21 Dec


Ana Segawa – Loveland, Colorado …  Campion’s staff members displayed their talents to students in various presentations, with the intent of finishing the semester in a lighthearted way this past Saturday night.

Marc Winokan, freshman student, commented, “Staff talent show was really fun. I enjoyed all the acts, but my favorite was Ms. Johnson and Portia’s singing. Overall, it was a very fun night.”

Erin Johnson and Portia Kluchesky kicked off the program by singing classic Disney princess songs while dressed in costume and acting their parts.

Relatable to many of Campion’s students, a world history class was recreated with staff members as students and with Cindy Santana as the teacher. The typical behavior of students acted out by staff members provided many laughs.

Already a part of past staff talent shows, the well-known Helmdini, a.k.a. Dean Helm, made an appearance with his tricks that were highly anticipated by the audience. Some students were called to the front to participate in magic tricks.

In a bilingual activity, Jillian Harlow prepared a contest in which the competitors, mostly not fluent speakers, had to read sentences at random in Spanish. Staff members and students both participated and the audience voted for the best pronunciation.

Between presentations, April Riseley recreated TikTok trend videos featuring staff members. Rodolfo Segawa, sophomore student, mentioned, “I found the idea of doing the TikTok trends really creative. It was something unexpected, and it was really funny.”

The last activity was prepared by the Campion church pastors with a holiday theme. Pastor Taylor and Pastor Goetz were decorated as Christmas trees by two different groups of audience members while Pastor Bizama presented the activity.

Throughout the night, students had a chance to see staff members in a different light. Freshman student, Izuchi Nwankwo, remarked, “Seeing the teachers not in teacher-mode was really funny and seeing the staff as the ones participating in the program instead of outside guests was nice.”

Ana Segawa, Campion News Team. Photos by Campion eNewsletter.

15 Dec


By Mic Thurber

I don’t know if you have the same reaction I do, but I cringe when I hear the first Christmas song being played in a store! Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas music, and I tend to listen to it all year long.

But if all I heard was department-store Christmas music, I think I’d lose all love for the season! It’s just plain hard for me to take the juxtaposition of sacred themes with mere commerce.

While once in a while, I hear a newer Christmas song that speaks to me, it’s the old ones, the Christmas hymns, that get to my heart. For they tell the story most precious, sweetest that ever was heard!

When I listen to the songs I most love and let them speak to my spiritual core, then I’m once again reminded of the great gift of the condescension of Jesus. If you need a refresher, just read Philippians 2:5-11. When I meditate on it, realizing that He did all that to give me (and you, too!) a new start, a reason for hope and joy, and fresh strength to face whatever lies ahead in the coming new year, I am grateful all over again for this season. It nourishes me for today, and also prepares me for the season to come.

All that from a few Christmas hymns!

Don’t let the department store jingles keep you from allowing the sweet message of the Christmas music that really tells you the story of Jesus to seep into your heart. I promise you can find hope and renewal there.

On behalf of the entire Rocky Mountain Conference team, please accept our very best wishes for you and your family during this Christmas and New Years’ season. May your days be filled with thoughts of Him whose mind was filled with thoughts of you as He came to earth to be our salvation.

–Mic Thurber is RMC President

15 Dec


Leandro Bizama – Loveland, Colorado … Listening intently to the story of how the Bible was made and how it was published, student clubs, church members and participants from the community got to experience up close what is arguably one of the most important world-changing inventions in history–the printing press.

“It was a blessing to have an exhibit from The Enduring Word Museum from Wetherford, Texas here on our campus on the anniversary of Reformation Day, October 31,”” said Leandro Bizama, pastor for evangelism and worship at Campion Adventist Church.

“About 800 people visited the exhibit and were blessed by the lectures, some 500, not part of our church family. Some of us even got to print a replica of one of the original pages from Gutenberg himself,” Pastor Bizama added.

