01 Feb


Ciara Felix – Loveland, Colorado … Getting up at 5:30 a.m. on January 22 for a seven-hour road trip by bus to Union College offered Campion seniors a fun beginning to get a taste of life in college with Preview Days. 

Following dinner at Union Market, the group engaged in a scavenger hunt around downtown Lincoln. Their first day included free time in the Student Center with participation in activities such as pool, ping pong, and catching up with Campion alumni now attending Union.

Ana Segawa, one of the Campion students, commented, “I really enjoyed the scavenger hunt because it was a great opportunity to see what it was like outside of the college campus. I was curious since I had never been to Lincoln before, and the fun thing was that we got to see so much of downtown in such a short period of time, while running around like crazy and competing to win the game.”

The seminars they attended the next morning gave them tips on how to pay for college and they met with professors and advisors based on their individual interests. “I enjoyed talking to the different professors and learning more about the career I might study in the future. They gave me great advice and helped me out a lot,” said student Nimsi Quinonez. 

The fun of Preview Days at Union ended with lunch in a popular HuHot Lincoln restaurant, and the final leg of their trip included a seven-and-a-half-hour-long bus ride back to Campion. 

“Although the trip to Union College was fast and furious, it was a great experience spending more time bonding with our class, getting to see Lincoln, and to experience college life up close,” concluded student Haley Beckermeyer. 

—Ciara Felix, Student News Team. Photos supplied.

01 Feb


Anton Kapusi – Pueblo, Colorado … Angels of Kindness ministries at Pueblo First Church started out of love and care for the homeless in our city. Ernie and Carol Reynolds were inspired to provide hot meals, warm clothes, water, and toiletries to those on the streets or other underprivileged in Pueblo. 

From the very beginning, the vision was that this ministry would be supported by individual donations from church members and willing hearts. After acquiring the necessary permits for the use of Mineral Park, the ministry began, and for the last sixteen years, it has been running strong, serving as many as a hundred and twenty individuals a day. 

Covid19 considerably interrupted the ministry of the Angels of Kindness, but, under the new leadership of Mike Marquez and Joey Perrin, the ministry not only revived, but expanded into a new area of the city. Bessemer Park, in the downtown area of Pueblo, has become the second area of outreach for the Angels of Kindness. The new area allows for meeting new people and impacting even more lives. The new leadership has also purchased a twelve-foot-long enclosed trailer and incorporated the ministry with that of Adventist Community Services (ACS) while welcoming more volunteers and willing donors.

Presently, the ministry is at Mineral Park every second Saturday and at Bessemer Park every fourth Saturday of the month. As lines form and people wait, the volunteer staff serves not only a hot meal and a sack lunch, water, toiletries, socks, underwear, blankets, sleeping bags, and tents, but also engages in conversations, prayers, and even Bible studies with those in need. As some staff serve, others sit down at tables and eat with the guests listening to their stories as they open up and get ready to receive Christ. 

Speaking of judgment day, Jesus expressed in one of His parables how the King (God the Father) will measure one’s faithfulness: Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ ” Matthew 25:34-36. While the primary goal of the ministry is to feed and care for the homeless, it can’t shy away from sharing the bread and water of life that is Jesus Christ. This is another victory for Christ and His Kingdom, as we serve our neighbors while serving God.

—Anton Kapusi is pastor of the Pueblo First Adventist Church. Photos supplied.

30 Jan


Karrie Meyers – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … For decades, Mile High Academy (MHA) has prided itself on its ability to offer various foreign languages. This school year, with an anonymous donation, MHA has expanded its foreign language offerings to include Mandarin for its middle school students.

A local Adventist pastor connected Mile High Academy with Excellerate Learning Academy (EXLA), a family-owned business founded October 2017 that is committed to providing language programs to schools across the country. EXLA gives schools, parents, and students the opportunity to immerse themselves in learning a foreign language through interactive activities, games, movement, and cultural appreciations.

Said Lorraine Saintus, EXLA chief operations manager, “As Adventist business owners, we are excited to partner with Adventist schools such as Mile High Academy. It has been a pleasure working with the MHA administration and with the teaching staff. This connection is important for a successful partnership. And, most importantly, we always ask God to give us wisdom so we can assign the right teacher to each school.”

