19 Jan


RMCNews – Broomfield, Colorado … Mile High Academy high school students spent January 14 giving back to the community, helping those impacted by the Marshall Fire by assisting in setting up the Adventist Community Service distribution center in Broomfield, Colorado.

Students worked side-by-side with the Adventist Disaster Response team unloading trucks, moving donations for sorting, breaking down hundreds of cardboard boxes, and helping stock shelves.

“It is absolutely amazing what the young people from MHA accomplished for me,” said Cathy Kissner, RMC Adventist Community Services director. “Days of work was done within a few short hours. I can’t thank them enough for what they have done for me.”

Chehalis, MHA senior reflected on the day, “It was nice to be doing something to help those in need,” she said. “We did a lot for them in a short amount of time and enjoyed helping where we could.”

The service day was also a chance for the students and staff to remember Mya Pena who tragically lost her life two years ago due to domestic violence.

“Some of my favorite memories of Mya were on our community service days,” said Jenni Eno, high school teacher. “Whether we were visiting residents at Porter Place or handing out burritos to the homeless downtown, Mya’s empathic heart was always evident. She would walk right up to perfect strangers, take their hands, and listen to their stories. She lived the same way in our school halls. She was always the first to reach out to a schoolmate who was having a hard day. She was truly an inspiration, and it meant so much to see that spirit live on through our current students as we remembered Mya on the anniversary of her passing.”

–RMCNews; photos supplied

This article was adapted from Mile High Academy’s newsletter

19 Jan


By Teresa Johansen – Loveland, Colorado … Each January, as part of the new year and the world-wide 10-days of prayer initiative, Campion church comes together with others in Northern Colorado to be challenged and equipped in the discipline of prayer.  This year Pavel Goia, associate ministerial secretary and editor of Ministry Magazine, spent Friday evening and all-day Sabbath, January 7-8, on our campus pouring out a heart appeal to be in a place of surrender and sacrificial prayer with God.

Here are selected testimonies of the impact and decisions made for prayer.

More than anything, I was struck by the concept that I need to learn to “recognize God’s voice”, thru the continual conversation of prayer. With daily practice, this will allow me not only to be more confident of God’s will in my life, but also to be able to react more quickly to the promptings of His Spirit. I will be better equipped to not only recognize the needs of other people whom He puts in my path, but also be better equipped to serve them! – Rich Testardi

As I reflect back on this past weekend with Pastor Pavel Goia, two words come to mind–“beyond blessed.” We serve an amazing God Who wants to lead and guide us ever so close to Him. When we are faithful and do our part, we too will experience those miracles that God wants to bless us with that will increase our faith. I don’t ever want to limit the power of God and the changes He wants to make in my life. We must diligently pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The reflection on the Ten Virgins was so powerful. – Rose Martinez

Pastor Goia’s message plainly demonstrated the key elements of prayer that enabled Christ and other great biblical characters before and after Him to lead lives that produced many mighty events and miracles. Prayer is a lifestyle. We must be immersed in prayer throughout our lives. The most important piece is our constant connection to God. We must seek God and Him only. The God-centered life means we have to give up all of our selfish inclinations and seek only communion with the Creator of the universe. That sounds very basic, but in our weakened, sinful state, the only way this can happen is that we must die daily and possibly moment by moment to self and invite the Holy Spirit to change us into new beings. This lifestyle will bring perfect peace to us no matter what conflicts or trying events may occur. It will also open innumerable opportunities for us to minister to others if we follow God’s leading. It will also bring us to the foot of the cross where as we gain more insights as to its merits both here on earth and throughout eternity, we will be forever drawn to Him. – Wes Williamson

This was the first time I had the privilege of hearing Pavel Goia speak. What a dynamic and powerful speaker he is! You could sense the Holy Spirit working through him. His preaching sparked and awakened again in me that “first love” experience with God that we need to keep fresh continually. His message was also the perfect lead into the 10 Days of Prayer which my husband and I have enjoyed attending. I am so grateful for the Campion church and the pastoral leadership team who are listening to the Holy Spirit and sharing and challenging us to be a Spirit-filled church. – Judith Williamson

Although I had read Pastor Goia’s book on his amazing adventures with the Lord and had heard his messages before, this weekend was especially meaningful because I realized again how important group prayer is, and am determined to follow through with group prayer for our family, our church, and my personal life. I have already had some amazing answers to personal prayers in the last few months and am looking forward to even more in the coming year!  – Charlene Clegg

— Teresa Johansen is Campion Church administrator; photo courtesy of Campion Church Facebook page.

19 Jan


By Jon Roberts – Broomfield, Colorado … Responding to the wildfires that devastated Superior and Louisville, Colorado on December 30, Adventist Community Services (ACS) opened a warehouse in the old Nordstorm store in the Flatiron Crossing Mall in Broomfield, Colorado. Here, families can receive not only material goods but also mental health counseling and apply for assistance in the rebuilding process.

