07 May


Annahi Hufman – Montrose, Colorado … The Montrose Seventh-day Adventist Church in Montrose, Colorado, loaded up their side-by-sides, four wheelers, bicycles, campers, tents, and hiking shoes for a weekend of fellowship starting April 11.

April 11-12 was spent setting up camp. For those who arrived on April 11, they hiked as the rest of the participating church family arrived April 12.

“With a great group of around 50 people, plus some fur buddies included, we came together to explore what beautiful Moab had to offer,” commented participant and Montrose Church member, Annahi Hufman. “We welcomed the Sabbath surrounding a cozy campfire as we sang beautiful hymns and shared a beautiful message that was led by the wonderful [Elder] Larry Dupper.”

She continued, “Sabbath is a happy day, so what a better way to enjoy our Sabbath day than to have our pastor give an encouraging devotion before everyone went on to their separate ways.” One of the powerful messages that Nathan Cranson, lead pastor at the Montrose Church, shared with participants is to unplug and enjoy the presence of God.

Many people often are on “go-mode” and become so busy that they often overlook what God is trying to tell them. With that powerful message, participants thought about slowing down and letting God lead. They found this camping trip a great opportunity to begin doing that.

The Sabbath worship was closed out with campfire led out by Dan Golden, a member of the Montrose Church.

“This church campout gave our church a chance to hangout outside of the regular church activities, to get to know one another on a different level,” commented one participant.

“As our amazing campout came to an end, and as we all cleaned up and went our separate ways Sunday morning, we left with a greater view of how close we became throughout this church campout. What a Blessing indeed,” commented Hufman.

—Annahi Hufman writes from the Montrose Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos supplied.

07 May


Julia Santiago – Loveland, Colorado … Wichita Adventist Christian Academy (WACA) in Wichita, Kansas, and Liberal Seventh-day Adventist Church in Liberal, Kansas, welcomed Campion Academy’s Koinonia orchestra and jazz band to perform at the school and participate in the church service, April 26-27.

The students left on April 26, driving almost 10 hours to Kansas. Unfortunately, the air conditioning system on the bus stopped working and it was a hot day, so they were relieved when they finally arrived at church and could rest and cool off. Mabel Cabandon, a student member of Koinonia, shared, “We traveled for so long; it was hot, and we were all so sweaty. Everyone was so relieved and grateful to hear the church had showers! They were extremely welcoming and kind, even though we smelled really bad.”

In the afternoon at WACA, Campion’s groups had musical performances. Several Campion Academy students are from Kansas, so the experience was nostalgic.

Janey Padilla-Reyes, a student member of Koinonia and Orchestra, expressed, “I am originally from Kansas, so going back to my hometown to sing in front of my parents for the first time in years made me really happy. Also, the kids from WACA were so nice to us which really made me enjoy this trip.”

Before performing for the church service at Liberal Church, Cecilia Simmons, Campion Academy’s music director, led out in a Sabbath School discussion with the group to set their mindset for worship.  “Our music tour group had a lot of fun discussing the matter of pride at Sabbath School,” commented Lillian Resz, Campion sophomore and Koinonia member.

“Being able to hear others’ opinions on the difference between being confident and prideful made such a big impact on me, and I’m very grateful for Ms. Simmons’ reflection on this topic,” she continued. “This thought also came to my mind while singing, and I really was able to reflect on the meaning of humility.”

Even with transportation difficulties, the group could see God’s leading. Simmons stated, “‘This bus is on fire!’ Ok, it wasn’t actually on fire, it just felt like it at times. From a very warm bus to running out of gas, this year’s music tour was filled with unexpected moments.”

“On the way back, the weather in Liberal was sunny and bright. But the closer we got to Loveland, the more the clouds rolled in, and the temperatures dropped. Don’t worry though, it was a blessing in disguise. We ran out of gas, but the Lord blessed us again. We stopped mere yards away from a gas station and were able to push the van to the pump in a matter of minutes. All in all, we could see God’s hands over the entire trip, making everybody understand that God knows the best for all of us,” Simmons concluded.