The exhibit included artifacts of archaeology from Bible times. All of them were a reminder that the more historical artifacts being dug up, the more evidence there is that the Bible is legitimate and can be trusted. Exhibited were Torah scrolls from collections that reinforced the accuracy of modern texts as well.

The exhibit included exquisite examples of Scripture translations in English, such as the original page from the Wycliffe Bible. John Wycliffe gave up his life for such an effort at a time when it was illegal to translate the text into languages the people could understand. There are only 18 original pages of this kind in private collections in the world, and this one was one of them! Also exhibited were copies of original Bibles such as one of the first 50 King James Bibles printed and one of the original pages from Gutenberg’s press.

“All of this left us inspired to read the Bible and in awe of how much sacrifice and effort it took for us to have the versions of the Bible we now hold in our hands and phones. Over the centuries, many people lost their lives trying to guard the translation of the English Bible so that we could have the blessing of studying it,” Bizama commented.

And yet, “sometimes we become so busy that we don’t take time to read it. Let us always remember the awesome legacy of the Word of God and how blessed we are to have it and let us always discipline ourselves to consistently seek God first through reading The Book,” he added.

–Leandro Bizama is Campion Adventist Church pastor for evangelism and worship. Photos supplied.

15 Dec


Ciara Felix – Loveland, Colorado … Campion Academy is known as one of the most diverse schools in the area with students from across the globe. This past Sabbath, December 3, students had the opportunity to not only share their cultures with each other, but also with many of the members of the Campion Church during their annual International Sabbath.

The church service began with a parade of flags, followed by worship songs sung in many different languages, including German, Swahili, Chinese, Spanish and many more. Blet Htoo, a senior student, commented. “I liked how there was a lot of singing. It was nice to see everyone expressing their cultures and it just was cool overall.”

The church service was followed by an internationally themed potluck at the church, where members revealed the students, they had picked for the adopt-a-student program.

After sundown, the Saturday night program also incorporated international activities. In the gym, Brazilian students put on a soccer tournament, with each team representing a different country, World-Cup style. “I enjoyed the soccer tournament because it was nice to compete with my friends and learn about different aspects of soccer I hadn’t known before,” reflected Noah Greenemier, a senior student.

In the student center, which represented China, partners could compete in ping pong. Luca Lu, a student from China, made potstickers and taught the students how to create Chinese-style paper cuttings.

In the library, Joshua Koroma, an international student from Mexico hosted Loteria, a Mexican form of bingo. “I really loved hosting and getting a chance to play Loteria again,” shared Koroma, “It brought me back to my roots and made me feel like I was back home. It was also fun to speak in Spanish with everyone because normally we just speak in English.”

–Ciara Felix, Campion News Team. Photos from CA eNewsletter.

15 Dec


Sue Nelson – Littleton, Colorado … On December 3, starting at 7:00 pm, some 29 teens from Front Range churches assembled for an all-night “lock-in” ending at 7:00 the next morning at the Littleton Adventist Church gym.

Roberto Mira, RMC Pathfinder Teen Coordinator, explains that “the lock-in is a yearly event that happens at the beginning of December. Run by Rocky Mountain Conference Teen Coordinators and trusted adult volunteers, this all-night event is meant to provide a space where teens from different Pathfinder clubs across the conference can intermingle through games, sports, and fellowship. They also enjoy a “share your faith” activity.”

“It is a great place to have teens try coming out of their comfort zone by making friends from different clubs,” he added.

The night began with a devotional, followed by dinner and a variety of games and sport activities, and continued until pick-up the next morning. For those preferring quieter activities, they were given the option of watching an age-appropriate movie or playing tabletop games. Teens who prefer to nap were provided a quiet space under adult supervision.

Roberto explains that teens are prohibited from leaving the premises. They may not leave any of the group activities without first informing an adult.

During the Littleton “share your faith “activity, the group plans to donate tied fleece blankets to the Children’s Hospital. Clubs are encouraged to make these blankets as a club activity and have the teens attending the lock-in bring them to the donation area provided during the event.