The State of Colorado reached out to Cathy Kissner, RMC ACS director, asking ACS to lead the state relief program and the warehouse. In one short week, Kissner and her crew of ACS volunteers from various churches around the Rocky Mountain Conference were able to oversee the setup and opening of the distribution center to the public.

On Monday, January 17, Deanne Criswell, FEMA administrator, and other federal officials toured the warehouse and met with Kissner and volunteers to thank them for their service.  Kissner stated that Criswell was very impressed with the operation and how quickly it launched.

Since opening, the center has been serving 150 individuals per day on average. Those needing assistance can browse clothing, pet supplies, hygiene products, food, toys, and other household items. Either FEMA or the Red Cross has vetted all families.

Individuals who need someone to talk to or to help them through any mental health issues that arise after loss are also available, explains Kissner. “We have licensed and credentialed mental health volunteers available through our partner Spark the Change. Eventually, we will have a private area where people can schedule visits with counselors. I am working with Mickey Mallory to schedule pastors who can spend time in the warehouse to be available for any spiritual counseling needs.”

Kissner explains that the warehouse is getting a few volunteers from the churches but is daily in need of volunteers. “Pathfinder and youth groups are welcome. Please contact me at [email protected] to schedule volunteer options.”  For volunteers over 18, please sign up and schedule volunteer hours on the Colorado Responds website https://volunteer.coloradoresponds.org/opportunity/a0C2S00003H3Sc1UAF.

She adds that volunteers will sort clothing, toys, and other donations. Some volunteers may be on the floor where families are browsing, but most will be on the second floor of the distribution center, away from the families.

Assisting the community is essential for June Spaulding, member of the Fort Collins Adventist Church.  She has been volunteering and assisting in the warehouse. “People are so emotional and thankful when we help them get and replace items that are destroyed.”

Larry Brandt, member of the Mountain View Adventist Church, views volunteering at the center as a mission. “I have a heart for missions, and this is [one].  When you give of yourself, it is better to give than to receive. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus.”

The response for donations has been overwhelming; however, some items not in general donation requests are in great need. “We are in need of pallets to store the unsorted and sorted donations,” Kissner commented.

Kissner explains that money is also needed. “Cash donations are ideal because there is equipment that we need to buy. An example would be if we are short on mouthwash, we can purchase ten bottles of mouthwash till we receive some donations of mouthwash.” She adds that the rent and power for the building are being supplied by the state, and donations are never used to pay any salaries. The quickest and most secure way to give is by using the Adventist Giving website, Kissner adds. On the website, choose Rocky Mountain Conference Church and select the line item: ACS DR. Also, you can mail donations to the RMC Treasury Department or place donations in the offering at your local church. Please make sure to mark all donations ACS DR.

The ACS warehouse is open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. seven days a week for the next few months. Find out more ways to help at https://www.rmcsda.org/marshall-fire-relief-and-support/

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts

Cathy Kissner holding a sifter box for individuals to sift through the ashes to find valuables.
19 Jan

Make the Church Accessible and Safe for Children and Their Families

By Daron Pratt — Our children are in crisis. They are constantly bombarded by a wide range of technology and impacted by cultural change, much of it negative. Modern affluent societies overflow with a range of goods produced for the entertainment, pleasure, convenience, and education of our children. Children are firmly in the sights of corporations with a barrage of marketing and advertising designed to capture this multibillion-dollar market, yet something is wrong.

The current generation of children is more stressed; less content; and less healthy physically, socially, and mentally than any other generation. Sharon Beder writes that “the consequence of this corporate capture of childhood has been a generation of children who have been manipulated, shaped, and exploited as never before in history. Not only have they lost the opportunity to play and develop at their own pace, their psyches have been damaged and their view of the world distorted. Children have never been under such pressure to ‘succeed, conform and look good.’” The stresses that children and families are under today interfere with their discipleship journey, and the church needs to respond in creative and relevant ways to reach this generation.

Our churches are in crisis. Researchers suggest that between 60 percent and, in some cases, 90 percent of the children who currently attend your church will leave it. Many will decide to do this before they reach their teenage years.

These statistics are juxtaposed against the words of Jesus, who instructs us to let the children come to Him and do not hinder them. The task for churches, schools, and families to disciple and retain our children is huge. When are we going to wake up and take the words of Jesus seriously? We need to aim lower, much lower than we previously have, if we are going to reach children and their families.

Children and their families must be prioritized everywhere—in our pro- grams, our budgets, our service activities, our mentoring, and our mission! Loving the children in the 4–14 window is the key. Do we know them by name, both in and outside the church? Do we affirm them? Do we include them in our worship services? Do they feel like they belong? Are our programs and initiatives truly intergenerational? Dead men’s tales just do not cut it when it comes to our children.