—Julia Santiago, Campion Academy Student News Team. Photo supplied.

02 May


Kay Sparks and Linda McLean – Longmont, Colorado … The Three Angels Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship in Longmont, Colorado, a Fellowship sponsored by Pastor John Davidson through the Golden Seventh-day Adventist Church in Golden, Colorado, hosted a three-part film series entitled “TruthFlix” they created for the community, April 12, 19, and 26. The event showcased a different Amazing Facts documentary on each night. *

Two weeks prior to the first event, the small Fellowship distributed 1,400 fliers on neighborhood doors and 70 posters in nearby businesses in Longmont. Seven non-Seventh-day Adventist guests attended the event, and three more watched the series from home. The organizers of the event commented, “Our prayer is that others look the movies up on-line.”

Alison, one of the Three Angels Fellowship outreach committee members, shared, “[One of the attendees] was excited to see me at the meeting as I was the person that had given her the flyer.  She said the documentaries were very smooth and wanted to know when we had church services.”

Each night, attendees received the corresponding Amazing Facts Magazine as well as other literature as door prizes. Several attendees expressed an interest in attending Sabbath services. Alison continued, “When [one of the attendees] missed a night, she requested the magazine [provided that night] as she really wanted to read it because she has read the previous magazines.”

One attendee has already attended services twice, stayed for and enjoyed the vegetarian potlucks, and requested Bible studies. Another attendee has come to the mid-week service and has joined in Bible studies.

“The person mentioned above, who has attended church services and requested Bible studies, told me that he heard about the “TruthFlix” by a flyer being taped to his door.  He was familiar with Doug Batchelor as he had watched him a lot through the years and was excited to attend our event,” commented Ron, a member of the Three Angels Fellowship.

Ron continued, “I thought they were very timely given the current climate in our world.  They were biblically accurate, and I wish everyone could have seen them. They seemed to elicit the interest of the people in our community.”

One of the newest members of the Three Angels Fellowship commented that she really enjoyed the documentaries: “The origin of evil was very informative regarding the transformation of a perfect angel into Satan. The unveiling of Bible prophecy and the mysteriously controversial Book of Revelation was very helpful.  I am looking forward to the next one regarding more about prophecy and our Lord.”

All attendees were also invited to the upcoming Adventist-Laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI) Mid-America Union Convention in Thornton, Colorado, May 16-19, where Doug Batchelor is the lead speaker. Several have expressed an interest in attending this convention to see and hear the host of the “TruthFlix” documentaries in person.

* Please note that Doug Batchelor and Amazing Facts International and its media and publications are not affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) nor the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.

—Kay Sparks and Linda McLean are writing from the Three Angels Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship. Photos by Unsplash and supplied.

01 May


RD Gallant and Cindy Roldan – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … Mile High Academy (MHA) recently concluded its FOCUS Week, dedicated to celebrating diversity, fostering community engagement, and promoting personal growth among its student body, April 15-19. The school engaged in a series of enriching events, including several special chapel services by guest speaker Carl Wilkens.


Wilkens shared gripping tales from his experiences during the Rwandan Genocide. As the sole American who chose to remain in Rwanda during this dark period, Wilkens’s firsthand accounts shed light on the power of compassion and resilience in the face of adversity.


In addition to his narratives, Wilkens delved into the study of neurobiology, emphasizing the importance of understanding trauma and healing in students’ lives. Each day, he gave four presentations to different groups in the morning then joined students in the classroom during the afternoon.


Throughout the week, students participated in activities to encourage empathy, understanding, and collaboration. Adding to the cultural richness of the week, Indonesian students took center stage with several song services, highlighting the diverse tapestry within the school community. Dressed in vibrant Batik attire, some Indonesian students led the congregation in songs accompanied by piano and guitar during the Monday and Friday All School Chapels.


