29 Nov

Building a better Union COLLEGE

By Ryan Teller – Lincoln, Nebraska … Big changes came to Union College this past year, with renovations to several areas of campus bringing improvement to the learning and living experiences of Union students.

Rees Hall

This summer, Maranatha volunteers installed new flooring, cabinets, and windows in another 27 rooms in the east wing of Rees Hall—bringing the total to 63 of 170 sleeping rooms in the women’s residence. Renovations began in summer 2019 with 34 rooms on the third and fourth floors, where mainly freshmen and sophomores live. Summer 2021 brought renovations to the first and second floors.

“Normally the east wing has been an area that the ladies avoided, and they would want to stay on the west wing,” said Emily Patterson, one of the women’s deans “Our east wing is completely full right now, and that is a first-ever in all my years here.”

The dorm renovations have a great impact on students, making them feel safer and more at home in their living space. “They’re sleeping, hanging out with their friends, and studying in the dorm rooms—that’s where they spend the majority of their time on campus, so it’s really important they have a nice place to stay,” Patterson said

Arlyse Wash, a junior transfer student who worked on the renovations this summer, is happy with the finished dorm rooms. “When I first saw them, they were definitely older and not the best in terms of the floors and walls,” she said. “Now I’m very happy to be living in my room, and since the renovations, no one has lived there except for me. The color of the floors and the cabinets really give it a modern feel. It’s completely different, and I love the upgrade.”

AdventHealth Innovation Classroom

Thanks to a generous gift from AdventHealth, one of the business classrooms on the third floor of the Everett Dick Building has been renovated into the AdventHealth Innovation Classroom. Plant Services installed new carpet and windows as well as new tables and chairs arranged in pods rather than rows to create flexible workspaces. Eight smart touchscreen TVs were also installed to enhance student engagement. Finishing touches are in progress, meant to represent Union’s brand and enhance the interactive potential of the classroom.

“Before, the layout made it really difficult to see the board from the back of the room. If you were sitting at the front, there was more pressure to answer questions, but in the back of the room it was easier to zone out and disengage,” said Shelby Jongema, a junior business administration major. “I think it’s a better environment now. I can see my classmates better, so it’s better for collaboration and group discussion. It’s easier to feel engaged even when you’re at the back of the room.”

“I think that we’ve found quite a few more learners in this room when the technology is used,” said Jodie Trana, one of Union’s business professors. The smart TVs allow multiple students to work on the same device, making collaboration on group projects and class activities much easier. “I think that as much as possible we need to keep up with what’s going on in the real world. We need to be able to provide the kind of technology and the type of experiences that they’re going to get outside this classroom.”

“From their first year on, we want to get students involved in the classroom. We want them to start working in teams,” Trana said. New teaching techniques are designed to provide students with necessary collaboration skills employers are looking for. “I hope having this classroom, where it’s set up for group work and group activity, is going to lead to that collaboration. And we believe that collaboration leads to innovation, and that’s going to help make them successful.”

Student Success Center

Last school year, Union launched the Student Success Center thanks to funding from a U.S. Department of Education Title III Grant. The grant provides funding for higher education schools to invest in resources and infrastructure to better aid at-risk students.

The new center for academic and coaching resources is now housed in a renovated section of the library. “We wanted to have a one-stop shop for student and academic resources. Students can come in here and we can help with any questions they have and provide them with any service they need. And if we don’t have what they need here, we know where to send them,” said director Taryn Rouse. Student Success provides life coaching, tutoring and academic assistance, career coaching and disability services.

“Prior to being in this building together, three of us were downstairs in the Career Center, three other coaches were in the old Teaching Learning Center. Student Services was downstairs,” Rouse explained. “We were in three different areas, which is not conducive to functioning as a team or for students to know where we are.”

Now, Student Success is thriving and serving students more effectively—including providing a life coach for all first-year and transfer students to better prepare them for their time in college. “Getting students engaged academically with activities and with each other is just one of the biggest keys to their success,” Rouse said.

Rouse especially emphasized that the Student Success Center is open to all students, no matter their background or their level of need. “Any student who wants to come in for help, we’ll talk to them,” Rouse said. “The Student Success area is for everybody. We are here for all students on campus, not just freshmen. This is what we care about, and it’s what students are owed. It’s our mission.”