Equipping parents is also essential. Children are likely to be as faithful as their parents are. This means that we need to equip our parents to be the best spiritual “disciplers” they can be. How are we, as a church, prioritizing parents in our discipleship ministries? Are children and families our great commission or great omission?

We must also learn to make every effort to welcome, tolerate, and include children in our corporate worship. If I do not hear a baby crying in a church service, then I know that the church is dying. Children are a sign—when we welcome children into worship, we welcome the very presence of Jesus. What would happen if we dared to assume that children have the same rights to the sights, sounds, touches, tastes, and smells of worship as adults? What would happen if we intentionally welcomed children into worship? As we begin to think about what it means to welcome children to worship, here are some important aspects to consider.

Excellence in ministry to the 4–14 window

We know that children are more likely to make a lifelong decision to follow Jesus sometime during what is known as the 4–14 window. This window is an age bracket, and it is indeed one of the largest unreached people groups on the planet.

It is interesting to note that most church congregations devote 80 percent of their budget dollars to adult ministries, while only 10–20 percent goes to children and family ministries.3 More dedicated and consistent investment in children and families could well be the first step to reversing the alarming statistics of loss found in almost all our churches.

Eighty percent of all who find Christ do so by the age of fourteen; 90 percent by age twenty-five. This has been labeled the 4–14 window of opportunity. Children are also more likely than adults to evangelize their friends. The church has often targeted adults with evangelistic outreach. However, research indicates that reversing the current funding is likely to result not only in our children making lifelong decisions for Christ but also in evangelistic kingdom growth.

It thus makes sense that if children are more likely to respond to the gospel than adults, children’s facilities should be the best that we can offer. Rather than being a gloomy, run-down room or building at the back of the church, our children’s facilities should be large and well lit, have appropriate amenities, and be creatively decorated. These types of facilities are more likely to be full of children, along with their families. In my ministry, I have found from trial and error that the larger the room and the more cared for and equipped that room is, the higher the number of children and their parents who attend will be. I have seen churches revolutionized and revitalized just because they chose to prioritize children and families. On the other hand, among the biggest factors inhibiting church growth are poorly maintained children’s facilities and inadequate parking.

Children’s Ministries research revealed that families place a premium on the children’s ministry experience of their kids. The majority (66 percent) said the children’s ministry program was “very important” in their overall consideration when they chose their current church. Parents ranked “the Children’s Ministry” as the third most important reason they joined their current church—only marginally behind “the church’s emphasis” and “preaching.” “Your children’s ministry is a growth engine for church growth.”

Excellence in children’s programming is also important. We can run all the “cute” programs we like and entertain to our heart’s content. We can use all of the latest technology and gadgets. However, we must remember that the aim of all programs and ministries is to change lives and help our children along the discipleship journey. Children need adult mentors in their lives who are committed to the long haul with these children rather than just a passing phase. Churches need to staff their children’s ministries first, and with their most talented members, rather than just plugging holes. Our children need staff who have a big heart for God and a big heart for children. Children identify with the significant mentors in their lives and hang on their every word. If we want eternal values to be in our children’s hearts, then they have to be in ours first. Staff mentors must be authentic and committed. Children can spot hypocrisy a mile off, and it is one of the biggest disrupters to their discipleship journey.

These are key performance indicators of 4–14 window churches:

  • Invest significantly in the 4–14 window
  • Prioritize children and families everywhere
  • Renovate and refurbish their children and family spaces
  • Activate the church

In our modern culture, children frequently find themselves disconnected from the community around them for various reasons. Family breakups and/or busy parents often mean our children find themselves home alone for extended periods. The myriad of modern technologies, including social media, the internet, gaming, iPods, and laptops, means that children can now access most things from their bedrooms at home with little need to venture to a library, shopping center, or other public space. The resulting individuation and loss of connection and mentors mean that now, more than ever, the church needs to see itself as an interactive community that connects the people in its congregation in intergenerational activities and programs. Adventurer and Pathfinder clubs are two of the best mentoring, intergenerational, and evangelistic programs that the church offers, and we would do well to connect every family to these groups intentionally.

We also must make sure that every church program is intergenerational because this is where the faith of our children develops best. Reggie Joiner, author of Think Orange, says, “The Church has a unique opportunity to connect kids with Christian adults who will value them enough to help them interpret life, support them in times of tragedy, and carry them through life transitions.” Benjamin Lundquist believes that “withing” is key to faith transmission. “Mentoring is deeper ‘withing.’” “We don’t need to teach them, just hang out together on the curb, give them authority to make decisions, give them clarity of purpose, and give them intergenerational consistency.”

Jerome Berryman says that what children experience in church is what they associate with Christianity. This means that what we expose our children to in church is crucial to faith transmission and long-term commitment to the church, its ministry, and mission.

