27 Feb


Tiffany Mogaka – Lincoln, Nebraska … The Campion Academy boys and girls varsity basketball competed at the annual Union tournament over the February break to top off the season. Ten academies, including a team from Denmark led by Campion alum Richard Bass (’20), joined in the four-day competition at Union College.

Despite the challenge of traveling in cold and snowy conditions, the teams made it safely to the tournament, riding in the new Campion bus. Both Campion teams arrived at Union and played their first game on the same day.

The overall champions of the tournament in the Thunderdome Division were the Sunnydale Academy girls’ team and the Midland Academy boys’ team. The Campion girls’ varsity team emerged as champions, taking first place in the Clocktower Division.  Mile High Academy took first place in the boys’ Clocktower Division.

Team Captain Lindsey Smith, a senior, shared, “I’m so glad I participated in my last tournament as a senior at Campion. It was so exciting to receive the trophy and celebrate with my teammates. I’m proud of my girls and the team we’ve become. I’m honored to have played with each of my teammates this year.”

Damaris Lopez, sophomore, stated “I was a little tired from the eight-hour bus drive, but playing on the court gave me so much energy and excitement. I’m glad I got the opportunity to play again this year.”

The Campion boys’ varsity team finished in fourth place in the Clocktower Division. Team Captain Ekenna Nwankwo said, “Even though we didn’t win a ton, the tournament was still really fun. Overall, I think it was a really good experience regardless of how the games went. There was still improvement in our play despite the outcome. It was great watching us grow as a team.”

Boys’ varsity coach Carlos Santana reflected, “I am very proud of this year’s team. Last year the varsity team didn’t win a single game. Yet this year we were able to have a winning season. This is a tremendous jump, so I can only imagine what next year will look like. We have a young core where our starting five consists of three sophomores and two Juniors. This means that we have a foundation to build on for next year.”

Santana continued, “What I loved most was watching this team grow into what it is. Only they know how much work was done not only together at practice, but what each individual player did to get better. They really made my heart smile!”

—Tiffany Mogaka, Campion News Team. Photos provided.

27 Feb


Steve Schwarz – Cedaredge, Colorado … When the church gathers on Sabbath morning, you never know who may be listening. Not all the listeners are inside the building if the worship service is being streamed online.

Rachel Williams, a Gen Z young adult and a leader in the Cedaredge Adventist Church, looked into the faces of the worshipers as she began her February 18 sermon, “Preparing, Not Fearing.” She could see that they related as she shared questions she had from her own experiences, like an ill-fated mountain climb in Alaska, and answers she had discovered from her search in God’s Word.

Rachel identified fear as something resulting from life’s “rough patches” and “everyday problems” as well as concerns about a future “time of trouble.” She said we must not minimize trouble, but face it with the faith of Jesus.

At Rachel’s invitation, the sermon took the form of a dialog. She asked the congregation to respond to two questions in turn. First, “The faith of Jesus, what does it look like to you?” And then, more personally, “What does you having the faith of Jesus look like?”

A church member’s Millennial grandson from out of town was in church. He told his grandfather that he enjoyed the interactive discussion. And he confided that it could be applied in his own life.

After church, one Boomer said the sermon was “a home run!” And a Gen-Xer agreed.

As the congregational dialog was going on, another Millennial slipped into a pew. The highlight, among highlights of worship, was when he said he had been watching online and had to come to join the conversation. He stayed for lunch.

The preacher of the day, Rachel, observed, “Churches, no matter how small, need to consider putting their services online, because you do not know how many people might want to watch.” Or maybe show up.

—Text and photo by Steve Schwarz, pastor of Delta and Cedaredge Churches.

27 Feb


Sue Nelson – Lincoln, Nebraska … Two Pathfinder teams from Rocky Mountain Conference won first prizes at the Mid-America Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE), which was held on February 18 at the College View Church in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Aurora Las Aguilas and Loveland Cougars had both received first place at the RMC Finals in Denver on February 4, which allowed them to move to the Union level. Out of the sixteen teams representing Dakota, Central States, Kansas-Nebraska, Iowa-Missouri, Minnesota, and Rocky Mountain Conferences, a whopping 10 teams received first place recognition to advance to the NAD level!

The Loveland Cougars had an unusual experience in-route to Lincoln. One of the Pathfinders had a severe allergic reaction to a medication and had to be taken to the Ft. Morgan hospital by ambulance where she was admitted overnight. This put half the team behind and unable to reach Lincoln on Thursday as planned. The doctor at the hospital happened to be an Adventist and offered his home to the family. On Friday, the Pathfinder was released, and they were able to continue to Lincoln where they joined the rest of the team that evening.