Prescott Hall

Plant Services renovated the Prescott Hall lobby last summer, repainting the walls and redoing the ceiling tiles and lights. The biggest project was removing the old student workers’ desk in the lobby and replacing it with a brick one in a new location.

“It looks significantly better, we’re excited about it. We really needed the facelift,” said Daniel Force, one of the men’s deans. “We’re happy for the residents to have something new, and we hope we can continue to have more improvements in the dorm.” In the future, he hopes to renovate the rooms in Prescott along with installing an announcement monitor in the lobby. “We just want to keep making Prescott Hall a better place to live.”

Student Center

After the Student Success Center opened last year in the library, renovations began on what used to be the Teaching Learning Center to become a new home for the Student Life team. Student Life is responsible for overseeing many activities and services offered at Union, such as varsity athletics, residence hall management, Student Association activities, and more.

Currently the primary Student Life office is located on the first floor of the Everett Dick Administration Building. However, several of the staff are scattered around campus. The new offices renovated by Plant Services will provide a central location for the entire team. Kim Canine, vice president for Student Life, also believes moving the team into the Student Center will help her goal to turn the center along with the entire Don Love Building Atrium into a hub of student activity—which would include the library, new Student Success Center and Campus Store.

“The renovation will help us provide better services to our students and enhance their experience beyond the classroom,” she explained.

–Ryan Teller is public relations and marketing director for Union College; photos supplied

This article was originally published on the Union College website

22 Nov


RMCNews – Denver, Colorado … Brandon Westgate has accepted an invitation from the RMC Administrative Committee to serve as the new youth director for RMC. Westgate, currently a pastor in the Arkansas-Louisiana conference, will be taking over the department director position vacated by Kiefer Dooley in May when he transferred to the treasury department.

Westgate has been married to his wife, Dawn, for 35 years, and they have two grown children, Cory and Sylvia. He is anxious to relocate to RMC and enhance the ministry of the youth department.

“My wife and I are looking forward to contributing what we can to the ministry that is already taking place in RMC. I am impressed with the support from the conference administrators for continuing to develop the best youth program we can deliver.” Westgate said.

Westgate has served as pastor in many multi-church districts throughout the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference and served as their youth director and camp director at Camp Yorktown Bay for four years before returning to local church ministry.

Jessyka Dooley, assistant RMC youth director, welcomes a decision to have a youth director again. “First of all, I’m relieved! Our department has been without a director for six months. It will be amazing to have a full team in the office again. I am extremely excited that Brandon will be joining us as the new RMC youth director, Jessyka said. “He brings experience, passion, and vision to the team. As I’ve gotten to know Brandon more throughout the interview process, I have no doubt that he will fit in seamlessly with the vibe of the Rocky Mountain Conference, Glacier View Ranch, and Mills Spring Ranch, and youth ministry as a whole.”

The process of selecting the right person for the position was a long process, according to Doug Inglish, RMC vice-president of administration. “This was a long process at a difficult time of year to land a youth director, but God has led us to Brandon, and we’re really excited to have him with us.”

Brent Learned, assistant RMC youth director, is also looking forward to working with Westgate. “I am excited to have Brandon joining our team and am looking forward to the passion, experience, and fresh perspective he is bringing with him.”

Westgate, not raised a Christian, came to know Jesus and to walk with Him in his 20s after making some wrong decisions in high school which led him, in his words, “to the lowest point in my life.” He is involved in many activities that help spread the Good News that a relationship with Jesus offers.

“I have been privileged to play a spiritual leadership role in Maranatha’s mission trips for high school teens, the Ultimate Workout, since 2014. I am hopeful that we can encourage the young people in our conference to get involved in both local and international short-term mission trips as a way to potentially discover God’s calling on their life,” Westgate said.

He is looking forward to building RMC’s presence with Pathfinders and Adventurers as the youth department gears up for the International Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming in 2024. He commented, “I am a huge fan of Adventurers and Pathfinders. We will be developing new ways to help any church that wishes to have an Adventurer/Pathfinder club in their church to be able to do so. With the International Camporee coming to RMC in Gillette in a few short years, it would be amazing if we had many more clubs than we currently have to represent this amazing conference at the International Camporee.”

