19 Apr


Anton Kapusi – Pueblo, Colorado … Local congregational leaders and the leaders-to-be, along with some Southeast Colorado regional pastors, participated in the Regenerate – Church Revitalization Conference, April 14-15.

Dr. Brad Cauley, Northern New England Conference executive secretary and director for church revitalization, spoke during the opening session to those present in person and on ZOOM about the need revitalize our church life.

About 60% of Adventist churches are either in stagnation or in decline, according to the latest North American Division (NAD) statistics. His research proved that pastors and local leaders with a “turn-around” temperament and mindset, led by the Holy Spirit, could bring the necessary direction change to local churches.

On Sabbath morning, Cauley spoke about steps a local church could take to be vibrant and growing. The personal and corporate prayer life of an Adventist Christian, the mission and evangelism focus of the congregation, and the local pastor’s empowering role were some of the points he conveyed.

During the afternoon sessions, he further emphasized the need for leaders making leaders and disciples making disciples as the core value of church growth and multiplication. He called this proliferation “Hero Making,” using the simple five-step multiplication model (see: Dave Ferguson with Warren Bird, Hero Maker: Five Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply Leaders, 2018, Zondervan):

  1. I do. You watch. We talk.
  2. I do. You help. We talk.
  3. You do. I help. We talk.
  4. You do. I watch. We talk.
  5. You do. Someone else watches.

The conference participants left encouraged to turn things around in their churches. They were inspired to grow as local leaders who can make a difference in their congregations, as one participant said: “This seminar was to the point, simple, and motivational. I can’t wait to make a difference in my church.”

—Anton Kapusi is lead pastor of First Pueblo Adventist Church. Photos supplied.

19 Apr


Jana Thurber – Denver, Colorado … The Lord says: Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the rich boast in their riches. But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: That they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and brings justice and righteousness on earth, and that I delight in these things (Jeremiah 9:23-24).

After receiving a sobering medical diagnosis almost two decades ago, I vividly recall feelings of immense human inadequacy knowing my need at that moment was very great. Urgency required that I turn to the unfailing love, power, and presence of God in my life. So, while relying on the initial advice from medical professionals, I also instinctively knew I must find a promise from God’s word to daily claim to get me through the inevitable journey before me.

Jeremiah 17:14 came to mind: O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed; if you save me, I will be truly saved. My praises are for you alone!

Every morning would find me persistently claiming this promise in prayer along with praises to God for being the supreme and sovereign God of power and authority, who alone deserves praise and glory.

However, as the months went by, the negative responses in my body grew due to cumulative treatments, surgeries, wounds, and drugs I was allergic to. This admittedly took a toll on both my physical and emotional health.

About six months into treatment, I headed to my study late one morning determined to write a devotional for our students at the college week of prayer. But in my weakened condition, I was not able to do this.

So, I cried out to God and said, “God, I really need to hear some words of comfort and strength from you this morning. I am not able to get my work done at this point.”

Opening my Bible, my eyes immediately saw another text in Jeremiah 30:17, I will give you back your health and heal your wounds.

I am not proud of the response that suddenly burst forth from my mouth at that moment. “Well Lord, that’s a wonderful text! But was the daily text I have been claiming all along not good enough?”

Here’s how I know that the Great I Am, the only God of Immeasurable Power, is not phased when we ask Him hard questions. I discovered that His delight in us does not diminish one iota whether we’re on a mountaintop or in a dark valley. It’s true. I did not receive immediate healing that day. Nor did my symptoms disappear. I had to be in the fiery furnace a little longer. The difference was that I knew without a shadow of a doubt, He was standing beside me! (Joshua 1:9).

How do I know? Because that very afternoon, God proved to me that Jeremiah 30:17 was His answer to my question. I had posed daily in claiming Jeremiah 17:14! Within the hour, the postman came to my door and delivered one small package that would have easily fit in my mailbox by the road. With a smile on his face, the mail carrier handed me a tiny package and said, “This is for you!”