Parents representing diverse backgrounds joined classrooms to share insights into their respective countries. These interactive sessions offered students a firsthand glimpse into a variety of global cultures, fostering curiosity and understanding.


The week culminated in a Parade of Nations during All-School Chapel on April 19. With an outstanding turnout of parents, students and staff marched into the gym donned in colorful attire and waving flags representing countries from around the world. Classes showcased their research and creativity, with highlights including the fifth-grade class presenting a dragon dance inspired by their study of Taiwan.


Following the chapel service, and with a nod to personalized learning, the kindergarten through fifth-grade classes were issued individualized passports and embarked on a virtual journey to different countries, receiving stamps along the way. The students also had the opportunity to sample diverse cuisines and explore various cultures to enhance their global awareness.


“FOCUS Week instilled empathy, resilience, and global citizenship in our students,” said RD Gallant, MHA chaplain. “As we carry forward the lessons and memories from this week, may we continue to foster a culture of inclusivity and understanding.”


MHA closed its FOCUS Week with a special evening service at Littleton Seventh-day Adventist Church in Littleton, Colorado. During the program, Wilkens continued sharing his testimony, which served as a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of embracing diversity and unity.


Andrew Carpenter, MHA principal, expressed his pride in the school community’s dedication to embracing diversity and fostering a sense of belonging, stating, “FOCUS Week exemplified our commitment to providing a holistic educational experience, including nurturing the growth and awareness of our students. We were humbled to see so many in our community come together to celebrate unity and shared values.”


—RD Gallant is MHA’s Upper School Bible teacher and chaplain. Cindy Roldan is MHA’s registrar and administrative assistant. Photos supplied.

01 May


Dennis Magaña – Montrose, Colorado … El Sabado y Domingo 27 y 28 de abril, la Iglesia ASD Maranatha celebró el Día del Niño. Fue un momento para que la iglesia reconociera y celebrara a nuestros miembros más pequeños y los que pronto serán miembros de nuestra iglesia.

El servicio del sábado por la mañana estuvo a cargo de las clases de niños, incluido el servicio de canto. Toda la iglesia cantó con entusiasmo canción tras canción con los niños, lo que algunos miembros comentaron que les trajo recuerdos de su infancia mientras crecían en la iglesia y cantaban algunas de esas mismas canciones. El sermón de Adoración fue sobre Noé y cómo a través de su fidelidad y siempre haciendo lo que Dios le ordenó terminó salvándolo a él y a su familia. También se recordó a la iglesia que se tome el tiempo y cuide a nuestros niños, ya que ellos son el futuro de la iglesia.

En el programa de Sociedad de Jovenes de la tarde, todos disfrutaron del rompehielos que se hizo mostrando a muchos de los padres y líderes de la iglesia cuando eran niños y haciendo que todos adivinaran quién era cada persona. Después del servicio, se instaló una tienda especial donde los niños podían comprar un juguete, que obviamente era su parte favorita.

El domingo, todos compartieron juegos, comida, compras y piñatas, y fue un gran placer ver a todos los niños jugar juntos y ser celebrados.

Lo que fue especialmente sorprendente de este fin de semana fue la cantidad de visitantes que este evento trajo a la iglesia. El domingo, 4 familias nuevas que nunca habían puesto un pie en nuestra iglesia se enteraron de nuestro evento y vinieron a celebrar con nosotros. Una de las familias comentó después que esto era exactamente lo que estaban buscando en una familia de la iglesia y que estarían adorando con nosotros el próximo sábado.

Otra familia, que es de Belice, estaba hablando con el pastor Santo Valdez y comentó que él era la única persona de Belice en todo Montrose. Imagínese su asombro cuando descubrió que en realidad no era el único de Belice, ya que también hay otras 2 familias en la Iglesia Maranatha de Belice. También mencionó que solía ser adventista y que no ha regresado a la iglesia desde 2013, pero ahora él y su familia están haciendo planes para asistir también el sábado.