This is why it is important that we intentionally make our worship services intergenerational, welcoming, and accessible for children and families. I believe that something is seriously wrong when a family that has been separated and busy during the week arrives in church only to separate for their age-related activity, then meet up again after church for the trip home. While age-targeted activities are beneficial and necessary, corporate intergenerational worship on a regular basis is a must. Intergenerational worship is a strong formative agent for everyone, so we need to ensure that what we do in worship is relevant and nurtures the kind of people we want our children and ourselves to be.

John Westerhoff writes, “If our children are to have faith, they must have opportunities to worship with the adults of the church. Worship is not only a time when the content of faith is delivered, but also a time when our churches communicate the feelings, subtle nuances, and transcendent meanings of faith.”

When families attend worship services together, children see their parents identifying with the church family and prioritizing their faith. Children watch their parents and others sing, pray, and give of their resources. Observing these rituals has a positive effect on the long-term discipleship of children.

Kara Powell and Chap Clark found in their Sticky Faith research that our children and teens flourish when we surround them with a minimum of five significant adults who can speak into their lives. These are adults whom we trust, who know them by name and stand for the same ideals and values that we as parents stand for. Further, Powell and Clark discovered that there is a strong correlation between children attending all-age intergenerational worship and sticky faith. This finding is as close as their research came to finding the “silver bullet” in developing a faith that sticks for our children and teens.

A church that welcomes children will make an effort to structure its worship space and liturgy to include children in the worship event as a matter of routine, not as an occasional, special-event, cute factor. It is not easy to create these sorts of worship services, but when we are creative and considerate, we can create worship services that nurture the faith of every church member.

David Csinos and Ivy Beckwith say that discipleship is about “walking alongside children on the path of discipleship, apprenticing them into the way that Jesus laid out for all of us. We who work with children are disciples, just like those young people in our midst. We are formed as disciples even as we form others. Children and adults walk the path together as equals on a common journey of discipleship.”

Intentional intergenerational churches will also create intergenerational play-and-pray areas in their worship spaces where children can quietly do activities as they listen and interact with what is happening in worship. Often these activities are based on the themes for the day, and this allows the children to create, reflect on, and internalize the themes.

Ed Stetzer, director of LifeWay Research, said, “Teens are looking for more from a youth ministry than a holding tank with pizza.  They look for a church that teaches them how to live life. As they enter young adulthood, church involvement that has made a difference in their lives gives them a powerful reason to keep attending.” We, the church, need to make sure that we give our children and families a myriad of reasons to keep attending church. This means being friendly, relevant, welcoming, and inclusive of children and families everywhere.

–Daron Pratt, BA, MA in theology, has been a children’s pastor for the past twenty-six years and is currently the Family and Children’s Ministries director for the North New South Wales Conference in Australia. Pratt’s passion for children’s ministry and evangelism is contagious, and he travels the world to gain resources in this area. Photo supply

This article is an excerpt from the newly available book Multiply.

This article was originally published on the NAD Ministerial website.

19 Jan


RMCNews with Gabriela Vincent – Casper, Wyoming … Reflecting on the Winterfest program held by Casper Adventist Church on January 15, Gabriela, wife of Casper district lead pastor Shayne Vincent said, “Some of my favorite childhood memories were when my parents would take the kids to a winter or summer festivals in Romania. The excitement of the carnival rides and the delicious food were always happy family memories.” This inspiration helped guide Lyla McDonald, Casper Church home and school leader, in planning the Winterfest evening.

The church and Mountain Road Christian Academy advertised and invited the community to the free event. With a crew of hard-working volunteers to run the booths, the evening was filled with games, face painting, a gigantic maze, a photo booth, cotton candy, snow cones, arts and crafts, and more.

“Doing the photo booth and seeing happy little kids making funny faces was my favorite part about the Winterfest,” Cecelia Gage, Casper member, said.

Attendees could purchase concessions, helping with the profits which assisted MRCA. The wide range of foods included nachos, corn dogs, mozzarella sticks, onion rings, cookies, snow cones, and cotton candy, a delight to the appetite.

“My favorite thing about the Winter Wonderland was the food, especially the corn dogs,” Lacey Evert, Casper young adult member, commented.

When asked about his favorite food at the event, Weldon Treat said he enjoyed the onion rings. He also commented that he was blessed by fellowshipping with individuals he hadn’t seen in awhile.

The instructional booth on making cotton candy was one of the favorites among attendees.

“I loved learning how to make cotton candy! It was definitely a learning experience,” said Emily, Casper young adult member.

For others, the maze was the best part of the event. “I liked the maze the most because its pitch-black twists and turns (made from cardboard boxes) reminded me of the Alien movies,” Tim Pike, Casper young adult member, said.