I thanked him, while wondering why he had never ever delivered a small package to our front door in the many years we had lived in that house. Quickly opening the package, I discovered a beautifully designed and laminated handmade Bible bookmark with colorful flowers surrounding a text that read, I will give you back your health and heal your wounds. This clearly was not a simple coincidence! God answered my plea with His word and confirmed it by the kindness of a friend who sent me the lovely bookmark before I even prayed this powerful Scripture-prayer.

Today, the God of the universe bends down from His high and holy place to search out those willing to surrender their will to their Creator, willing to personally know Him through prayer and His words. Willing to know that His love for us is immeasurable.

He says in Zephaniah 3:17, I take great delight in you. I rejoice over you with singing. We cannot trust Him too much. He is the Almighty Worker, full of divine life and power.

Christ Jesus says, I am the Vine, I will receive you. I will draw you to Myself, I will bless you. I will strengthen you. I will fill you with My Spirit. I, the Vine, have taken you to be My branches; I have given Myself utterly to you children. Give yourselves utterly to Me. I have surrendered Myself as God absolutely to you; I became Man and died for you that I might be entirely yours. Come and surrender yourselves entirely to be Mine.

And in the fitting words of Andrew Murray, “What shall our answer be? Oh, let it be a prayer from the depths of our heart, that the living Christ may take each one of us and link us close to himself. Let our prayer be that He, the living Vine, shall so link each of us to Himself that we shall go on our way with our hearts singing: He is my Vine, and I am His branch; I want nothing more—now I have the everlasting Vine.

Then when you get alone with Him, worship and adore Him, praise and trust Him, love Him and wait for His love. Thou art my Vine, and I am Thy branch. It is enough. My soul is satisfied. Glory to His blessed name!”

—Jana Thurber is the RMC women’s ministries and prayer ministries director as well as pastoral spouse support. Photo by Unsplash.

18 Apr


Adelaide Eno – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … La Vida Mission School is dusty. This was the first thing I noticed when I saw it for the first time. I knew we would be in the desert when I heard it was in New Mexico, but I didn’t expect it to be that sandy. For a place called “the life,” La Vida was pretty devoid of it.

A couple of shabby buildings and a small playground with creaky swings stood at the top of a steep road as we approached the Mission. One of the buildings was larger than the others—the gym/cafeteria/auditorium. No matter how much sweeping you did in that building, there was a permanent layer of dirt on the floor that refused to be relocated.

La Vida provided us with housing set up like dorms. The bunk bed I slept in had been around for a long time and was covered in countless scribbles. The marks seemed more numerous than the stars. That week, they were my own “starry night.”

I did not feel any attachment to La Vida. I was just hoping I would be able to get the dust out from between my toes after the ordeal. On the second day, something changed. My teachers suggested my friend, Daniela, and I help the special needs teacher who had three kids that day.

If I am being perfectly honest, I’m not a fan of kids. They’re cute. However, I don’t know what to do with them. This day, I pounced on the opportunity. Indoor classroom! Lack of invasive dust! AIR CONDITIONING!!! Story time with some kids was a small price to pay.

Daniela and I met the teacher and her kids at the entrance of the building. The teacher was very careful to make sure the door was always locked. I figured it was a school policy. We went to the classroom, and it was cluttered with all kinds of things to keep the kids busy while teaching them at the same time. During the day, Daniela and I quickly realized that the teacher was dedicated to her job. She loved the kids and did everything she could with what she had.

Most of her teaching equipment was castoffs; I had seen many of the items in the deepest corners of Mile High Academy’s storage, unused for years. She taught her students how to write their letters and vocabulary words on a chalkboard. Her letters had an infinite number of squiggles and shakes in them as she was older. Her hands were worn with the work of generations. She could easily have been old enough to retire ten years ago but, still, she taught.

Because of the nature of her classroom, her students moved at very different paces. All of them were behind. One was a third grader while another was still working up to first grade. They worked hard. Daniela and I, honestly, didn’t do much. We helped with some of the lessons, but we were practically students with them again. When we did have story time, only Daniela and I were the ones learning, not the kids.

La Vida is on a Navajo reservation, so alongside English, the kids were learning some Navajo in mostly song. We expressed interest in the language, and, in return, the teacher led us around the small school building to speak to the other teachers. They taught us the National Anthem and gave us the lyrics of songs like Jesus Loves You in Navajo, and the students even sung for us. All the teachers showed their love for the kids, and Daniela and I weren’t to be left out.