Alex Rodriguez, Pathfinder director, explained that an hour or two after arriving at the Airbnb, “another one of the team members began to complain of severe abdominal pain. With little explanation for why the pain was occurring, the Pathfinder was also rushed to the ER. They returned to the house around 2 a.m. with very few answers. The pain continued Sabbath morning and it was touch and go whether the team would be able to test with their full roster. By noon, the pain had reduced enough that they felt they could endure it and made plans to join the team.”

Rodriguez explained that the team showed up for testing with frazzled nerves, a bit numb, and sleep deprived. “They weren’t themselves the first half but were able to relax for the second half. Through the grace of God, they remembered what they have been diligently studying and scored high enough for first place.”

The competing teams are made up of 2-6 Pathfinders in full dress uniform, and a club may have more than one team, explains Sue Nelson, executive director of RMC Club Ministries. “Within each team, there is a captain, scribe, alternate, and a runner. The captain makes the final decision on the answer to a question. The scribe writes the team answer on a paper, and the runner takes their answer to a table of judges on the platform, who then grades the answer, which scorekeepers then record. Those getting 90% of the top score, receive first-place standing and can move on to the next level.

The questions are written by the NAD PBE staff. Each level (area, conference, union, national), has questions which get progressively harder.”

According to the pamphlet, “How to Guide Pathfinder Bible Experience,” from the North American Division Pathfinder Ministries, “The purpose of The Pathfinder Bible Experience is to promote and encourage in-depth Bible study and memorization by Pathfinders, so their understanding of scripture will increase and their relationship to Christ will grow.

Each team competes against a standard, and all who perform to the designated percentage advance. Meeting together adds a sense of excitement and an additional level of adrenaline that spurs participants on to higher levels of recall. Yet any and all can advance, based solely on their efforts.”

Both participating RMC teams are now eligible to attend the North America Division (NAD) PBE, April 21-22 in Tampa, Florida.

“We wish both teams success at the Division level,” stated Sue Nelson, “as they continue to study the Gospel of John, as well as the Andrews Bible Commentary on the same book.”

—Sue Nelson is executive coordinator of RMC Club Ministries. Photos by Judith Lopez and Venus Douglas.

Aurora Las Aguilas Pathfinder Team
Loveland Cougars Pathfinder Team
23 Feb


Doug Inglish – Denver, Colorado … The summer before I began graduate studies at the University of Arkansas, money was tight. By the time I finished a teaching contract in June, no summer jobs were available, and my graduate-fellowship money would not become available until classes began in late August. Our meager savings were eaten up by moving costs. Susan, my wife, could not find a job, and the only work I could find was at a temporary employment agency. Every morning, I would call at 6:00 a.m., and they would call back if they had work for me that day. I was fortunate when I got two or three days of work a week.

One evening, Susan showed me that our checkbook balance came to $12 and some cents. We had little food in the apartment, rent was due the following week, and the utility bills would come after that. It was clear that something had to happen now, or we would not last until school started.

That night when I said my prayers, I kept them shorter than usual. “Father, I’m in this place because I heard You call me to graduate school. We have no more money. I have been faithful with my tithe, and You promised You would take care of me. It’s time for You to keep Your Word.”

The next morning, I didn’t call the agency. They called me at 5:55 a.m. “Doug, we have a job for you. It’s twelve hours a day, seven days a week, which means plenty of time-and-a-half pay. It lasts all the way until school starts for you in the fall, and you start as soon as you can get here and pick up your timecard. Do you want it?”

It was Tuesday, and I figured I could get in four solid twelve-hour days before they fired me for not working on Sabbath. “You bet!” I shouted, racing out to my VW Bug almost before I hung up the phone.

The work was miserable. I broke up concrete all day with a jackhammer. The only respite from that bone-jarring work came when I had to push a wheelbarrow full of rubble onto a truck. At the end of the first day, they fired one of the temporary workers for not hustling on the job, perhaps to make a statement to the rest of us. So, I really put my back into it, hoping to last to Sabbath. 

Friday, after I clocked out, I went to the foreman. “Sir,” I began with what I hoped was a tone of conviction, “I am a Seventh-day Adventist, and tomorrow is the Sabbath. I won’t be here to work, but I need this job. Will I still have it on Sunday?”