Eight-year-old Olivia summed up the evening perfectly. “The whole festival was so much fun!”

For McDonald, seeing all the kids running around happy made the hard work of making the evening a reality rewarding enough. By the end of the evening, more than $600 had been raised to support Mountain Road Christian Academy.

The Casper Church would like to thank Lyla and Tom McDonald and the many volunteers for their hard work and for making it a safe and fun event for the Casper community.

–RMCNews with Gabriela Vincent; photos by Gabriela Vincent and Cecelia Gage

13 Jan


By Jon Roberts – Denver, Colorado … Days after the worst wildfire in Colorado history that destroyed close to a thousand homes and damaged many others, area churches were asking how they can best serve and show love to a community that has lost so much.

Avista Adventist Hospital reached out to three churches –Boulder, Campion, and Littleton, and asking if they would be willing to host a donation drive to assist associates with the basic hygiene items needed days after they lost everything in the Marshall fire. The donation drive, though, wasn’t a normal one with planning and several weeks to bring in items; instead, employees needed the items immediately. The turnaround time was two days, which left leaders wondering if this could be pulled off.

“Stephanie Lind, director of AdventHealth, contacted me about asking Littleton to gather supplies to assist the fire loss victims associated with Avista hospital,” explained Chris Morris, interim lead pastor at Littleton.  “This was on Sunday, January 2. She stated she needed to pick up the items Tuesday, January 4. I remember my initial thoughts being, ‘Sure, I’ll put the word out, but I don’t know that a lot of items will come in with only three days’ notice. Boy was I wrong!’”

Morris explains that the church gave generously in a very short time. “In those three days, enough items were brought in to fill a mid-size car, plus some. It was awesome seeing the immediate and compassionate response of the Littleton church family.”

A similar situation unfolded at Boulder Adventist Church.  “In the midst of tragedy, it is so heartening to be part of a group that includes Avista hospital and Boulder Adventist Church. Soon after the devastating fires that surrounded, but didn’t consume, the hospital, Suzie Sendros, wife of Isaac Sendros, CEO of Avista Hospital,  sent out a message saying they could use toiletries for the Avista employees affected by the fire—and soon!  In less than 24-hours, our members responded, bringing bag after bag of supplies. These are the kind of people whose hearts long to respond when there is a loss. Thank you, Susie, for giving us an outlet,” said Alicia Patterson, wife of Geoff Patterson, senior pastor at Boulder.

A Zoom meeting was held a week after the destructive wildfires in which pastors gathered to strategize the next steps as they continue to look for ways to assist the community.  In the meeting, Steve Hamilton, former RMC youth director, who three years ago experienced a similar situation when a wildfire destroyed his town in Paradise, California, said that the process of helping would be a long commitment, explaining that in the first two months, the community needs everyday items. Then, for the next four months, the focus needs to shift to mental health wellbeing and temporary housing. Afterward, the church needs to be prepared to help with housing and find ways to bring back what the community lost in terms of area-wide gatherings.

Churches are already planning other community outreach events. One event scheduled for the end of January is an area-wide youth outreach led by Boulder Church associate pastor Jay Murdoch.

Suzie Sendros reflected on social media on the donation drive, saying, “Thank your members. Big virtual hugs from us! You are the hands and feet of Jesus–the items spilling out of the car is unbelievable.”

To learn how to help the communities of Louisville and Superior, please visit https://www.rmcsda.org/marshall-fire-relief-and-support/

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant, photo courtesy of Littleton Adventist Church Facebook page.

13 Jan


By Doug Inglish — I went to a public university for my graduate degree, which is not to say that I was surrounded by a crowd of atheistic, evolution-spewing hedonists whose every thought, word, and action was bent toward evil. That may describe a subsection of both students and professors I knew there, but far from all of them. Many were active in their churches, and overwhelmingly, they respected my beliefs. I am happy that I went to an Adventist college during a more formative period of my life, and I recognize that my deep involvement in the local church while in graduate school kept me grounded, but spending time with people of other faiths, as well as people of no faith, was a learning opportunity.

We who were serious about our faith recognized that same quality in others around us. We shared mutual academic interests with partyers, so we got along well with them, but we didn’t spend much extracurricular time with them.

Of course, one thing we all shared was relative poverty. Some had full-time jobs and only took a class or two at a time, but most of us were full-time students, mostly on graduate fellowships. The fellowship had minimal work requirements, so it was a great way to pay for your education. It just wasn’t a great way to pay the rent, which meant many grad students had side jobs.

One of the students I got along with best was a fellow Christian who worked as a waiter to help make ends meet. We were talking over an assignment one day and fell into a common topic; namely, how can you live on the $400 a month without either a working spouse, extra job, or trust fund? He told me how much he typically brought in waiting tables for an evening, then, almost as an afterthought, added, “Of course, that’s before tithe and taxes.”