El pastor Santo comentó que este tipo de eventos son una prueba continua de que el método de Cristo de cómo evangelizar funciona. Cristo ministró a las necesidades del pueblo primero, y luego dijo: “sígueme”.

Por favor oren por la Iglesia Maranatha y por todos nuestros nuevos amigos que conocimos este fin de semana para que el Espíritu Santo, obrando a través de nosotros, continúe guiándonos y mostrándole a Montrose la necesidad que todos tenemos de un Salvador.

—Dennis Magaña es el primer aniano de la Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día Hispana de Montrose. Fotos suplidas.

01 May


Dennis Magaña – Montrose, Colorado … Maranatha Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church in Montrose, Colorado, celebrated Children’s Day or “Dia del Niño,” April 27-28.  It was a moment for the church to recognize and celebrate their youngest members and soon-to-be members.

The Saturday morning service, April 27, was run by the children’s classes, including song service.  The whole church enthusiastically sang song after song with the kids, which some members commented brought back memories of their childhood growing up in the church and singing some of those same songs.

The worship sermon was about Noah and how, through his faithfulness and always doing what God commanded him, ended up saving him and his family.  The church was reminded as well to take time and take care of their children, as they are the future of the church.

In the afternoon Adventist Youth (AY) program, everyone enjoyed the icebreaker that was done showing many of the parents and leaders of the church as children and having everyone guess who each person was.  After the service, a special store was set up where the children could shop for a toy, which was obviously their favorite part.

On Sunday, April 28, games, food, shopping, and piñatas were shared by all, and it was such a joy watching the kids play together and be celebrated.

What was especially amazing about this weekend was the number of visitors this event brought to the church.  On Sunday, four brand new families that had never been to the church heard about the event and came to celebrate with them.  One of the families commented after, that this was exactly what they have been looking for in a church family, and that they would be worshipping with the church next Sabbath.

Another family from Belize was talking to Santo Valdez, lead pastor, and he commented that he thought he was the only person from Belize in all of Montrose.  Imagine his amazement when he found out that he was not the only one from Belize, as there are two other families in the Maranatha Spanish Church from Belize as well.  The family member also mentioned that he used to be Adventist, and that he has not been back to church since 2013, but now he and his family are making plans to attend on Sabbath as well.

Pastor Santo commented that these types of events are continued proof that Christ’s method of how to evangelize works.  Christ ministered to the needs of the people first, and then He said, “Follow me.”

Please pray for the Maranatha Spanish Church and for all the new friends they met this weekend that the Holy Spirit, working through us, will continue to guide and show Montrose the need we all have of a Savior.

—Dennis Magaña is head elder at Montrose Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos supplied.

25 Apr


Pedro Vieira – Loveland, Colorado … The Campion Academy in Loveland, Colorado, Senior Class of 2024 had their last big adventure together in Florida, relaxing on the beach, exploring amusement parks, and eating at excellent restaurants, April 16-22.

On April 16, the senior students had to wake up at 3:00 a.m. to load the bus and go to the airport for a flight to Tampa, Florida. Although it was early, they were very excited to spend time together and ready to have a lot of fun.

Once they arrived in Tampa, they settled into the two houses they had rented part way between Tampa and Orlando. The students enjoyed relaxing or swimming in the house’s pool.

Daytona Beach, Florida, was the first place scheduled for the seniors on April 17. With such a beautiful view of the ocean and good weather, they could enjoy the beach and some attractions like the fastest slingshot in the world. After Daytona Beach, the seniors went to Hibachi grill and buffet, an Asian restaurant where they could end their day with good food. They ended the day having worship together outside.

Eriane Saraiva, Campion senior student, shared, “I loved how beautiful Daytona Beach is. The weather was so good and that made the first day of senior trip amazing. The slingshot scared me a little bit, but it was something that I’ll never forget. Also, the place we went to eat Asian food was very good; I loved it.”