He cocked his head to one side and said, “The job is for seven days a week.” When he said nothing more, I pressed the issue. “Can I come back Sunday?” He shook his head and said, “I don’t know.”

With no more assurance than that, I kept the Sabbath. When I clocked in Sunday morning, the foreman said nothing. After another painful week with the jackhammer, I approached him again on Friday.

“I am keeping the Sabbath again tomorrow. Will my job still be here for me Sunday?”

He gave me the same quizzical look he had the week before and then said, “If it is going to be this way every week, I’m not sure we can use you.”

With nothing to lose, I again asked, “Will you take me on Sunday?” Again, his noncommittal “I don’t know” ended our discussion.

Every Friday I told the foreman I would not be in on the Sabbath, asking to be back Sunday. He never gave me any more assurance of work than a simple “I don’t know.” But, he never fired me when I returned on Sunday morning.

As it turned out, my arthritic knee couldn’t keep up with the pace all the way until school started, and I had to quit. But, by the time it gave out, Susan was working and my overtime pay was enough to carry us to the start of graduate studies.

Knowing such a God who answers so suddenly in time of need and sustains so faithfully when we have no other assurance, how could we deny His claims on our time or finances?

I know the blessing of tithing, and I know the blessing of the Sabbath. I commend them to anyone willing to receive them.

“Them that honor me I will honor.” (1 Samuel 2:30 NIV)

—Doug Inglish is the RMC vice president. Published with permission from Over & Over Again. Photo by iStock.

23 Feb


RMCNews with Erik Stenbakken and Leandro Bizama – Loveland, Colorado … Several dozen Campion Adventist Church members and Campion Academy students attended a 5-part video series entitled, New Freedom to Love, February 8-11. “After producing the original content more than four years ago, it was an honor and privilege to present it at the Campion church,” said Erik Stenbakken, host and producer of the series.

According to Leandro Bizama, associate Campion Church pastor, the church’s Evangelism Council and Family ministries worked together to provide the five-video series to our church members, community, and students. “Several parents, couples, young adults, and students came to the meetings. Personally, I saw it as a way to start a much-needed conversation in our church, school, and family,” Pastor Leandro said.

“Everyone in Loveland makes a big deal about Valentine’s Day, so we thought this would be a good time to try to start a conversation about the subject of love, sex, and porn,” he added.

Even though there was a lot of information and having a frank conversation about porn is not easy, the resource is useful in bringing awareness and talking about important subjects.

The seminar’s web page provides astounding statistics about the problem of pornography today: there are 68 million internet search queries for pornography each day and the top five porn sites in the world have a combined 17.73 billion visits per month. The pornography scourge affects 77% of Christian men ages 18-30 who view porn at least monthly. Thirty percent of pastors report they have visited a pornography site within the last 30 days, and the average age of exposure to porn in the U.S. is 11 years old and dropping.

The video content, created by North American Division of the Church, was made to be a stand-alone workshop that anyone can run, and it worked just as designed! Erik presented a short intro to each section, then ran the video for each of the five main presenters. The presenters included Mike Tucker, Faith for Today and Mad About Marriage TV series speaker on marriage and relationships; Bernie Anderson, pastor, speaker, and coach for men; Dr. Celeste Holbrook, Christian Sexologist and speaker for women; as well as Troy Beans, speaker and coach for youth/young adults.

“After each of the sessions, I had at least one person come up to me and say something like, ‘I’m so glad our church is doing something about this!’ ”

“Another attendee expressed surprise and said they were ‘glad that the material was presented in such a positive way. No shame. Focusing on God’s ideals,’ ” Stenbakken added.

Two “Grow Groups” were formed at the same time as the workshop was held. One group is tackling addictions in general and using a specially organized version of Ellen G. White’s Steps to Christ, which flows parallel with the 12-step recovery programs of today. One group was formed to support and grow men through sexual addictions. Both groups are led by local members.

Campion Academy students attended three of the five sessions and were very attentive and focused. “How focused, you might ask? During Mike Tucker’s presentation there was an audio glitch, and we could see Mike talking, but no sound. Immediately, the Campion students called out, ‘Stop! Pause the video! Go back! Fix it!’ They *really* wanted to hear what Mike was saying about how to live a life with true love and relational fulfillment.”

After the meetings, the church offered two small groups as a follow up, one following the Steps to Christ Recovery Edition, which combines the 12 steps of AA recovery programs with each chapter of the book, and the other, designed specifically for men to find support and accountability using the 7 Pillars from the Pure Desire ministry.