Now, with my upbringing, tithing was normal. It’s not just what my family did; it’s what most active members did, what we heard in sermons and read about in church publication (yes, like this one), and learned about in Bible class at church school. I knew all about tithe, including the fact that Seventh-day Adventists are a minority among churches not just because we understand what it means, but because we even use the word at all. Most churches, despite the fact they depend on giving from their members for the overwhelming majority of their financial support, don’t talk about, let alone practice, true tithing. So, when my friend used the word, it caught my attention.

“Tithe? I didn’t know that Catholics tithed.” I realize now that there was very little tact in my observation, but in my defense, he had caught me completely off guard.

He smiled and declared, “We don’t. But I do.”

It was one of those moments when you know that someone else gets you. Really, really gets you. Both of us were struggling, but that didn’t keep either of us from tithing.

But digging deeper into the three sentences that I have here reported from the larger conversation, there is something else that strikes me about his faithfulness. He mentioned two things that took a bite out of his income. One of them, taxes, was something over which he had no control. The other, tithe, was entirely within his power to ignore. But he spoke of those reductions in income as if they were beyond question. In his mind, obviously, they were.

But why was tithe beyond question for him? I had a lifetime of exposure to cheerful givers who taught by word and deed that tithing is an expression of trust that brings peace and security. I had seen the blessings in my family growing up and had experienced them firsthand since establishing my own household. But his church, which has never been shy to impress upon its members their sacred duties, did not require tithing. How did he end up with the same attitude I had, in which robbing God was as unthinkable as living on Saturn?

I’m just going to have to live with not knowing the answer to how tithing became a way of life for him. I didn’t ask because it was enough for me at the time to enjoy the fact that here, in this secular environment, was somebody who got me on a really personal level. It was one more thing we had in common, and when you are as outnumbered as we were, that’s a pretty special thing to discover.

I don’t regret that Adventists teach stewardship. To do otherwise is, as Ellen White pointed out, to ignore “. . . a matter which involves a blessing or a curse…”  (Counsels on Stewardship, p. 106). But I also know that there is a danger that our faithful stewardship might be less about enjoying the blessings and more about avoiding the curses.

My Catholic friend from graduate school, whose education on the matter was almost certainly not as thorough as mine, didn’t grow up with his church teaching him anything about tithing, but somewhere along the way, he picked up an understanding of the blessings. And it was clear from the way he spoke those simple words, “But I do,” that the fear of a curse had nothing to do with his choice.

My prayer is that somewhere along the way, you, too, learn of the blessings and that your choice isn’t motivated by the fear of a curse. We, of all people, should know these things.

–Doug Inglish is RMC stewardship director; photo by iStock

13 Jan

New Year’s Resolution and COVID-19

By Dr. Tim Arnott — As we enter a new year, it is a time we begin to think about our life and what changes we would like to make. According to Statista’s Global Consumer Survey, 39 percent of U.S. adults will make a New Year’s resolution for 2022.[i] The top three this year in descending order are to exercise more, eat healthier, and lose weight.[ii] Given the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, these three are well-advised.  Patients significantly overweight are at higher risk of mortality from COVID-19 infection.[iii] This higher risk may stem from a fundamental mechanism of infection.[iv] COVID utilizes the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-2 receptor for entry into our cells.

Therefore, too much of this receptor in the body can facilitate COVID entry, increasing severity.  The COVID virus has a particular attraction for lung cells. Besides the lung cells, this specialized receptor is expressed in many cell types, including fat cells, kidney cells, and heart cells.

Individuals with obesity (i.e., BMI >30) have more of these “COVID access” receptors present, which may support greater virus replication and infection. This may be one reason for worse outcomes of COVID infection in people with obesity.[v] Thus, losing weight is a reasonable approach to avoid the common severe outcomes of COVID infection.

At least one key factor distinguishes individuals who are significantly overweight and/or have diabetes from individuals without such conditions; namely, greater circulating levels of glucose (higher blood sugar levels)[vi]. This factor increases the ACE (COVID-friendly) receptor expression or activity, which in turn, may worsen the severity of COVID infection. Again, high blood glucose alone can increase the expression and enzymatic activity of ACE receptors in cells.[vii] As a result, a resolution to achieve weight loss, which will lower blood sugar, makes perfect sense at the start of 2022. The question is, how?  It’s a simple math formula–calories eaten must be fewer than calories burned.  Therefore, moving muscles more is part of the solution. Consider prayer walking first thing each morning. If you walk at a brisk pace, depending upon your weight, you could burn off 100-200 calories.[viii] That’s 500 to 1000 calories a week, assuming you walk five days a week, or 2000 to 4000 calories burned every month. Thus, your weight would drop one pound a month, 12 pounds a year.  If you want to double that, simply walk one hour at a brisk pace five days a week. Then, you’d be down 25 pounds a year. That is enough weight loss to reverse diabetes in a majority of patients who are still able to make insulin, and if 25 pounds didn’t quite reverse it, losing 50 pounds likely would.[ix] Considering that overweight and/or diabetes are associated with severe COVID disease, hospitalization, and death, this kind of weight loss could be lifesaving.