Though we had only known the kids for a little while, we were charmed by them. They had wonderful manners and were sweet as honey to us. They showered us with the enthusiasm that only children have. Their innocence and joy touched our hearts, and we were practically ready to stay at the Mission forever. Their smiles were like the sun.

Then came our story time. While our teacher read, we doodled. I’m a little artistic and one of the kids noticed. He watched me draw with wide eyes and scootched a bit closer to me. “It’s so pretty,” he said quietly. Then he took my paper from me and started to draw too. He traced his tiny, chubby hand and made it into a hand turkey. He made a couple of stick figures and accompanied it with his scratchy signature. I had to squint to tell what it said: “I love you.”

Well, shoot, I already loved him too.

How is it that kids can break through every barrier we ever put up? Love is supposedly a special word that we only give to a few people. It’s a treasure that’s held close to our hearts. But when the kid told me he loved me, I believed him. I believed him because of the way concentrated on making his letters perfect. I believed him because of how he laughed when we played tag on the playground and how proud he was when he caught me. I believed him because kids don’t need to save love for certain people. That’s their gift. They haven’t learned not to love everyone.

And, in my opinion, they shouldn’t.

If he had learned not to love, I wouldn’t have understood why La Vida was named just that. Life. It wasn’t about having new buildings or the quality of their stuff. It wasn’t about enrollment. It wasn’t about the location. It was about the kids. The kids gave La Vida life. The kids were La Vida.

I’m going back to La Vida. I hope I get to see the kids again, and I want to see the teachers. Together, they taught me.

Not to mention, now that it’s in hindsight, I don’t really mind the dust. Weird how that works.

* La Vida Mission, located near Farmington, New Mexico, is an independent ministry not affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference.

—Adelaide Eno is a sophomore student at Mile High Academy. Photo supplied.

13 Apr


Eric Aakko – Brighton, Colorado … A unique series of Bible character monologues were presented at the Brighton church, April 8.

The sanctuary was nearly at full capacity with guests and members attending the Easter program. Eight members recited monologues representing different Bible characters who were present with Jesus either before or after His crucifixion. The program was conceived and directed by Letha Hoos, Heather Blaire, Kathy Baker, and Michelle Morrison.

“We wanted to do a special production that was both inspirational and showed Christ’s love,” said Letha Hoos. “We were delighted to find scripts that were already written and would fit within the worship time period.”

The Bible characters ranged from “the rich young ruler” to Lazarus’s sister, Martha, to Mathew, the former tax collector and disciple of Jesus. The program also featured narration to create context for each scene and special music before, during, and after the monologues.

—Eric Aakko is the lifestyle medicine program director at Brighton Adventist Church. Photos supplied.

13 Apr


Sandy Hodgson – Denver, Colorado … “Change is the only constant in life.” What Heraclitus is quoted to have said in the 6th century is still true today. However, we serve a God that changes not (Malachi 3:6).

The Rocky Mountain Conference office of education is amid change at several schools throughout our region. There are openings for head teachers in Alamosa, Grand Junction, and Farmington. Campion Academy, HMS Richards, Mile High Academy, and Vista Ridge Academy are looking to hire new and/or replace teachers and staff that are transitioning out of the Conference.

Don Reeder, principal at Campion Academy shared, “So, yes, it is part of the spring life at a school replacing openings that come up. And, for many years, it would just be discouraging to me. It can be overwhelming at times. How am I going to replace this person? Lately, though, I’ve been watching how God has blessed us with bringing in the right people. And I’m trying to do better at viewing this time of year as more of, ‘Hey, what is God going to do’ moment and ‘who’s he bringing in to be a new part of our team?’, part of the Campion family. And so, from that aspect, it’s quite exciting.”

At the North American Division year-end meetings in October 2022, Adventist education was a focus topic on how to support through some of the challenges our division is experiencing. Many teachers are nearing retirement age, yet our colleges and universities currently graduate a low number of education majors, many less than 10. The current NAD job postings for K-12 positions in North America are more than 250.