Proctored by MHA teacher Jayme Blaire and taught live via Zoom by Shu Yin Chen, MHA’s middle school Mandarin class meets every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Chen has been teaching Mandarin for almost 30 years, both in her home country of Taiwan and in the United States. Under her guidance, the students are learning fundamentals such as greetings, pinyin, tones, and strokes. They are also learning about culture and holidays.

“It is important for students to learn the language, culture, and history of China to allow them more global opportunities as they move forward in both their education and career paths,” said Chen.

According to a recent study by Statista, Chinese (Mandarin) is the second most spoken language in the world, and is the third most spoken language in the United States. Mandarin is often considered one of the world’s most difficult languages to learn, taking hard work and determination.

MHA eighth-grader, Alaina commented, “It is a unique opportunity to learn a new language. Learning a different language is also beneficial because it can be a fun challenge.”

With several months remaining in the school year, Chen is excited to watch her students continue to grow and is grateful for the support she has received from her MHA colleagues. “The students are very dedicated to learning and are engaged in class. I am so thankful Excellerate Learning Academy selected me to be part of the MHA team.”

—Karrie Meyers is the marketing and development staff at Mile High Academy. Photos provided.

25 Jan


Eeheon Ryu – Highlands Ranch … On January 13, Mile High Academy Upper School students participated in Service Day. The now-annual event is in memory of Mya Pena, an MHA student who passed away in January of 2020. This year, Service Day was held on campus with plenty of serving opportunities for all. As written in the Gospel of Mark 10:45, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Students, divided into four groups, rotated among the service opportunities provided. From cleaning school buses, to writing thoughtful cards, to packing homeless kits, to making snacks for friends and neighbors, students were able to use their God-given talents to share the love of Jesus.

Students collaborated on cleaning out the school buses as Coach Camacho helped right alongside. At another station, students worked together to make Puppy Chow snack mix. In groups of three or four, they made the sweet snack which they could give out to others as a show of gratitude and kindness. At the letter-writing stations, students wrote personal notes for any of the following purposes: letters to include in the homeless bags, caring notes to Mya’s family, condolence cards to a school that just lost one of its students, thoughtful letters to Mrs. Maxine Gerst, a beloved former MHA teacher, and notes to staff members at the school. Many touching and uplifting letters went out that day.

The highlight for most students was the homeless kit-building station, where socks, toothpaste, snacks, and other essentials filled a large zip-lock bag. Students went home with one bag that they can personally hand out to a person in need.

In the spirit of collaboration, first graders came with sweet cards for each upper school student and even sweeter donuts.

The day ended with pick-up soccer games. Addie, a sophomore student, commented, “We chose soccer because it was Mya’s favorite sport. She would have loved this.” And though most students watched the games, some preferred to relax in the commons playing chess and other board games to end the day. 

—Eeheon Ryu is a freshman at Mile High Academy. Photos provided.

25 Jan


Kari Lange – Loveland, Colorado … Students at HMS Richards Adventist School celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 16, by taking half the school day to serve others in their community.

Students in grades K-2 delivered about 50 handwritten border sheets with verses of encouragement in the nearby neighborhood. Those who came to the door were greeted with, “Happy MLK Day and Peace Begins with Me.” Each person they met was shocked to see 20 students at their door and so thankful and appreciative of their time. 

Some students in grades K-2 joined with grades 3-4 and drove to Berthoud to sing praise songs to downtown businesses and pass out more border sheets with Bible verses of peace and hope. The students received a huge round of applause at Cocina & Cantina Mexican Restaurant as their voices echoed through the restaurant singing, “You are My All in All.” The Kofe House was about to close, but they were happy to let them come in to sing. As the students left, a young man expressed how much he needed to hear the song the students sang. 

At RE/MAX, the owner sang every word of “Jesus Loves Me” with the students. The ladies at the salon just listened with great smiles. The pharmacists at Berthoud Drug were in awe and ever so thankful for the music. It was such a blessed day not only for the students, but for all the chaperones as well.