—RMCNews with Erik Stenbakken and Leandro Bizama.

23 Feb


RMCNews with Kim Dallum – Arvada, Colorado … Arvada Adventist Church has two Street Beat programs aimed at ministering to homeless and getting them off the streets. One program prepares and serves food on the third Sabbath of the month at the Salvation Army men’s shelter.

Another weekly program serves those who have had to “shelter in place” due to the COVID pandemic. When asked about the efforts of the Street Beat ministry at Arvada Adventist Church, lead pastor Dr. Gordon Anic commented, “[These programs] are part of our church’s mission to alleviate suffering, both far and near.”

When the monthly Street Beat program was on hold due to the pandemic, donations began to pile up. Kim Dallum, head of the Street Beat programs at Arvada, started cooking on a weekly basis to avoid wasting those provisions. People soon joined her, and the Street Beat team has been cooking up a storm every Tuesday since. They began by visiting people in their temporary shelters, tents, etc. and giving them hot, homemade food and bottled water. The team also gave out clothes and blankets when they were available. They were able to expand to include the men’s shelter along with the people who were homeless.

With God firmly at the head of this committee, and as the Street Beat team talked about the programs in all areas of their lives, they were blessed to meet and partner with others in the community who shared their mission. They met a woman who wanted to feed people in Wheat Ridge but couldn’t do the cooking. The team made an extra 50 meals every week for her to collect and distribute to encampments to the west.

The team also received a call from a man who had heard about their program from “a friend of a friend.” He and his wife cook for and feed 75 people weekly on the streets of Lakewood from their own kitchen. They quickly began sharing resources and information with each other.

Kim recalled, just recently, God to two women’s shelters: one for women who are survivors of domestic violence and one for survivors of sexual trafficking. “The Street Beat team has opened their arms even wider to encompass them,” she explained.

Kim remarked, “So many people have touched me. What I remember the most is the number of people who have cried when I handed them something delicious. But there was one woman who approached us, looked very eagerly at what we had to offer and asked, ‘Can just anyone eat?’ I told her that this is God’s food and we’re just the servers. She cried when I handed her a plate, and I cry whenever I think about her and her question. Our group clings to Matthew 25: 35-40 and John 21: 15-17.”

“All God’s children are our brothers and sisters in need of love. The Arvada Street Beat team witnesses miracles every week and all agree that we receive so much more than we give. What a blessing to be His hands and feet,” Kim said.

—RMCNews and Kim Dallum. Kim Dallum heads the Street Beats and Medical ministries at Arvada Adventist Church. Photo by Pastor Gordon Anic.

23 Feb


Courtney Hass – Denver, Colorado … In 2006, Global Health Initiatives (GHI), an international outreach program supported by the five AdventHealth Denver-based hospitals—Avista, Castle Rock, Littleton, Parker, and Porter—began a partnership with Mugonero Adventist Hospital in Rwanda to extend the healing ministry of Christ. The objective was to advance healthcare capacity there by sending clinical and surgical teams several times a year, providing leadership training and educational opportunities, offering financial support for building projects, and much more.

After several years of project development and sending teams to Rwanda, GHI expanded their services to include one of our most popular programs—the clubfoot sponsorship program.

Thanks to generous donors around the world, GHI is excited to share that they have supported 101 children through the clubfoot sponsorship program! These children are now living life with fewer limitations and hope for a better future.

In Rwanda, some 500 babies are born each year with clubfoot. Geographical and resource constraints prevent many children with clubfoot from getting treatment, condemning them to a life of poverty and disability. Beginning in 2009 with a 13-year-old boy named Emmanuel, the clubfoot sponsorship program invited donors to sponsor a child in need of clubfoot surgery that they would otherwise be unable to afford. The sponsorship is in collaboration with Rilima Hospital, the leading pediatric orthopedic facility in Rwanda. It covers all costs associated with their medical care including surgery, rehabilitation, food, accommodations, check-up appointments, travel expenses for the families, and so much more.

One of the most common questions the GHI team receives when talking about the clubfoot sponsorship program is, “Why are there so many children with clubfoot in Rwanda?” The answer is simple, “There aren’t.” The medical professionals in Rwanda aren’t trained to recognize and address this issue early. Responding to such a need, GHI has also grown to include a training program called, Ponseti Method. This method addresses the need to treat clubfoot early through casting instead of surgery. Since 2012, the collaboration has trained more than 200 healthcare professionals, including physicians, physical therapists, and nurses to perform the serial casting, educate the parents, and follow up to ensure a successful outcome. Each trainee returns to their home district and sets up a clubfoot clinic to promote sustainability of the program.