The RMC office of education recently presented a strategic plan with RMC departmental leaders. The plan will strengthen the components of the mission of education in the Rocky Mountain Conference to 1) connect students to Jesus and prepare them for His soon return in the learning process; 2) connect students to the purpose God has for them through authentic learning experiences; 3) collaborate with churches, pastors, and RMC ministries to be an active center for evangelism; and 4) actively support the growth of RMC ministries and churches by utilizing the skills and competencies of the Rocky Mountain Conference office of education.

“I am grateful for the community and leadership that support each school. Each and every position is lifted up in prayer as we see seek God’s leading in our schools,” commented Diane Harris, RMC Superintendent of Education.

—Sandy Hodgson is the RMC education assistant director. Photo by Rajmund Dabrowski.

13 Apr


Toby Quillin – Loveland, Colorado … Scenes from the death and resurrection of Jesus were brought to life in the annual Journey to the Cross celebration on Campion’s campus April 8. Over 600 visitors attended the Easter event featuring a Jerusalem marketplace and a dramatic reenactment of the story of salvation.

The drama portion was directed by Pastor Leandro Bizama and Erin Johnson. Viewers followed Jesus through five scenes including the Triumphal Entry, the Garden of Gethsemane, Pilate’s Court, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection. The scenes were narrated with the actor’s pre-recorded audio and featured live music.

Janey Padilla-Reyes, who participated in the Journey before, reflected, “I liked how, this year, we walked with Jesus through the scenes, and the live music was a good touch too. It impacted my life personally because I felt like I was there with Jesus while he was going through this journey, and it demonstrated how much he went through just for me.”

The production was repeated five times throughout the afternoon to accommodate the number of visitors, with a Spanish version as a new feature this year.

Visitors started the journey at a recreated Jerusalem marketplace located in the HMS Gym, organized by Natalie Barton together with many volunteers from the Campion Church. Each person was given golden coins to spend at booths or give to beggars. In traditional middle eastern garb, vendors sold a variety of goods including scrolls with Bible verses, clay lamps, grape juice, bread, and fish. The Roman Army patrolling the village even had a booth to draft new recruits.

Geraldy Marvel, a senior at Campion Academy, volunteered as an actor in the marketplace. “Seeing all the happy faces and just having a great time interacting with many people was such a blessing. One of the booths I helped with was selling grape juice: the finest in all of Jerusalem! It was an amazing experience, and I had a great time being a part of Journey to the Cross,” Marvel concluded.

Over 120 volunteers from Campion Church, Campion Academy, HMS Richards School, and other area churches worked hard to put the afternoon together in a way that would be remembered by everyone. Erin Johnson commented, “This was our best year yet in Journey to the Cross. We had an amazing team that collaborated for months, and I’m so glad people were blessed by the program.”

—Toby Quillin, Campion Academy Student News Team. Photos supplied by Campion Academy eNewsletter.

13 Apr


Jacque Davis – Montrose, Colorado … Baptisms are being planned for the evening of March 15 at the Montrose Adventist Church. On that evening, Evangelist Tim Rumsey from Pathway to Paradise Ministries*, will be completing his outreach series entitled Revelation Unfolding. “This 25-part series has been a huge blessing to our church and community,” comments the church’s Pastor Nathan Cranson. The presentations were also live streamed at Montrose Seventh-day Adventist Church on YouTube.

Attendance has averaged around 50 attendees in person and nearly 20 others joining remotely. “It’s an amazing the sense of community that is created when people come together to study the Bible five nights a week for a whole month,” Cranson commented. “It is a good sign when you have to start turning off the lights to get people to head home after every meeting. What sweet fellowship!”

In the words of Ellen G. White, “One soul won to Christ will flash heaven’s light all around him, penetrating the moral darkness, and saving other souls. Thus two, five, ten talents will accumulate and double. This is not an exaggeration. If Christ left the ninety and nine, that he might seek and save the one lost sheep, shall we be justified in doing less?” (Monthly Missionary Reading, May 9, 1908, par. 7)

The Montrose church is planning for three people to be baptized this coming Sabbath. “Having a Revelation series is always an act of faith. You spend so much time planning and praying and [spend] so much money advertising,” reflected Pastor Cranson. “You then wonder if anyone will show up, and, if they do, you wonder if anyone will continue attending the meetings. And then, as the series winds down, you see once again the power of God’s Word in action, and you are reminded why we do what we do. God is faithful!” he added.

