and should be supportive with love and encouragement without shaming.

With all these factors, it is easy to see why it is so hard to lose weight. And yes, food addiction is as real as any other addiction, with one major difference. With a drug addiction you just stay away from the drug and the people that are using it. What if you were, for instance, someone with an alcohol addiction and you must drink some alcohol every day to live, you would never break the habit. But with food, you can’t just choose to stay away from it. You need to eat daily. You are exposed to the “drug” daily and everywhere you turn.

When talking about health in general, that should be the focus rather than the weight itself. A whole food, plant-based diet is the most sustainable approach to achieving and maintaining a normal body weight.  It will probably seem a little boring compared to the over stimulation of fat, sugar, and salt.  If making that change seems overwhelming then start by just adding more fiber/water rich fruits, vegetables, and legumes without a focus on what you stop eating.  Eating food in their more natural state rather than refined (potatoes vs French fries)

A source that deals with this issue well is Susan Peirce Thompson’s of Bright Line Eating. You can buy her book or, easier yet, watch her weekly vlogs (video blog) on YouTube. Her recommendations are very practical and helpful as they relate to an unhealthy relationship with food and provide a solution.  I don’t agree with everything that she teaches but her understanding of the neuroscience related to addictions is very helpful.  I would add to this information a relationship with your creator who is the source of all power who directed Paul to write, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

Jesus treated everyone with love and compassion as he offered healing and the power to break the bondage that enslaved so many. He will use you to do the same today.

—Rick Mautz, PT MS, is RMC director of the Rocky Mountain Lifestyle Center. For more information, call (303) 282-3676 or click here to visit the Lifestyle Center’s website, and more material on this subject. Photo by Pexels.

04 May


Karrie Meyers – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … In Martin Luther’s words, “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.”

Mile High Academy offers its students a variety of electives each year, but music continues to shine as a favorite for students. This year was no exception as more than 95 middle and upper school students participated in choir and band, not including the lower school grades. This high level of participation allows MHA to continue its music ministry with churches in the Denver metro area.

“We are grateful for our strong relationship with our local churches,” said Andrew Carpenter, MHA principal. “We have 14 churches supporting MHA, either through their children attending MHA, financial support, volunteering on campus, or teaching. It’s important to our school to share our talents with our churches who continuously provide support for our students.”

This year MHA’s music groups attended the Colorado Indonesian, Littleton, Pecos, Denver South, Newday, LifeSource Adventist Fellowship, Denver West, and Franktown Seventh-day Adventist churches. Not only did the choir and orchestras perform, but the students also lead in special music presentations, hosted student panels, offered student testimonials, told the children’s stories, and Carpenter was the guest speaker for the day.

“We were so blessed to have the middle school provide us a sermon in song, and we always enjoy having Andrew preach,” said Eleanor Kuhn, Denver West church member and MHA school board member. “We are happy to be a part of such an awesome school!”

Events such as these require extra practice time for the students. Under the eye of MHA music teacher Ismael Castillo, the students not only worked during class time, but they often had extra practice hours after school. Several students in this year’s band had never held an instrument before, and it’s never easy to blend unique voices to perform in a choir. But the students worked hard, with the support of their parents, and enjoyed being able to share their musical talents with the churches during MHA Sabbaths.

MHA parent and Littleton Adventist Church member Ami Warner said, “It was great to see my kids perform in choir at churches other than our home church. I could tell that the churches were so proud and happy to host us. It gave us a sense of connection with these other Denver area churches that we wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. I would love to see more music students involved next year, like elementary and the middle school band and orchestra.”

With only a few school weeks left, there are no scheduled MHA Sabbaths on the remainder of this school year’s calendar. However, MHA administration is already in talks with area churches to begin planning for next school year.

“We are looking forward to continuing the tradition of performing at our churches,” said Carpenter. “The warm church welcomes and connections our students make at events like these make a lasting impression in their lives. We’re excited to continue to build our music department as we move forward with letting our students’ lights shine through the gift of music ministry.”

—Karrie Meyers is the marketing and development staff at Mile High Academy. Photos supplied.

03 May


Ardis Stenbakken – Loveland, Colorado … How would you like to have met the first woman to drive from New York City to San Francisco in the early 1900s? She changed her own tires and served as her own mechanic. Or you could have met Dr. Florence Sabin who pioneered her way in medical science and made a major difference to Coloradans’ health. You could have met a lady portraying a young girl from San Francisco who wanted to be a fireman and made a difference for firemen; and Mother Jones, a significant voice for the coal miners and child workers and for whom the Mother Jones Magazine is named.

If so, you missed your chance at the Legendary Ladies performance. Well, at least you could have met someone pretending she was this significant woman at Campion Adventist Church on April 23. The performers portrayed these women in their stories, gestures, and clothing.

About 70 men and women came to enjoy this program. So many attendees stayed to visit with the performers and to tell them how much they enjoyed it. There was time for fellowship and for a delightfully catered continental breakfast.

Campion Adventist Church women’s ministries is striving to have programs and activities to appeal to all ages and curiosities and to help you grow spiritually and in your interests. Watch for upcoming events and invite your friends and neighbors.

—Ardis Stenbakken is the Campion Adventist Church communication director and is involved with Women’s and Family Ministries. Photos by Ardis Stenbakken and Kathy Aitken.

03 May


Sue Nelson – Denver, Colorado … It goes without saying that we are excited the Pathfinder International Camporee is coming to the Rocky Mountain Conference in Gillette, Wyoming, August 5-11, 2024.

The city of Gillette is expressing excitement for the Pathfinders to come to their community. Starting with the Cam-Plex, they are building a permanent stage to accommodate the Camporee’s needs and buying 600 Porta-a-John’s!