The seniors headed to Universal Studios where they got to experience one of the most popular theme parks in the world, April 18. After they were exhausted from walking the whole day, they got to try some of the Brazilian food at the Cafe Mineiro Buffet.

“I would definitely love to say that one of my favorite things that we did as a group was go to this Brazilian restaurant and eat amazing food that I had never tasted before! I would definitely eat there again,” Sujamis Colmenares added.

On April 20, to take a Sabbath day to rest in nature, the students went to Honeymoon Island State Park in Dunedin, Florida, where they reserved a picnic area to have worship with a sermon provided by student Andrew Kramer. After worship, students swam and relaxed on the sand.

In the evening, the students got to watch a beautiful performance at Disney Springs: Cirque du Solei. Ekenna Nwankwo, student, shared, “Honeymoon Island was nice, despite the mosquitos. It was very relaxing, and the beach was beautiful. It was a great way to spend the Sabbath. Also, Cirque du Solei was very exciting; I loved it.”

The students went on a cruise on the boat “Calypso Queen” on April 21, as a class and explored a little bit of Clear Water Beach in the city of Clearwater, Florida.

“Senior trip was something I had been counting down to ever since I was a freshman. When it was finally here, I was super excited. I loved every single thing we did,” student Natalya Razafinddrabe shared.

—Pedro Vieira is Campion Academy Student News Team. Photos supplied.

25 Apr


Brent Learned – Greeley, Colorado … More than 1,000 pathfinders traveled to Greeley, Colorado, to participate in the North American Division (NAD) level Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) event, April 19-20. The event proceeded in four languages—English, Spanish, French, and Ukrainian—as all 150 pathfinder teams were from the United States, Canada, and Ukraine as well as a couple of other international teams joining remotely via Zoom.

Over 40 Pathfinder and Adventurer leaders and teens from the Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) volunteered to setup chairs and tables, direct and park vehicle traffic, create and place all event signage, run the first aid station, and start the testing portion of the event with color guard and drum corp.

Yamiley Gonzalez, who is a Pathfinder teen leader in training, commented, “It was an exhilarating experience watching so many pathfinders from the NAD conferences coming together at PBE in Greeley. I believe the Pathfinders realized that they were there not only to compete, but to learn more about Jesus and to make lifetime memories.”

“It amazed me that these young people had so much passion and excitement to learn more about the Bible every day,” she continued. “As I was looking into the crowd of Pathfinders and Seventh-day Adventist leaders all wearing the same uniform, I saw the Pathfinders looking up to the adults in the room and seeing themselves doing the same thing when they are older. The Pathfinders felt seen by the people there. Everything on PBE day was [there] for the kids.”

The weekend started the evening of April 19 with a lively worship followed by RMC youth director Brandon Westgate who spoke on the anointing of Samuel and David as young Pathfinder-age kids and continuing to walk out the Holy Spirit’s calling for the rest of their lives. Westgate ended the evening with an alter call inviting everyone to the front who had not yet received the Holy Spirit and would like to. He then prayed over all those who came to the front that they would receive the Holy Spirit and walk in truth the rest of their lives.

RMC volunteers started Sabbath morning, April 20, early at 7:00 a.m. by parking cars and providing security at the Island Grove Event Center in Greeley where the PBE event was being held. The parking lot was covered in three inches of fresh snow.

Cyndi Tapia, Pathfinder club director of the Greeley Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church Pathfinder club in Greeley, remarked, “Being a part of the NAD PBE was an interesting experience! I had the opportunity to meet people from all over the North American Division. Being a volunteer was a lot of work, especially at lunch time, but it was an insightful experience as to how a great team can help an event of this size run smoothly. Congratulations to all the pathfinder teams who made it to the final!”

The PBE testing program began with the RMC Ghana Golden Eagles drum corps and Loveland Cougars color guard Pathfinder clubs putting on a great performance, proudly displaying their abilities.