*Pathway to Paradise Ministries is a supporting ministry not affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference and is a member of Adventist-layman’s Services & Industries (ASI).

—Jacque Davis is communication secretary of Montrose Adventist Church. Photo supplied.

12 Apr


Vanessa Alarcón – Aurora, Colorado … If you haven’t had the pleasure to meet my father-in-law, Pastor Jose Alarcón, here are a few words to describe him: joyful about evangelism. He has been in ministry for the last few decades and recently accepted a calling to pastor the Aurora First Seventh-day Adventist Church in Aurora. I recently had the chance to sit down and interview him.

When asked to describe himself, Jose describes himself as a pastor that loves the Lord. “I take the call that God has given me very seriously,” he remarked. “God called me for this.” Jose shared he hadn’t always accepted his call into ministry. Before studying theology, he studied to be a travel agent. When an airline would not accommodate Sabbath observance, he took that as the nudge he needed to accept God’s call. “I was being Jonah,” he chuckled as he reminisced.

Jose graduated from Atlantic Union College with two bachelor’s degrees: one in Theology and another in History. He began his ministry as the chaplain of Greater New York Academy where he taught History, Bible, and Spanish. Afterwards, he pastored in various conferences including the Northeastern Conference, Southern New England Conference, and the Central California Conference. In the midst of his pastoral ministry, he obtained his Master in Divinity from Andrews University and also served as the Hispanic coordinator and executive secretary of the Southern New England conference.

Reflecting on his time in ministry, he shared about the times he has seen the Holy Spirit work. “I can never forget how God wants his kingdom to be expanded.” While serving as a Bible worker at Atlantic Union College, Pastor Jose gave over 100 Bible Studies. “I got to see how God works through the Bible studies and see those who made decisions for baptism.”

Jose sees much value when a pastor and church work together in ministry. “To me, I see evangelism as the door to the kingdom. When members work with a pastor and create a plan to reach others, that to me is amazing to see how God uses everyone. Even the person who cleans the church, everything is geared towards [evangelism]. It’s like oil machinery.” He cited his late mentor, Pastor Francisco Ramos, who helped develop his desire for administration and evangelism. “If I have been able to help an individual stay connected or connect to Jesus, that is an amazing step. It doesn’t always have to end in a baptism, but, if they are connected with Christ, the Lord will connect that person.”

Jose is enthused about starting to work with the Aurora First church. He has an evangelism plan called EKG: Expanding the Kingdom of God, a multi-phase approach that puts in the church’s heart to expand the Kingdom of God. Future efforts include starting prayer teams, evangelism teams based on Numbers 11, and small groups. “Prayer is the launching pad for all of this; it’s like the head of the spear.”

A key characteristic of the Aurora First church is the diversity of culture among the membership. “It’s a church with people from so many different countries. I love cultures, and I’ve kept in mind how to integrate varying cultures into my sermons. The church seems excited to work, and I am here to help the church grow and expand.”

Jose has just as much enthusiasm for evangelism as he does his love for his family. Jose is married to Dina Alarcón, to whom he’s been married for the last 35 years and who he met in their hometown of Agudilla, Puerto Rico. “She’s my eighth-grade sweetheart!” Jose proudly shared. Together, they have two adult sons, Ricky, and Steven. “I had a very special and close relationship with my dad. I try to be the same kind of father for my kids. I think they recognize that I really love them.” During his free time, you could find Jose watching baseball, specifically cheering for the New York Yankees. “I have a prodigal son somewhere that’s a New York Mets fan.” I laughed, knowing he was talking about my husband, Ricky. My response was, “I know which son. I know him very well.”

While he is the newest addition to the RMC ministerial family, one thing is for sure, Jose’s warmth and enthusiasm for ministry is one I have witnessed since day one—a passion he has carried for decades of his ministry. I’m certain it will continue through his ministry at the Rocky Mountain Conference.