Local organizations are helping in many ways. The Chamber of Commerce, recreation center, museum, school district, and more, are opening their doors to the visiting Pathfinders. The local Walmart store has been in contact with the Oshkosh Walmart to know and understand the enormity of what they will need to handle. Take note: four of the hotels are already booked full. Gillette is getting ready!

The Cam-Plex and Gillette town tour dates are planned for May 22, June 5, September 11, and September 25. If you can plan on taking a tour, it is well worth it! They are held on Mondays so that businesses are open. Bus transportation is arranged for visitors to get out and hear what the different places are planning for the Pathfinders. These tours are free and include lunch and ice cream at the local Ice Cream Café! Detailed information can be accessed for the “Walk-Around Tours” at www.camporee.org under “Information.”

RMC is also planning to involve a few Pathfinders for the Independence Day parade in Gillette in 2023 and 2024. They will march in the parade with full dress uniforms, flags, and drum corps. We would like the community of Gillette to see what Pathfinders look like!

With the theme “Believe the Promise,” this mega-event will be centered around the story of Moses. The event is expected to have 50,000 attendees, and, currently, 10,000 tickets have already been sold with 12 clubs registered! Are you ready for the “world coming through Colorado and Wyoming?”

Rocky Mountain Conference churches and schools need to be prepared for Pathfinder clubs traveling through. Some of them will need a place to stay overnight on their way to and from the Camporee with a plan for sleeping areas and meals. Some countries are already asking our Conference for help in setting up their equipment to be ready for them when they fly in.

A contest is being planned for a pin design to represent our Conference. The winner will get a free ticket. Pin trading is a big thing at every Camporee.

There is so much to do at an International Camporee. Some 200 honors for the Pathfinders to take are planned. Among a variety of activities, the participants will hope to achieve a Guinness World Record. Expect a talent stage and, of course, there will be baptisms. Several RMC Pathfinders are getting ready to be baptized at the Camporee.

RMC is also in charge of the lost and found department and donation trailers. Pathfinders are like everyone else—they lose everything. Imagine losing your phone, tablet, computer, money, passport, keys, and more. Our staff will stop and pray with them right there that they may find their lost items.

The donation trailers will be placed at each of the nine Union exits. At the end of Camporee, all those clubs who have come a long distance and cannot take camping items back with them, will be able to donate them by placing them in one of those trailers. Those items will then be given to the local Gillette community services, like Salvation Army and others, for distribution as gifts to the community.

Clubs are actively fundraising to attend the Camporee. Some are hosting food booths at Adventurer Fun Day and Pathfinder Fair; others are holding car washes and anything you can think of to raise funds. The LifeSource Mountaineers Pathfinders had a bake-off, and the Durango Ironhorse club is having a yard sale and making “Junk Journals” to sell in June. The Colorado Springs Pikes Peak club is doing a bike-a-thon, a bake-off, and selling Butter Braids.

The Louisville club had a Valentine’s dinner and breakfast fundraisers. They have also decorated a “Giving Christmas tree” with labeled envelopes of items they needed, such as “Camporee ticket.” And the Club Ministries staff served haystacks to delegates In the August 2022 Constituency Conference meeting in Denver, Colorado. If you are interested in supporting your church’s Club, get in touch with them to see what you can do to help.

For more information and to buy tickets, go to www.camporee.org. Don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter. What a special event it will be, and one that will always be remembered. Get ready!

—Sue Nelson is executive coordinator for RMC Club ministries. Photo supplied.

03 May


Dorie Panganiban – Farmington, New Mexico … For ten new Navajo believers and the La Vida Mission Seventh-day Adventist Church congregation, the April 29 Sabbath became a truly unforgettable day.

Among those who stepped into the baptismal pool were five students from La Vida Mission, three temporary staff hired for emergency needs at the Mission this year, and two Navajo community members. Six of them have attended our Native Impact Bible Prophecy Revival in Crownpoint, New Mexico, during September 2022 series. Following the meetings, they expressed a desire to prepare for baptism and continued the Bible study series given by the Mission Outreach team and La Vida staff.

But this baptismal story unfolded as unexpected things happen to test our faith and our hold on God. On that Sabbath morning, one of the candidates, traveling with his family, had three flat tires, a mother of one of the students nearly ran out of gas, and our district pastor doing the baptism sent us a message an hour before Sabbath service saying he woke up running a high fever with a sore throat. He suggested postponing it until a later time, but the candidates for baptism and their families were coming from different places in the community and were already on their way.

Postponing it this late did not seem to be a good option. We had to try finding a pastor to baptize the candidates. The next chapter of this story unfolded with calling three other area pastors. But, with little time and short notice, none could be available. We prayed. I believe that the Lord impressed VJ, the church outreach director, that his father, Pastor Polly Panganiban, could do it being an ordained pastor. He asked him, but there was an issue to tackle.

Pastor Panganiban hasn’t baptized in La Vida since 2017 due to his physical disability. Seeing the great need, however, he was compelled and consented to do it. But he knew that he wouldn’t be able to lift the people back up from the water with his condition. A plan came together were VJ, his son, would join his father in the pool and assist him lifting the candidates. This plan was presented to our district pastor, and he was agreeable.

Pastor Polly said he was praying the whole time for God to give him strength during the baptisms, and the Lord worked everything out. It was very quiet, very solemn in the sanctuary during the baptism ceremony. The congregation prayed for both the candidates and Pastor Panganiban and were in tears seeing him do this with his son.

A La Vida staff member, who started attending our church 10 years ago and was baptized, said, “I was praying for Pastor Polly and also saying in my heart, dip me again in the water.” A Navajo woman that was also baptized said, “I had really wanted Pastor Polly to baptize me, and God granted my wish.” It all worked out well.

—Dorie Panganiban is the La Vida Mission office manager. Photos supplied.

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