Westgate aspires to go beyond going through the motions in RMC when it pertains to youth ministry. “I do not wish to do ministry in a place where the status quo is all we are desiring to attain. We can be exceptional, and by God’s grace, we will be leading the North American Division with innovative approaches to capture the hearts and minds of our young people. I am also looking forward to connecting and networking with the young adults of RMC. Many times, once our youth age out of Pathfinders, they sort of feel like they don’t have a place in our church community. We need to continue to develop places for every youth and young adult to contribute their talents and develop their own unique walk with Jesus.”

Westgate has a BA in theology from Southwestern Adventist University and has a Masters in pastoral ministry from Andrew University. He enjoys working with his hands and has developed skills in home remodeling and renovation. He also likes outdoor activities like golf, disc golf, cycling, hiking, swimming and has run several half marathons, one full marathon, and has also done a few triathlons. He is an avid reader and enjoys board games. His wife, Dawn, is a registered nurse. Westgate has two grandchildren.

Westgate will be transitioning to RMC in 2022.

–RMCNews; photo supplied

18 Nov


RMCNews with Betty Soper – Delta, Colorado … Delta Adventist School students spent Veteran’s Day fellowshipping with four local veterans, learning about their experiences.

Students welcomed the heroes to their school and presented them each with a quilt provided by the Quilts of Valor organization. The homemade quilts are a unique way to thank the veterans for their service, sacrifice, and valor.

The four honored veterans were Harry Lloyd, John Harold, Daniel Tilelli, and Robert Goodrich.

Students took turns handing the quilts to the men who served the nation.  Some were timid, giving the quilts to the heroes with downcast eyes, while others were in awe, looking up at the men who served.

After the ceremony of presenting the quilts, the four veterans and students enjoyed lunch and the chance to build relationships through conversation.

–RMCNews with Betty Soper, Delta Adventist church membership clerk; photos by Jodie Gage.


18 Nov


RMCNews with Mickey Mallory – Overland Park, Kansas … The Mid-America Union Conference welcomed 42 pastors who are new in ministry, meaning those who haven’t been ordained or commissioned, to a special weekend, November 10–13, with fellowship, relationships, inspiration, and encouragement.

The retreat in Overland Park, Kansas featured guest speaker Charles Tapp, Potomac Conference president, and worship and praise music led by the Central States Conference praise and worship team.

Mikey Archibeque, Denver South Adventist church associate pastor, was thankful for the opportunity to make new connections. “The New in Ministry Retreat was great for connecting with pastors from around MAUC. It was good seeing old friends and making new ones. It is nice to have connections and friendships in ministry because ministry can be lonely sometimes.”

He added, “It was good to hear Tapp’s perspective and wisdom on living in and guiding a community. His perspective on the way that we relate to our churches, as pastors, will stick with me for a long time.”

Jade Covel, Colorado Springs Central Adventist church associate pastor, found the seminars helpful. “The MAUC New in Ministry retreat was very beneficial to me. Charles Tapp gave presentations that reminded me of my call to ministry and that I am not perfect, and that not being perfect is okay. I also got to know some other new pastors in the Union, and I look forward to continuing the friendships started there.”

Many saw the fellowship at the retreat as refreshing “I really enjoyed the time we had to visit with others from other conferences and the time we spent with each other at the meal on Friday,” Lester Bentley, pastor of the Gillette, Wyoming district, said.

Others believe the weekend will help them in the pastoral ministry. “I found this retreat to be a true blessing offering great advice and encouragement that I will carry with me into ministry,” Jeff Pike, pastor of the Riverton, Wyoming district, stated.

The retreat is an important step to invest in the new pastors.

“The first years of ministry are very formative, and it is very important that we expose our new pastors to things that can help them succeed in ministry and life for many years to come,” Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director, said.

–RMCNews with Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director; photos supplied

18 Nov


By Jacqueline Kobagaya – Loveland, Colorado … Campion students had some very important visitors visit the campus November 12 – 14– their parents.

Campion Academy hosted a weekend showcasing student accomplishments which included musical programs, fun activities on Saturday night for all, and one-on-one discussions with teachers and parents to give academic updates.

The weekend began with a vespers concert which included performances by all of the ensembles: El Shaddai Ringers (handbells), Golden Harmonies (advanced handbells), Mountain Echoes Chorale, Koinonia (select choir), and the orchestra.

“I loved having my parents here this weekend, and it was such a blessing for me to be able to perform our songs for everyone. It was a busy weekend but a ton of fun,” Gwyn, a senior, said.