“The clubfoot sponsorship program is a special extension of our partnerships in Rwanda,” GHI director Greg Hodgson shared. “These children go from living with a horrible stigma tied to their condition, to having their communities and families accept them. This program completely changes the trajectory of their lives and I feel so honored to have played a role in helping these 101 children—not to mention the children impacted by our Ponseti Method training—to have a more hopeful future.”

For the 101 patients already treated, for the staff at Rilima and GHI, for the donors that chose to support this program, and for those that have had the opportunity to travel through Rwanda, visit this facility, and return home to share their stories, the clubfoot sponsorship program is thankful. This program is life changing and we can’t wait to see how many lives we’re able to impact in the coming years!

—Courtney Hass is the Development Officer at Global Health Initiatives, Rocky Mountain Adventist Healthcare Foundation. Photographs supplied.

16 Feb


Marsha Bartulec – Erie, Colorado … A transformation is taking place at Vista Ridge Academy this year under the school’s theme, from little seeds grow mighty trees, which has set the tone for this transformation. After announcing teachers experiencing promotions, career changes, and relocations, the school decided to shift the part-time teaching principal position to a full-time principal position, promoting then vice principal Marsha Bartulec to this new role.

Principal Bartulec quickly went to work with her team and hired three new teachers and two new teacher assistants for the 2022-2023 school year. At the same time, the Rocky Mountain Conference department of education had cast a vision for all schools within the conference to transition to standards-based learning within the next three years, giving VRA a new goal to reach.

Since the end of last summer, the VRA team has been collaborating with the education department and other schools within the Conference, to make a path forward in order to realize the vision set by the department. The VRA team has received professional development in a variety of areas, including standards-based learning (SBL), building a strategic plan, growing a positive staff culture, and implementing the High Reliability Schools (HRS) framework.

During the month of October 2022, Bartulec and lead elementary teacher, Rachel Fetroe, attended an HRS workshop with other educators from the conference in Orlando, Florida, getting up to speed on HRS standards.

“In January 2023, the VRA leadership team, which included the early childhood teacher, Sandy Hepp, lead elementary teacher, Rachel Fetroe, and lead middle school teacher, Taryn Clark, attended the High Reliability Schools Summit in San Antonio, Texas. The team caught the excitement at the keynote sessions and were engaged in the many breakout sessions,” Bartulec said.

“Attending the SBL training with Marie Alcock last summer changed everything I thought I knew about teaching. She started me on a different path of thinking,” said Clark.

“When I attended the HRS conference, I learned further steps on how to implement my learning. I’m so thankful for the dedication of the Rocky Mountain Conference to the professional development and continued learning of teachers,” she added.

The importance of teacher-wellness was a theme that permeated the whole event. Sandy Hepp commented, “Within the first ten minutes of attending Tina Boogren’s breakout session, ‘From Surviving to Thriving: Wellness Solutions for Educators,’ I was hooked. I kept thinking, ‘How can we implement this at VRA for our teachers?’”

The team also witnessed the first Adventist school, Northwest Christian School, receiving certification for the High Reliability Schools framework, Level 1. Rachel Fetroe commented, “The HRS framework is organized, structured, and easy to follow. It gives us a path of what to implement, so we can be successful with student learning.”

“When we have healthy teachers, our students will thrive,” Bartulec commented. “The teachers are growing physically, mentally, and spiritually.”

In the current school year, the Vista Ridge Academy team is focusing on the following initiatives:

  1. Building spiritual and emotional intelligence for teachers.
  2. Casting an administrative vision.
  3. Writing the VRA playbook (operational systems).
  4. Building a safe, supportive, and collaborative culture.
  5. Ensuring effective teaching in every classroom.
  6. Designing a guaranteed and viable curriculum.

According to Learning Forward, a learning professional association, teacher wellness has an impact not only on educators as individuals, but also on the overall well-being of the young minds they care for.

James Clear, in his book, Atomic Habits, writes, “If you can get 1 percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done. Improving by 1 percent isn’t particularly notable—sometimes it isn’t even noticeable—but it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run. The difference a tiny improvement can make over time is astounding.”

For nearly ten years, Vista Ridge Academy has been making improvements, resulting in an enrollment growth from 56 students to 110, a debt reduction from more than $200,000 to about $100,000, the creation of a positive culture, and team collaboration.