Each team answered 90 questions from the Bible books of Joshua and Judges. Following a break for lunch, nearly 3,000 Pathfinders, Pathfinder leaders, and family gathered for an afternoon church worship service while the scores were tabulated. Afterwards, the teams marched across the stage one by one receiving either a first, second, or third place award based on how many questions they answered correctly during testing.

RMC’s Loveland Cougars Pathfinder team proudly scored a first-place award! Stacey Rodriguez, a Loveland Cougar Pathfinder team member, commented, “It was such a great experience for Loveland Cougars to be able to be a part of PBE this year. We learned so much through the books of Joshua and Judges. Our team was honored to represent our Conference and be the color guard.”

Mic Thurber, RMC president and one of the PBE judges, said, “It was a marvelous thing to see a whole sea of beautiful young faces at the Pathfinder Bible Experience who were there ready to be tested on their knowledge of the books of Joshua and Judges! Their energy, lively spirits, and passion for God’s Word was a true inspiration to behold. In addition to the hundreds present, there were teams from the United Kingdom and Cuba participating by zoom. I hope this experience of investing so deeply in the word will make a lifelong difference in the lives of our young people.”

RMC club ministries director Brent Learned, remarked, “Thank you to all those within our Conference who value our young people and have dedicated countless hours to mentoring the next generation of our church’s spiritual leaders through Pathfinder and Adventurer ministry.”

—Brent Learned is the RMC assistant youth director and Mills Spring Ranch manager. Photos supplied.

24 Apr


Liz Kirkland – Denver, Colorado … Twelve pastoral couples attended the Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) Pastor’s Marriage Retreat at Glacier View Ranch (GVR) in Ward, Colorado, April 5-6. This was the first time the retreat has been held since August of 2019.

The retreat was open to all RMC pastoral couples and featured former-pastor and guest speaker, Mike Tucker. Tucker’s program “Mad About Marriage” explored the marriage relationship and provided practical tips for improving a marriage.

“I think the presentations were very well done, encouraging, helping us to realize how we could be marriage partners,” explained Mickey Mallory, RMC Ministerial director.

“My wife and I had one of the most special Sabbaths of this 2024. The weather was amazing but the speaker and the spirit we share with colleagues and their spouses were more than amazing. Thank you, Pastor Mickey, for bringing us together; we can’t wait for the next one,” shared Jose David Rodriguez, lead pastor of the Boulder Hispanic, Brighton Hispanic, and El Refugio Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Boulder, Brighton, and Aurora, Colorado, respectively.

The retreat was expected to run until April 7, but was cut short by one evening due to the loss of power at GVR. A windstorm with damaging wind gusts ranging from 70-95 miles per hour hit the mountains and the north central Front Range in Colorado. Even with the reduced schedule, the retreat was still beneficial for the attendees.

Mark Phillips, lead pastor at Piñon Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church in Farmington, New Mexico, commented, “I just wanted to say a big thank you to the leadership of RMC for all the support they give to the pastors. Your mentoring and retreats are a real blessing. It is a privilege and honor to serve our Lord and Savior along with you all. Thank you for your investment in time and money to help us be the best that we can be.”

Lucas Lujan, head pastor at Colorado Springs South and Woodland Park Seventh-day Adventist Church in Colorado Springs and Woodland Park, Colorado, respectively, furthered that sentiment: “[It is] awesome to know how much the Conference leadership cares about our marriages and family relationships. They poured into us so we can pour into others!”

“Thank you for providing an opportunity for my wife and I to participate in this marriage retreat,” remarked Michael Shannon, lead pastor at the Greeley Seventh-day Adventist Church in Greeley, Colorado. “It has been a real blessing for us.”

He continued, “By sponsoring these types of events, the Rocky Mountain Conference and the Ministerial Department demonstrate that they truly care about the pastors and their families. It is easy to say, ‘we will pray for you and your family,’ but here, true concern is demonstrated with time, money, and effort. We had a wonderful time and learned a lot. I hope in the future that we can have the opportunity to participate in more events like this.”