“Teen lock-in’–just thinking of those two little words made me tired, but there is no better cause to be tired for,” commented Janine Lechleitner, director from Louisville Miners Pathfinder Club. She has had the pleasure of watching her club teens and representatives from other clubs grow in their leadership skills and creativity over the past several years. This year, with the guidance of teen coordinators, teen leaders planned one of the best teen lock-ins to date,” she added.

She explained why they put such emphasis on teen activities. “Adolescence is such an important time of life. During these critical years, our children learn how to develop safe and healthy relationships with parents, friends, teachers, and others. Learning how to develop and maintain positive relationships will impact our children and help them as they make decisions related to friendships, school, dating, marriage, and work in the future. Relationship skills learned and developed during the teen years will also help our children make positive decisions about other areas of their lives.”

It is with this in mind that those of us involved with Pathfinders really promote teen activities including teen lock-in. During this lock-in, there was more participation and energy from ALL teens than ever before. It was gratifying to see “seasoned” teens interacting with “new” teens, drawing them out of their shells and getting them actively involved in activities.

What else drives her to want to stay up all night in a gym full of teens? “My love of children and desire to see our children develop a committed relationship for God.

One teen, Austin, is the newest Pathfinder in her club. He slid right into the club like he had always been there. He was very excited to come to teen lock-in, and Janene was just as excited to take him. “Once we arrived, he became a little nervous, not knowing anyone other than me, and his fellow club members Hannah and Aurora. I had the privilege of watching several of our Conference teens take Austin under their wings, so to speak. Before I knew it, Austin was out there with all the teens participating in and having fun with every activity.

During the teen years, friends play a large role as each teen develops their own identity. The building blocks for all relationships, however, come from the examples provided by adults, including parents, teachers, family friends, and church family.

According to Eli Gonzales, club ministries co-executive coordinator, besides the planned activities, “they devoured about 25 pizzas with NONE left over.”

–Sue Nelson is RMC executive coordinator for Club Ministries. Photo by Janine Lechleitner.

15 Dec


By Matt Hasty

“No Soliciting, No religion, No fundraisers” read the sign on the door. A second later, a voice from behind us said, “Can I help you?”  We turn and see a man, Stacy, by his garage door looking at us with a frown. Our fearless Campion student, Sam Walton, walked up to Stacy with a smile and handed him a cookbook. Predictably Stacy cuts off Sam mid-sentence saying he’s not interested. Rather than leaving with his tail between his legs, Sam persisted by offering him one of our GLOW Bible pamphlets. With a visible look of confusion, Stacy said to Sam, “Wait! What? Who are you?”

Little did we know, Stacy had been studying with Messianic Jews and had started keeping the Sabbath. When he learned about another Christian group who keep the Sabbath, he was very curious and signed up for Bible studies and, of course, received some books from Sam. Three months later, Stacy is scheduled to be baptized at the Campion church before the end of the year!

As a literature evangelist (LE) for 21 years, I hear stories like this from time to time. But why not all the time? Should the LE’s metric for success be based on baptisms? What about our own success in the Christian walk? Aren’t we all called to be fishers of men?

Ellen G. White shares an interesting perspective looking forward to the last movements before the return of Christ: “The publications distributed by missionary workers have exerted their influence, yet many whose minds were impressed have been prevented from fully comprehending the truth or from yielding obedience. Now the rays of light penetrate everywhere, the truth is seen in its clearness, and the honest children of God sever the bands which have held them… Notwithstanding the agencies combined against the truth, a large number take their stand upon the Lord’s side.” [Great Controversy, p. 612]

I’ve seen this firsthand. At doors, people have shown me books acquired from church members or colporteurs from years ago. These books have been read and highlighted and copied, and shared, yet they don’t “fully comprehend the truth” or might not be ready to “yield obedience”.