—Vanessa Alarcón is elder and church clerk at Boulder Adventist Church. Photo supplied.

11 Apr


Ella Jean Albertsen – Loveland, Colorado … If you look closely at the Campion Adventist Church organ, you will find a plaque reading, “In Memory of Mrs. Beverly A. Wheeler Donated by Student Association and Church Members. 1970-71.”

What is the tragic story behind this donation? Mr. Wheeler was the Campion Academy music teacher, and his wife Beverly was the registrar. In April of the 1968-69 school year, he was following the school bus with a load of students on the way to Lincoln for college days at Union College. The van was involved in a fiery crash somewhere just east of Greeley, Colorado. Mrs. Wheeler and a girl (not from Campion) were killed. Other students were seriously injured. The Wheelers had two young children, Debbie and Greg.

Funds were collected and the organ was donated a couple of years after her death. This organ has served Campion Church well for over 50 years, but it has reached the end of its useful life without major repair and expense. The church again thanks the Wheeler family for this gift in honor of the wife and mother of this beloved family.

Campion has been gifted an organ from a member in the Denver area. This organ has MIDI capability which the organ professionals say is highly desired. The installation of this newer organ will happen this spring.

This story was gathered from interviews with Bill Hay, a student at Campion 1968-69, from Mary Hedger whose sister-in-law was a student in the crash and experienced a broken back, and from Jeane Robinson, faculty member and friend of Beverly in 1969.

—Ella Jean Albertsen is a layout editor for Campion Connection newsletter. Photos by Ella Jean Alberstsen.

Mrs. Beverly A. Wheeler
11 Apr


RMCNews – Denver, Colorado … The Rocky Mountain Conference Executive Committee adopted policy guidelines for managing the relationship between RMC and organizations who are not of our brand (supportive ministries), entitled “Independent/Supporting Ministries: Guidance for Engaging in the Relationship.”

We asked Douglas Inglish, RMC vice president for administration, to explain the practical aspects of the policy.

NewsNuggets: The policy covers a need to protect your organization from those who are not of our brand. Which independent organizations is the policy talking about?

Douglas Inglish: The key point is ownership and control. We’re not talking about non-Adventists. These are Adventist people who have ministries that are designed to support the mission of the church, but they are not owned or governed by the church. They are owned or controlled by a member of the church but not by the Seventh-day Adventist Church or any of its entities like the Conference or a local church.

NN: Is this a new policy?

DI: It’s kind of new for everybody. It grew out of a fairly recent court case, and this policy comes with a strong recommendation from Adventist Risk Management. The entanglements between one of these ministries and the Conference were so thorough that the judge said, “you’re effectively one organization.” Every time they would go into one of our churches, they would raise money which was funneled through the local church accounts. They would come to camp meetings and not indicate they were a separate organization from the conference. The conference publications referred to them as an Adventist school in our territory. And then, when they got sued, of course they didn’t have the deep pockets. The church did. The attorney representing the plaintiff named the church in the suit, and the judge said, “you’re effectively the same organization and that’s been upheld.” The current settlement of the court case is in excess of $50M has a potential to top at $100M or more. This is serious.

NN: Since it was recently adopted in the Rocky Mountain Conference, you must have been getting questions. 

DI: Yes, a number of them. Let me give you an example or two. Some of them are based on a complete misunderstanding. “You mean I can no longer give to organization X, Y, Z?”  Of course, you can. You know, we don’t control who you give to or not, but you give to them on the same basis that you would give to a charitable organization that has nothing to do with our denomination. You give directly. But you can’t give a check made out to the local church and instruct the treasurer to send part or all of it to the supportive ministry.

Or “you mean I can’t invite this ministry to my church?” Yes, you can invite that ministry to your church if they are a part of ASI organization [Adventist-layman’s Services & Industries], or ASI eligible. ASI does a good job vetting supportive ministries, and we have confidence that, with rare exceptions, their members are trustworthy. Not all groups who are eligible choose to be ASI members, so, if they are not, we need to do some background checking.