Students in grades 5-6 went to downtown Loveland to hold up signs of encouragement on street corners and pray with people passing by. They got positive honks, cheers, and many thank yous. Students Tryg Sorensen and Conner Jahn prayed with a homeless vet in a wheelchair. The man then talked to Roger Hagen, a chaperone, and said he would really like a hardcover KJV Bible. Roger has it ready to give to him when he sees him again. After the man spoke with them, student Chloe Lange approached him, not knowing he had already prayed with Tryg and Conner, and asked if she could pray with him. His prayer request was to find a dollar or two so he could get something to eat or drink. As soon as Chloe finished praying, to everyone’s amazement, a dollar bill came floating down from the sky and landed at his feet.

Students in grades 7-8 passed out free hot cocoa and handmade ornaments at a local King Soopers. Carey Jordan, the school’s teaching principal, commented, “So many people were surprised when we offered them our handmade snowflakes. They couldn’t believe that 7th and 8th graders were giving them a kind word of encouragement and a gift without expecting anything in return.”

Some people tried to donate money, but students turned it down knowing that this was a special day, a day to give to the community, not take from it. Some comments of those who came by their table were, “Wow! Thank you! True kindness like yours comes only from God,” and “If it wasn’t too awkward, I would give you a big hug,” as stated by an older lady with tears in her eyes to one of the students.

Here are some reflections by some of the 7th and 8th grade students:

“Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted everyone to know how special they are and that it is our Christian responsibility to help people know that. Today, we showed people the true purpose for MLK day in our words and actions.” – Elin Sorensen

“I realized that today we made the world a better place by showing kindness. We didn’t deliver a speech to thousands of people today, but we did bring a smile to their faces, which in turn makes the world a better place.” – Ben Nelson

“We chose to share kindness to everyone, even if they didn’t accept it … that is love.” – Grace Balbin

May we all share Jesus’ love, promise, and hope for His soon return. May we, every day, be a blessing to those around us and let them know that Jesus loves them.

—Kari Lange is the grades K-2 teacher and vice president of the HMS Richards Adventist School. Photos provided.

25 Jan


RMCNews – Littleton, Colorado … The Littleton Adventist Church gathered on January 21 to welcome and pray over their new pastor, Godfrey Miranda. The church had been awaiting a new head pastor since the summer of 2022. The dedication prayer was led by Darin Gottfried, RMC vice-president for finance, along with the team of elders at the church.

When Pastor Godfrey was asked what called him to Littleton Adventist Church, he remarked, “After much prayer and reflection as a family, we really sensed that God was opening up this door for ministry.” His hope and direction for his ministry there is to partner with families in discipling young people, deepening a transformational relationship with Christ, and exploring ways that God has uniquely gifted our church to fulfill the Great Commission in the Littleton community.

Brodie Philpott, head elder at Littleton Adventist Church, remarked on the pastor search. “The last year has been quite a journey for our church, but one that God has shown His leadership through. We thank the Lord for bringing Pastor Miranda to us, and we fully believe that the Lord has shown him to be the person He has chosen for us. We also realize that his move to Littleton left a hole with a sister church in our conference, and we extend our arms and love to them and pray the Lord brings them their next leader as well.”

Pastor Miranda started his pastoral life in the Rocky Mountain Conference in 2016 when he helped plant a church in Castle Rock, Colorado. He was pastor at the Fort Collins Adventist Church before coming to Littleton Adventist Church. He shares his life and ministry with his wife Debbie and children Genna, Jadon, Jacob, and Giselle.

—RMCNews. Photo by Liz Kirkland.

25 Jan


By Heather Colburn

I never stop being amazed at all the ways that God finds to answer our prayers. Most recently, He planned a huge answer to prayer for our family BEFORE we even prayed it. And He even did it with a sense of humor! 

At the beginning of this school year, I had gotten a teaching job that was online and very flexible. I was excited to have some freedom this year while our kids were back in school. I had it all planned: some working, some exercising, time for errands, maybe even a little free time once in a while.

Then just 4 days before school started, I got a call from a friend who is the principal at a small Christian school in Fort Collins. She still hadn’t found a teacher for one of her classes. She wanted to know if I would consider this last-minute position. Even though I had been looking forward to only one online teaching job, I asked her more about the position. Her answers actually made me laugh out loud! 