Even more interesting, a few years ago, the Barna group did research on mainstream church pastors’ favorite authors. “The under-40 pastors championed several authors who were not ranked highly by older church leaders. Those authors included business consultant James Collins, seminary professor Thom Rainer, nineteenth century Seventh-day Adventist, icon Ellen White, and pastor John Ortberg.”


How are these pastors getting these old nineteenth-century books? Why are they reading them? Consider the answer. Because people like you and me are sharing them with a smile!  Stacy’s words, “Who are you?” can be echoed in our own ministry.

It’s easy to doubt that asking your neighbor if they have any prayer request will make an impact. If you passed out a book, will it even be read? Let God worry about the results and trust that soon a “large number will take their stand upon the Lord’s side.”

–Matt Hasty is RMC coordinator of literature ministry.

15 Dec


RMCNews – Denver, Colorado …   In mid-September, channel 26.5, which covers a population of about 2.95 million throughout the Denver-metro area, began broadcasting Adventist programming from a wide variety of ministries 24 hours a day.

Unaffiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference, The Good News TV is an independent media ministry broadcasting Adventist programming in the Denver Metro area for antenna television viewers.

Good News TV started in Arizona 13 years ago. Many new believers being baptized in area churches today, trace their introduction to the Adventist Church to this television ministry. Most viewers are not Seventh-day Adventists.

According to the TV producers, the Denver area viewers are already calling the station, requesting prayer, Bible study guides, program schedules, and even the address to the nearest Adventist church.

For program schedules and how to watch, link to http://www.MyGoodNewsTV.com/co-home


08 Dec


Brandon Westgate – Denver, Colorado … The Rocky Mountain Conference office staff team welcomes Pastor Jade Teal, most recently the associate pastor in Colorado Springs, as assistant youth director. On December 1, Jade joined assistant youth director Brent Learned and youth director Brandon Westgate, in ministering to the youth of the Rocky Mountain Conference.

“I am well pleased that Jade has accepted the invitation to join our department. Jade brings a fresh enthusiasm and energy that will help us continue to enhance youth ministry in our conference,” said Brandon. “I am looking forward to witnessing what the Lord will do as our department presses forward.”

Commenting on her appointment, Jade said, “I am super excited to be joining the youth department.” She has been involved in youth ministry since she was a teenager and is “thrilled to be able to continue fulfilling God’s call on my life with the Rocky Mountain Conference.”

Born in North Carolina, Jade grew up a pastor’s kid and the family relocated several times, living in three states before she studied at Union College for her Bachelor of Science in religion and a minor in International Rescue and Relief.

Working at summer camps during her time at Union, “I fell in love with youth ministry and especially camp ministry because I saw first-hand how big an influence it has on kid’s spiritual growth,” Jade commented.

After graduating in 2021, she moved to Colorado and served as the associate pastor at the Colorado Springs Central Adventist church. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Stefan, and their two cats, reading, horseback riding and spending time in God’s creation.

Commenting about youth ministry, Jade believes, “It is extremely important that our kids get to know Jesus and experience a personal relationship with Him while they are young so that as they get exposed to more of the influences of the world as they grow older, they already have that foundation and can stick even closer to Jesus.”

“I am honored to be joining a youth department that strives to make it easy for kids to know Jesus,” she adds.

–Brandon Westgate is RMC youth director. Photo supplied.

08 Dec


Pueblo Church Communication with Sherry Lee Hornbacher – Pueblo, Colorado … The Outreach and Education Center of Pueblo (O&EC) is offering free tutoring with volunteer tutors from Pueblo First Seventh-day Adventist Church. Our tutors began rigorous training in math and reading interventions in the month of August, allowing the first session to begin September 6.

“God is at work among us, bringing students from our congregation and the surrounding community,” said Sherry Lee Hohrnbacher, coordinator of the O&EC

Schooling for many students in our community has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the recently-published results from the National Assessment of Academic Progress (NAEP), we are seeing the largest decline in math and reading proficiency since the assessment was first administered.