Another very powerful way to reduce blood glucose levels is to walk after every meal.  Every minute walked immediately after a meal reduces your blood glucose 1-3 points. Decreasing the amount of circulating insulin and going a long way to lose significant weight could make a lifesaving difference.

Now, having said the above, you could easily wipe out any calories burned walking just by eating more. Thus, adjusting the diet is also key to successful long-term weight loss. It’s actually a simple exercise to take in fewer calories. Cooked whole grains, beans, and legumes, and fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables are 80 percent water and about 10 percent fiber.[x] Thus, they are very low in calories, and you can actually eat more volume and still lose weight by choosing these foods.[xi] The foods rich in calories are easy to spot. They are found in packages (i.e., boxes, bags, cans) with a long list of ingredients. You don’t have to read the list–just put back on the shelf any food with more than one ingredient. Further, the only other category of food rich in calories is animal products, including meat, poultry, milk, eggs, yogurt, butter, ice cream, and cheese. Limiting such foods to 10 percent of total calories or less is money in the bank toward long-term weight loss and greater protection against COVID. Fortunately, there are great unsweetened dairy substitutes to fill in the gaps, and choosing savory beans poured over well-cooked, soft, moist whole grains with a plant-based, oil-free sauce is a great low-calorie entrée.

So, go ahead. Make those New Year’s resolutions and enjoy better protection against COVID at the same time, not to mention a lower risk of heart attack, stroke, and cancer. Now, we understand the above changes are not easy and because of that, many fail to make lasting lifestyle changes.  Understanding the increased protection against COVID and improved quality of life will help keep one motivated.  Further, having outside help also makes a difference. Rocky Mountain Lifestyle Center was established to support anyone wanting to improve health through lifestyle change, so take advantage of our MD consultations, cooking school, coaching, or health classes by calling (303) 282-3676 anytime.

In summary, God’s health remedies are so wise, they improve multiple conditions at the same time.  His whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diet has transformed the health of thousands. No wonder He pronounced His fuel of choice for man, “Very Good”.[xii]

Tim Arnott MD  is a Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine physician and is the medical director of Rocky Mountain Lifestyle Center; photo by iStock

[i] http://a.msn.com/01/en-us/AASFCfW?ocid=se

[ii] Ibid

[iii] Nutr Diabetes. 2020; 10: 30.

[iv] ibid

[v] ibid

[vi] Nutr Diabetes. 2020; 10: 30.

[vii] ibid

[viii] https://caloriesburnedhq.com/

[ix] Kelly J. Foundations of Lifestyle Medicine Board Review Manual, 3rd Edition.

[x] Analysis based Food Processor software (https://esha.com/products/food-processor/)

[xi] Greger M. How Not to Diet. Flatiron Books: NY, NY, ©2019.

[xii] Genesis 1:31. The Holy Bible. NKJV.

12 Jan


Loveland, Colorado — The Campion Academy family is mourning the loss of a student. Timothy Dien passed away from unexpected and unknown causes on Friday, January 7, 2022.

Campion Academy is in contact with the family as we seek to support them through their tremendous loss. The family is working with Campion on plans for a memorial service. A GoFundMe account has been established to help support the family through the unexpected funeral costs and can be found at gofund.me/bf2b8663.

Campion students and staff spent Sabbath School class on Saturday, as well as additional time in the afternoon, coming together to pray with each other and for the Dien family. Counselors were made available to students during these times. Special prayer times have been scheduled throughout the week, as well as continued access to counselors, to help the students and staff process this loss.

“We are shocked and deeply saddened by this loss,” shares principal Donavan Reeder. “Timothy was a beloved member of our student body. His loss leaves a big hole in our hearts. We ask for your prayers as we seek to support the Dien family and our Campion students and staff.”

The cause of death remains unknown. Timothy was found unresponsive in his bed in the men’s residence hall. Emergency life-saving procedures were immediately attempted by the dean on duty. However, when paramedics arrived on the scene, he was pronounced deceased.

On Friday morning, he attended breakfast, where he was greeted by fellow students. He did not report any illness to staff. An accountability room check was administered in the evening due to his absence. However, when he was checked on at bedtime, he was found unresponsive. There was no apparent sign of self-harm or foul play. The autopsy report is pending, though it typically takes up to six weeks to process.