—Liz Kirkland is the RMC communication assistant. Photos by Mickey Mallory.

24 Apr


Karrie Meyers – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … The Mile High Academy (MHA) advanced robotics team, the Robostangs, displayed exceptional skill and innovation at the FIRST Tech Challenge held in Orlando, Florida, April 14. Competing among 13 teams from across the United States, the team demonstrated outstanding performance, securing multiple awards and accolades, including the Inspire Award.

The journey began on April 13, as the team arrived at the Forest Lake Academy campus in Apopka, Florida, unpacked, settled in, worked on their robot, and enjoyed dinner together. Witnessing the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket unexpectedly added to their excitement, setting the stage for an inspiring weekend. Saturday was spent at church followed by team bonding at the beach, preparing them for the main event on April 14.

Amidst fierce competition, the Robostangs emerged victorious, clinching three prestigious awards:

  • Inspire Award – First Place: Recognizing the team’s embodiment of the challenges of the FIRST Tech Challenge program, their role as ambassadors for FIRST programs, and their commitment to Gracious Professionalism® both on and off the playing field. This award acknowledges the team’s exceptional performance in robot design, community engagement, and professionalism.
  • Willing Alliance – First Team Selected: Teaming up with Wait4iT from Adventist Christian Academy of Raleigh, North Carolina, the Robostangs excelled as part of the winning alliance in the final match, demonstrating strategic collaboration and teamwork.
  • Innovate Award Sponsored by RTX – Second Place: Celebrating the team’s imaginative thinking, ingenuity, and creativity in bringing their robot designs to life. This award acknowledges the team’s innovative approach to solving specific components of the FIRST Tech Challenge game, emphasizing elegant design, robustness, and ‘out of the box’ thinking.

“I am incredibly proud of our accomplishments over the whole season,” said Adelaide Eno, MHA junior. “I think the culmination of those efforts took the form of our Inspire award. The award spoke for the late nights and the early mornings, and the boundaries we broke in order to push ourselves to be our best.”

She continued, “At the end of the day, it’s just a trophy on a shelf, but it helps remind me about the commitment I have made to my team and how much of a commitment they have made to me.”

After the intense competition, the Robostangs unwound with a visit to Magic Kingdom, April 15, fostering camaraderie and team spirit before returning home to Mile High Academy the next day.

Continuing their commitment to community engagement, on April 17, the team demonstrated their robot and answered questions about its functionality at the Highlands Ranch Library in the Town Center.

When asked for advice to incoming robotics teammates, Danny Luna, MHA sophomore, said to remember that “being part of the robotics team is a growing experience. It really builds your perseverance, having to fail and fix, fail and fix.”

This year there were three MHA seniors who were on the trip. Eno was in a unique position this year as her brother, Seth, was also on the team. “I watched him learn Java just to make the best code he could, and I watched him stay up until 10:00 p.m. some nights at the school with [seniors] Jonas and Daniela to finish the robot. I’m so grateful for how hard they work, and I’m so grateful that they are still working hard now to make sure that we are set for next year, so that we can continue where they left off.”

The Robostang’s performance not only exemplifies the school’s dedication to STEM education and their commitment to inspiring future generations of innovators but is also inspired by the vision of Adventist Robotics.

“I want to thank Adventist Robotics for creating a space where we can showcase our skills in a way that is competitive and fun,” said Luna.

Ridge Tull, who has taught both of MHA’s beginning and advanced robotics classes for the past two years, expressed his pride in the team’s achievements. “Our team not only proved themselves during the competition but also have left an impression on the community through their outreach and teamwork this school year. They continue to inspire and pave the way for future innovators. I look forward to watching them continue their journey, applying the valuable life lessons they learn through discovery and exploration.”

—Karrie Meyers is the marketing and development coordinator at Mile High Academy. Photos supplied.

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