For Sabbath services, the music department continued to highlight the different musical groups as students led the church program.

Later in the day, it was time for fun and relationship-building with activities such as cake walks, hayrides, and a chalk art contest. However, the highlight of the night was the 3-on-3 basketball tournament. Students, families, and staff members competed against each other for bragging rights.

“It was really fun to have my parents come for the weekend. I got to play in the basketball tournament with my dad, and we got 2nd place,” Kylie, a senior, recalled.

The weekend concluded Sunday morning with students and families meeting in the Campion gym for parent-teacher conferences and presentations from the sophomore English class and A&P class. The English class re-enacted a shortened scene from Romeo and Juliet, showing off their acting skills, while the A&P class presented the songs they wrote about the bones in the body.

Although not every parent was able to be at the school, they still were able to watch performances and join conferences online.

“Although I was not able to be there in person, I enjoyed being part of Parent’s Weekend through Zoom and Facebook. I particularly enjoyed the music programs. A big thank you to all the students, staff, and everyone that made it possible,” Bahati Ayugi, Campion parent, said.

–Jacqueline Kobagaya, photos by Love Pickle

17 Nov

Bringing Hope for the Holidays

By Ann Muder – Parker, Colorado … Christmastime often evokes memories of snow, hot cocoa, and Christmas cookies, caroling, spending time with family, and, of course, presents. But while the holidays are a joyous time of the year for many families, for others, it is a time of financial stress and struggles.

Douglas County, Colorado, has the highest cost of living anywhere in the state, and suburban poverty is an often hidden but quickly growing problem. It’s not uncommon for those in the area to feel a financial strain during the most wonderful time of the year. That’s why Centura-Parker Adventist Hospital, in collaboration with NewDay Adventist Church, is providing Christmas gifts at no cost to families in need through their Christmas Store.

The free shopping experience is hitting an important milestone this year, celebrating its tenth anniversary. Since 2011, the church and hospital have worked together with social workers from local public schools to identify families who don’t qualify for other types of aid but will have a hard time putting presents under the tree. The tickets are then distributed to the selected families, such as the Martins.* When they received their ticket, the family felt like a weight lifted off their shoulders.

When they arrived at the hospital, the Martins were greeted by friendly volunteers and ushered into a cheerily decorated room with presents piled high on tables. The parents went to a different room where they could enjoy beverages, snacks, and relaxation while their children did the shopping. Each child is assigned a personal shopping assistant to help them navigate the tables full of high-quality gifts, sorted onto tables by age and gender, and curated all year by a group of volunteers. The children can pick out gifts for themselves and each member of their family, so volunteers ensure there are gifts available to appeal to all ages, from infants to grandparents.

Options include a wide range of items from sports gear to clothing, personal care products to appliances. Once the gifts are selected, they are custom wrapped by a volunteer and taken home by the Martins to be opened on Christmas morning.

The store is almost entirely volunteer-driven. It takes a small army to pull off this event, starting as early as shopping the after-Christmas sales. Volunteers’ roles include helping kids shop, wrapping gifts, restocking the gift tables, directing traffic, setting up, decorating, and greeting families as they arrive.

The volunteers include associates at the hospital, members of NewDay Church, local community members, and even some from out of state who love the Christmas Store so much they travel to be a part of it each year.

Last year the Christmas Store looked a little different. COVID-19 made it impossible to hold the event as usual, but that didn’t stop the team from extending a helping hand to their community.

The store operated more like a call center, with volunteers manning the phones, finding out what children wanted, and coordinating a time for the families to pick up their gifts.

According to Matthew Mundall, one of the chaplains at Parker Adventist, the team looks forward to holding the event in person again this year. They are planning to have the Christmas Store as close to normal as possible while following local health directives. Last year, 125 families were served at the store, and the program is planning for even more this year.

“The program even grew during COVID-19, so you can only imagine how much it will grow in the future,” Mundall said.

Whatever the future holds, so many people are invested in the store and its success, from families like the Martins to the volunteers and associates who help it succeed. According to Michael Goebel, CEO of Parker Adventist, the Christmas Store benefits those who make it happen as much as those who receive gifts.

“We host the store every year because we’re here for our community, and that goes beyond their physical health; it extends to every aspect of their lives,” Goebel said. “Providing some Christmas joy to families who cannot afford gifts is just another way we make sure our community is whole and healthy. Getting to see kids light up knowing they will have a Christmas is worth more than words can describe.”