You see, I am an elementary teacher. God created within me the love of working with young kids. I like fourth grade and below, but most recently I have discovered a love of teaching Kindergarten. It’s pretty amazing teaching kids how to read! 

Well, guess what position my friend needed to be filled ASAP? It was teaching science, which was my very worst subject when I was in school. And it was for middle school students: grades 6th, 7th, and 8th. You really can’t get further from my abilities and experience than to ask me to teach middle school science classes! 

Long story short: I said yes to the job. I prayed and thought about it so much and felt in my heart with certainty that I was supposed to take this job. The funny part was that this didn’t make any sense to me. Why would God want me to take a job that I wouldn’t like, that was beyond my experience and what I love to do? 

I found out a few months later exactly why He placed me in that school at that time. I’m sure it was partly to help my friend and to help the middle school students, but even bigger than that, He knew that one of my own kids needed to attend this school. I would never have known that part-way through the first quarter, we would need to make a dramatic change for our son Carter because his school situation was not healthy for him. I had never even visited this new school before so it wouldn’t have been on our radar for Carter. We would’ve been stuck without a Plan B when Carter needed a new school option.

The beautiful part about this story is that before Rande, my husband, and I even prayed for an answer to Carter’s school dilemma, God had already provided an answer! He placed me in what I thought was the most absurd teaching position so that I could be ready to prepare the way for Carter to join me at that school. 

Carter has been at this new school for only a couple weeks now, and I have seen God’s hand in so many ways already. From the sweet kids in his class, to the teachers, the workload and schedule, this school was hand-picked for our son by God. The way that He led Carter here was not a path I would have ever chosen or thought of, but I can see now how He was leading us here all along … even before we asked. 

I hope this experience reminds you how God loves you so much, that He already has a plan for you and a solution before you even ask for His help. You can trust Him with what comes next! I have seen this year His incredible providence to be at least 10 steps ahead of me, always ready with what He knows my family will need next. We are so loved and tenderly cared for to serve a personal God like that! 

Isaiah 65:24: “Before you call, I will answer. While you are still speaking, I will hear.”

Heather Colburn is a member of The Adventure Church, Greeley, Colorado. Article is republished by permission and appeared first in The Adventure Church eNewsletter, January 21, 2023. Photo from iStock.

19 Jan


Brandon Westgate – Ward, Colorado … “Elevate” was the theme for this year’s Greater Summit teen prayer retreat at Glacier View Ranch, and the presence of God was truly felt. About 80 teens and sponsors attended the long weekend event January 13-16. Speaker for the event was Jessica Rios from Campion Academy who presented powerful and honest messages that truly resonated with the young people. Praise and worship was followed by a time of Bible study and conversations that solidified the challenging message that had been presented. 

We also enjoyed a host of activities including snow tubing, winter hiking, swimming, table games, dodgeball, and Bible studies. Jade Teal, RMC assistant youth director, led a blanket-making project for a local children’s hospital. The blankets made during Greater Summit will go to children in need of a blanket. 

The weather was cool at times, but the fellowship was warm and nurturing. Sponsors and participants alike were so thankful they took the time to attend this event. Many of the participants were already talking about coming back next year! We are grateful for the support of the faithful people in the Rocky Mountain Conference that allows our youth department to offer events like Greater Summit. With your generosity, prayers, and support of ministry efforts like Elevate, and by God’s grace, we will see the fruit of our efforts both here and in the kingdom of Heaven. Thank you for partnering with us in ministry in the RMC!

Brandon Westgate is the RMC youth director. Photos by Brandon Westgate and Rajmund Dabrowski.

19 Jan


RMCNews – Greensboro, North Carolina … January 8-11 concluded three intense years of leading the churches in each of the North American Division conferences in new ways of doing ministry. Several hundred church ministry leaders have had to get creative and think outside the box during the pandemic, as they could not allow the pandemic to stop them from sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Under the theme Replenish, the Adventist Ministries Convention met in Greensboro, North Carolina, to evaluate their own ministry and learn how creative and successful other colleagues had been.

Among them was Vanessa Alarcón, a licensed therapist and ministry leader from Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC), presenting issues of faith and mental health.