When reflecting on these remarkable results and looking forward, Bartulec believes Vista Ridge Academy is witnessing God’s hand in the growth of our little seeds into mighty trees.

Marsha Bartulec is the Principal at Vista Ridge Academy, a preschool through eighth grade private school located in Erie, Colorado. Photos provided.

15 Feb


RMCNews – Loveland, Colorado … Campion church associate pastor of worship and evangelism Leandro Bizama, composed a theme song for a Revelation series in the fall of 2022.

“After thinking about the book of Revelation for several months, knowing we were going to be studying it for several weeks in the fall, I sat down to write a song,” Leandro explained.

“It needed to be Bible-based and communicate the most important points of the book—Jesus, His love for His bride (that is us), the urgency of His message (fear the Lord, come and drink, wash your robes) and the promise that soon we will be completely His and swallowed up in His embrace,” he continued.

The song quickly became a favorite for the congregation and one that they wanted to share. Please click here to find the full video, lyrics, and sheet music if you would like to include the song in your praise worship or just want to be blessed by the message. It is available as four-part harmony and as lead melody.

Pastor Leandro said, “I hope that as you sing and hear the song, your heart is inspired to join the Universe in recognizing the supremacy and love of Christ.”

—RMCNews. Photos provided.

Watch full music video below.

15 Feb


MHANews – Highlands Ranch, Denver … The Mile High Academy gym came alive on February 12 for the first annual Adventist Robotics and FIRST Lego League Superpowered Robotics Tournament. Adventist Robotics was founded in 2004 and operates the FIRST robotics tournaments and STEM engagements for Pre-K through twelfth-grade students across the country.

In the weeks leading up to the February 12 tournament, students were encouraged to design, build, and code a LEGO robot with the intent that the robot can navigate through missions and innovative solutions to real-world problems. Teams were given two and a half minutes to complete missions with their robot. There were fifteen missions to choose from, and the teams developed their strategy to see which missions would score the most points. Not only was it a challenge to get the robot to complete the mission, but it was a huge opportunity for the teams to showcase their teamwork.

“To get through robotics, you need to learn from your mistakes, use teamwork, and stay positive” said Natalie, HMS Richards student.

The day started at 7:30 a.m. with check-in, coaches’ meetings, and time for each team to prepare for the competition. The teams went before a panel of three judges to introduce their robot and present [solutions] on a problem that they were tasked to solve in relation to energy production and storage.

“My favorite part [of the tournament] was presenting the innovation project to the judges,” said Josh, an MHA seventh grader.

Sponsored by the Mid-America Union Conference, Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC), and Mile High Academy (MHA), four teams from Brighton Adventist Academy, HMS Richards, and Mile High Academy participated, with the hope of winning the Champions Award and an invitation to the Adventist Robotics championship in Orlando, Florida, later this year.

Awards were given in five categories. The awards and recipients are as follows:

  • Core Values Award: MHA Team A
  • Innovation Project Award: HMS Richards
  • Robot Performance Award: MHA Team A
  • Robot Design Award: Brighton
  • Champions Award and Invitation to Adventist Robotics Competition: MHA Team B

Even though Brighton didn’t receive the Champions Award, seventh-grader Fidel reflected, “I was excited for the event. It was definitely a learning experience for next time and what we will improve upon the second time around. It was a great experience for everyone, and the teams helped each other now and then. We were proud of our accomplishments.”

Mel Wade, director of Adventist Robotics and technology coordinator for the Florida Conference, worked directly with MHA in the months leading up to the tournament and attended the event too. His role at Adventist Robotics is invaluable as he shares his knowledge and oversees robotics tournaments across the United States. He commented on the first MHA-hosted tournament, “I think it was a very successful first tournament. Lots of nerves with the kids but I think having the morning to work out the kinks really helped. I know the presentations were hard as, [for] a lot of them, this was their first time doing a formal public speaking presentation, but they all did great.”

“I was so impressed by the collaboration and spirit of each team,” said Diane Harris, RMC director of education. “The staff and volunteers that came out to support their schools speaks to the beauty of the Rocky Mountain Conference. A special thank you to Mr. Wade and his dedication to making robotics tournaments happen in our Adventist schools.”

Harris went on to say, “We are excited to host the tournament again next year and continue to watch this tournament grow for years to come.”

To view the robotics tournament, visit www.milehighacademy.org/msrobotics. For more information about Adventist Robotics, www.adventistrobotics.net.

—MHANews. Photos submitted.

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