Timothy, who was in his eleventh year of school, is remembered by his teachers and fellow students as kind and tender-hearted, with a willingness to encourage others. He was a gifted student, exhibiting dedication towards his studies. His sister, Tiffany, graduated from Campion in 2021.

“Our hearts break for the sudden loss of Timothy,” shares Rocky Mountain Conference education department superintendent Diane Harris. “We pray that his family and friends are enveloped by the comfort of God’s presence.”

Details on a memorial service will be shared on Campion’s website and social media as the information becomes available.

–photo supplied

11 Jan

New Documentary Shows How a Plant-based Diet Can Solve Some Chronic Health Conditions

By AdventHealth — She grew up in the country living a vegetarian lifestyle and only rarely eating meat. As a substitute, she ate a lot of cheese, eggs and processed foods. Shortly after getting married, however, she started having health issues that eventually escalated with her first pregnancy.

“At the 27-week mark in the pregnancy, the doctor ordered a glucose tolerance test. I failed the test quite significantly,” said Karene Bejarano, a registered nurse who works for a west coast hospital. “They told me I had gestational diabetes and I was going to have to see an endocrinologist and do food counseling. They said, ‘But don’t worry; it will go away. You’ll just have to be careful. If you exercise and keep yourself healthy, you’ll be just fine.’”

But after giving birth, Bejarano experienced terrible muscle weakness, intermittent blurred vision and high blood sugar levels, leading to a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes.

“It was very disheartening, and I went through a lot of denial,” she said. “I was truly grieving a loss. I was losing my health, which is part of what all of us have the right to enjoy in life.”

Bejarano is one of six individuals who share their health transformation stories in the recently released film “PlantWise.” In the documentary, the six showcase their struggles with debilitating health conditions often caused by unhealthy food choices.

The turning point for each of them is the decision to change what they put on their plate by embracing a whole-food, plant-based diet. For Bejarano, while she couldn’t completely eliminate her medication for Type 1 diabetes (an irreversible condition), her improved lifestyle allowed her to lower the amount she needed to take.

“When I made the switch to a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle, I started experiencing significant changes rather quickly,” Bejarano recounted. “Within six months, I had lost 40 pounds. My doctor said my blood pressure was quite low and that they were going to take me off my blood pressure medication. My cholesterol was dropping too, so he said I wouldn’t need my cholesterol medication anymore. In fact, I was able to get off the majority of my medications.”

Nearly half of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease, which is responsible for 1.7 million deaths every year, according to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. National lifestyle medicine experts believe that exposing the results of unhealthy food choices and revealing the benefits of a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle could significantly help to slow this trend.

“A plant-based diet is the best diet available for humans. When minimally processed plant food is consumed, it can be incredibly health-promoting and even therapeutic, to the point of reversing disease,” noted George Guthrie, MD, MPH, a lifestyle medicine physician at AdventHealth who is also the author of “Eat Plants, Feel Whole,” a health transformation book. “The average American is deficient in potassium, magnesium and fiber. Those eating a whole-food, plant-based diet do not have this problem.”

“I thought I was free, but I didn’t really understand what freedom was until I changed my lifestyle,” she said.

Bejarano recalled how adopting this healthy eating approach made her feel so much more alive.

“I thought I was free, but I didn’t really understand what freedom was until I changed my lifestyle,” she said. “You have more energy, you’re more vibrant and you’re happier. When you really decide you’re going to change your lifestyle and you stand firm with that decision, it radically changes your life for the better, and you’ll never want to go back.”

The film “PlantWise” stems from AdventHealth’s desire to explore using documentary films in inpatient and outpatient settings as a catalyst to inspire patients to make lifestyle changes. It is a powerful motivational tool that can give viewers a new vision and fresh hope for their condition, and help them experience vibrant wellness through embracing a healthy lifestyle.

Speaking on the vision of the film, Todd Chobotar, editor-in-chief at AdventHealth Press and executive producer of “PlantWise,” said the film was created not only to share transformative patient stories, but also detail solutions to chronic health conditions and support physician-patient engagement.

“It is our hope that ‘PlantWise’ will positively impact people’s health when it is viewed by many audiences across the globe, including health care employees, inpatients, outpatients, medical providers, consumers, churches and other community organizations,” Chobotar noted.

“PlantWise” is a 48-minute film with subtitles available in 18 languages. Sponsored by AdventHealth, Ardmore Institute of Health, American College of Lifestyle Medicine and EatingYouAlive.org, the film features 18 leading lifestyle medicine experts from 14 specialties and disciplines.

Hans Diehl, DHSc, MPH, founder of CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program), calls “PlantWise” “the best plant-based film out there.” And T. Colin Campbell, PhD, co-author of “The China Study,” said it’s “inspiring and meaningful. Exactly what people should see!”

To view the film as well as additional resources for free, visit PlantWiseFilm.com.

–Photo supplied.

This article was originally published on the AdventHealth website

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