“One evening after work, DeeAnn Bragaw, NAD women’s ministry director, called and invited me to present a seminar focused on mental health. She told me she couldn’t get me out of her mind as a potential presenter and felt impressed to invite me officially.” I was stunned. “Me?” I asked myself. “Of all the women across the division, women with more experience or a fancy ministry title, why me? I’m a licensed therapist with experience presenting these seminars, but a room full of Conference and Union directors sounded highly intimidating. During that call, I felt peace knowing God was behind this invitation,” Vanessa reminisced.

DeeAnn expressed that she wanted to create a space for younger and newer voices in the division. And she was right. As Vanessa looked at the program and other presenters, she wasn’t surprised to realize that she was, indeed, the youngest presenter at the convention. 

Reflecting on her convention experience, Vanessa said she spent months preparing for the seminar. “The day of the presentation was a whirlwind of adrenaline. I was blessed to have my parents, Rubén and Patty Rivera, attending the convention in their respective ministry roles at RMC. They prayed with me throughout the day, which helped ground me when my nerves began to increase. Minutes after I arrived at the room where my seminar would take place, I received a surprise visit from Doug Inglish, RMC vice president for administration. He came to give me words of encouragement which was a nice way to feel the support from the conference,” she explained.

Hearing reports from other participants, she sensed that they all had a wonderful experience presenting and chatting with the directors after the seminars as they met to debrief the content. Vanessa hopes more young people get to experience connecting with leaders across the division through experiences like she had. “It brings a new appreciation for the ministry happening in our church,” she believes.  

She looks forward to collaborating with the NAD leaders on creating relevant ministry material to further equip church leaders to provide trauma-informed spiritual care. 

Among other participants from RMC was Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director.

“The theme for this convention,” commented Mickey, was ‘Replenish’. It was a very timely topic for Christian leaders who sometimes spend so much time helping others that they don’t set aside enough time to be replenished physically, emotionally, and spiritually.” 

“It was great being together with ministry colleagues again after not being able to meet for a few years due to the pandemic. I found the morning and evening sessions to be very practical. My favorite was by Pastor Dave Ferguson from the Collegedale Church on the benefits of laughter. It is amazing how a little humor can make a big difference in your day,” Mickey added.

Doug Inglish shared his observations about the convention, saying, “The breakout sessions have been highly relevant for me, addressing some critical administrative issues that RMC is facing. But perhaps the most significant benefit is meeting with people outside the sessions who are providing possibilities for our future personnel needs,” he said.

—RMCNews with Mickey Mallory and Vanessa Alarcón. Photo by Mickey Mallory.

19 Jan


Fred Hardinge – Montrose, Colorado … January 15 witnessed the start of a health outreach at the Montrose Adventist Church. More than 35 people attended the first night, learning how to prepare delicious meatless meals, sampling each demonstrated dish, and being shown how easy it is for vegetarians to get protein and needed nutrients for wholesome living.

The next day, one community member who attended the event posted on her Facebook page, “I thought this sounded like a fun, free vegetarian cooking class held at our friends’ church! And it was! The food was delicious, the people were friendly, and they gave us the recipes for everything that was made! There are three more classes on upcoming Sundays. If anyone is interested in a fun evening activity, you can sign up for free with the link in the comments and I’ll see you there!”

All demonstrations, samples, and education were provided by local church members. This follows three months of praying together, training, and organization led by local church member and health ministries leader, Fred Hardinge, DrPH, RD. God richly blessed these efforts by developing a team of more than 12 people who have enthusiastically volunteered to fulfill the many roles necessary to put on a program like this. “While cooking schools are always a lot of work, many hands make it fun and enjoyable,” said Hardinge.

Three more sessions will follow during the next three Sundays at 4:30 p.m. Soups, salads, and sandwiches will be the focus of the next class, along with better breakfasts; and finally, sweet treats. A long-time church member remarked, “It was good for ‘us’ also. I learned things I didn’t know before!”

Hardinge concluded, “We praise the Lord for these blessings, and trust our humble efforts will bring honor and glory to God.”

–Fred Hardinge is Montrose church health ministries leader. Photo supplied.

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