But we must manage that event by making it clear to everybody this is not a part of the Rocky Mountain Conference. That is not a value judgment, it is just to protect the organization. There are a lot of fine organizations, some of them located within our territory, such as La Vida Mission. We just have to clarify, number one, it’s not the Rocky Mountain Conference. And number two, we can’t collect for them. And number three, we can’t endorse them. Endorsement can be something as simple as keeping their literature on hand. They can pass their literature out, but we don’t keep it around after they’re gone and continue to let it be out.

Technically, we can endorse a supportive ministry, but only if we thoroughly vet that organization ourselves to ensure that they meet the standards we have for ourselves. For example, we must ascertain that they’re paying all their workers appropriately, that all employees are eligible to work in the US, that their buildings meet local codes, that they are regularly audited, that they’re not practicing medicine or law without a license, etc. And we would have to keep checking on those matters.

We simply don’t have the resources to keep up with all of that, so we just don’t endorse supportive ministries. When they come to churches, schools, camp meetings, etc., it is to report on their own work on matter where they share a mutual interest with us, such as education, medical work, outreach, etc.

NN: Some may be wondering how to relate to an organization with an Adventist church on their premises. How do we manage such a relationship?

DI: There is a good way to manage that, really. Within RMC territory, we only have two of those entities. There are a couple others that have an interest in using our facilities, but that’s a really a different situation. What you’re referring to is when we have a congregation that meets on their property.

Both the La Vida Mission Church and the Eden Valley Church are congregations just like any other congregation. It’s like Boulder or Cheyenne or Grand Junction or Palisade. It’s a church. It’s one of the churches of the Rocky Mountain Conference. And it has a membership: church officers like a clerk and a treasurer and it has a budget, etc. They just happen to meet on the premises of one of these supportive ministries. The way that we manage that is that we have a contract, a lease agreement signed by both parties that recognizes we’re two different entities, and we have a contractual relationship.

I’m glad we’re making taking steps to protect both entities because it works the other way too. We don’t want some independent ministry getting sued for our actions. If we’re too closely entangled, that could happen.

Really, all of these efforts are to maintain a separation such that a court can’t hold one party responsible for the actions of the other. Some have raised the question of whether this is a religious liberty issue, but that’s not the case.

NN: A “religious liberty” issue? Please explain.

DI: Well, we can call anything we want a religious liberty issue, but that’s not the case because we also have to obey the traffic laws. That’s not a religious liberty issue. And it’s not that anybody wrote up a new law here. This is what we call case law; in that a court determined two entities were entangled so much that they effectively acted as one.

So, our reaction is to prevent that finding again. That’s why we’re doing it. It’s not a religious liberty issue. There is no law that says we can’t take up an offering and funnel it through our accounts and give it to a supportive ministry. However, it isn’t prudent to go out and do anything we want to just because it breaks no law. There may be a tort involved, meaning one entity or the other has caused harm to a person and the court is going to award the victim a settlement. Both entities could get dragged into it if they are so closely associated that the court sees them as one. That’s why we’re creating some distance.

But most of the reaction when people find out about the need for separation is at a more personal level. “I don’t really understand it. I used to be able to just write a check and drop it in the offering plate. Our treasurer would forward.” Or, “Why all the fuss to bring in a speaker who has been here before, and we never had a problem. Why does the Conference have to clear him first?” The short answer is that we can’t afford to lose a lawsuit, so we are finding ways you can still invite that speaker and still support his ministry while showing separation.

NN: By adopting this policy, the church is sending a message to our local churches. What, in particular, you would like to emphasize? 

DI: The message is not in any way meant to imply we don’t like certain groups. We do like them, and we recognize they’re doing the good work. We want to make sure that we manage our relationship with them in such a way that neither party is going to become liable for the actions of the other.

[The policy] is trying to protect everybody involved. And it is a lot of learning. It’s a new way of doing things. It’s not intuitive. The old way of doing things was not only familiar; it was intuitive. This isn’t, so we must learn a new way.

I would like to emphasize again, while it is possible to continue to have positive interactions with such ministries, it is necessary to guard against entanglements which courts can interpret as making us equally liable for the actions of other ministries. The policy states: “These guidelines are designed to help [RMC employees and institutions] assess whether access should be granted to an independent/supporting ministry, and if so, what safeguards must be in place to protect us from liability for their actions.”


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