According to Sherry Lee Hornbacher, the aim of the Pueblo Center is to address this achievement gap by offering effective intervention programs to students whose families may not be able to afford or may not have access to supplemental academic support. Both reading and math lessons are individualized, aimed to advance targeted skills and concepts. An initial diagnostic assessment is done prior to the first day of tutoring to ensure student’s individual academic needs are addressed.

Students receive 1:1 instruction in math using the Math Recovery® approach. This approach to intervention is based on research projects designed by Dr. Robert J. “Bob” Wright and his colleagues in New South Wales, Australia, in the context of teaching experiments in a strictly controlled research setting. The outcome of this research includes a compilation of best practices, diagnostic assessments, and teaching procedures. Lessons are designed by Math Recovery® Specialist, Sherry Lee Hornbacher, and are implemented by O&EC volunteer tutors who continually fine-tune their instruction through regular team meetings. Sherry has personal experience in the implementation of the Math Recovery® approach playing a major role as a Math Recovery® Intervention specialist and trainer during the program pilot.

The Pueblo Center has chosen to implement an Orton-Gillingham multi-sensory based reading intervention on the recommendation of Dr. Annabelle Lopez of the Andrews University Center for Reading, Learning, and Assessment. The Barton Reading & Spelling System is a structured language approach that is different in both what is taught (reading and spelling are taught as related subjects) and how it is taught (the methodology).

The intervention is a direct, explicit, structured, and sequential program designed for intense intervention. Instruction is personalized and delivered at the individual’s own pace in a 1:1 student-teacher setting. The effectiveness of the Barton Reading and Spelling System has been proven in 15 independent studies from public and private schools across the nation.

The O&EC purchased the first level of the Barton system and began training tutors as soon as the materials were received. Since then, the center received a donation to purchase the second level. “Our plans are to purchase the entire system (10 levels) as funds become available,” comments Hornbacher.

The first tutoring session ended November 17, with a celebration of students and volunteers. After only 27 tutoring sessions, the participating students are already showing improvement.

“I receive such a blessing watching these young minds as they realize they are learning and growing. We have been truly blessed by God for the opportunity to learn, share, and fellowship in this program,” comments Christy Kraus, an O&EC tutor.

All are anxious to begin the second round of tutoring on January 17, 2023. Meanwhile the tutors devotedly continue their training in both Math Recovery® and the Barton Reading & Spelling System© during the break between sessions.

Church leaders are commenting, “We are most grateful for those willing hearts our God continues to send as volunteers and for the generous financial support we have received.”

For more information, please contact Sherry Lee Hornbacher at the Outreach and Education Center, 3912 O’Neal, Pueblo CO 81005, [email protected]. Registration information can be found at www.PuebloFirstSDA.com (look for the Tutoring Program K-12 tab).

–Pueblo Church Communication with Sherry Lee Hornbacher. Photo supplied.

08 Dec


Brandon Westgate – Denver, Colorado … What is Greater Summit? Greater Summit is a prayer retreat and refreshing event for middle and high school students that takes place in the mountains of Colorado, January 13-16, 2023, at Glacier View Ranch.  There will be music, worship, Bible study, and activity options for outside and inside.

We are delighted to announce that our speaker this year will be Jessica Rios (pictured). Jessica works at Campion Academy as director of recruitment. She is a godly woman who is funny, sociable, and engaging. Jessica will bring messages to both challenge and encourage us as we worship together.

We will wrestle with Scripture in break-out groups and dive deeper into relevant passages to discover a God who is for us and not against us.

Planned activities will include snow tubing, snow shoeing, hiking, reading, arts & crafts projects, jam sessions, etc. all mixed in with a cup of hot chocolate here and there!

We are looking forward to meeting you and connecting you with other students to increase your circle of friends and to elevate your experience with God!

We look forward to seeing you here! To register, go to https://www.rmcyouth.org/greatersummit

–Brandon Westgate is RMC youth director. Photo supplied.

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