–Ann Muder is a writer for AdventHealth Shawnee Mission; photo supplied

*The family’s name has been changed to protect their privacy.

This article was originally published in Outlook Magazine

17 Nov


By Ashley Gonzalez – Glenwood Springs, Colorado … Hispanic youth and young adults gathered November 6 in Glenwood Springs, Colorado for a chance to reconnect, fellowship, build relationships, and have fun at the yearly Hispanic youth retreat.

This was the first time meeting together since 2019 due to the pandemic, and the 150 attendees were anxious to see everyone.

One church leader attending the event commented, “We are grateful and privileged to be able to have our youth here this year. Our youth have been tempted by this world, especially during the pandemic when our church was closed. Having our youth come together, specifically for this event, has made all the difference in their spiritual lives.”

Being apart from each other for two years made the weekend reunion special and refreshing according to one attendee who said, “Being able to see my friends from the [Montrose] mountains after not seeing them last year, due to the pandemic, made me realize how tight-knit our churches and youth are. I [also] saw a lot of new young people, and it was nice to meet them and hear their stories about how they got into the church.”

The gathering included worship thoughts by Sandro Sandoval, guest speaker from the Kansas-Nebraska Conference, and included activities to build relationships.

“This weekend was fun, [Pastor Sandro Sandoval, guest speaker] was relatable, and sincerely, I had a great time. The scavenger hunt activity Saturday afternoon was cool because we got to play against other churches. Sometimes a little church rivalry is alright,” Eduardo Lopez, Denver Hispanic church member, said.

Kenia Fabian, Denver Central Hispanic church member, was grateful for the worship thoughts.  “I saw the power of God when the human efforts and talents got together for the cause of Jesus Christ. I experienced blessings, the power of love, and the Word of God through Pastor Sandro’s testimonies and lessons.”

Wilmer Martinez, Bloomfield, New Mexico Hispanic church pastor, reflecting on the weekend, said, “In the name of Jesus, [it was] an extraordinary encounter with Christ. We need more topics for young people like Pastor Sandro’s, that focus more on Christ.

–Ashley Gonzalez is a member of the Denver Hispanic church; photos supplied

11 Nov


By Jon Roberts – Casper, Wyoming … “I’m sorry you will have to listen to me breathe,” commented Shayne Vincent, at the beginning of his November 6 sermon. The church responded with a very loud “Amen!” The reason for the comment was due to Vincent still being on supplemental oxygen.

For the Casper church, listening to Vincent breathe is proof of the miracle God performed. Vincent returned to the church pulpit two months after COVID visited the church. In September, the church experienced an outbreak where 30 individuals contracted the deadly disease.  Most recovered; unfortunately, one passed away, and Vincent was also on the doorstep of death for many days on a CPAP ventilator in ICU.

Vincent returned to church to share his testimony and to tell how the experience has humbled him and given him a renewed mission of ministry. Church members, community friends, and visitors came to hear and physically see the miracle God had provided for the Casper church to celebrate.

Addressing the congregation prior to Vincent telling about his walk over the last few months, Rajmund Dabrowski, RMC communication director, said, “It was important that I came to touch, figuratively speaking, something that I perceived to mean – a life change happened here, in your church.”

He added, “I expected to see a banner across the building with a message: A Miracle Happened Here. I did not encounter it. I guess I thought far too much as miracles, all too often, happen in silence.”

Members were excited to have their pastor back, even for part-time as he rebuilds his strength. Remarking on the day’s events and seeing Vincent at church, Arnie Sybrant, head elder at Casper church, said, “It was great. I knew he was going to be doing the testimony at church today. He was excited about coming, and I think the whole church was excited to see him again. You could tell everyone was happy he was there.  In a card I sent him, I told [Vincent] that I didn’t envy his health situation but envied his new experience with God.

Sharing his experience, Vincent said, “We [he and Gabriela, his wife] are so grateful to God for saving my life. I was truly on the fence between life and death. I am thankful for all the prayer and support friends, family, conference co-workers, and strangers provided.”

During his testimony, Vincent shared that while he was in ICU, God came to him and explained he would be healed, but he wouldn’t heal him overnight. Vincent said about this experience. “’I’m not going pull the punch at all.  You’re going to drink every last drop of this cup.’ I didn’t really understand why, but at that point, I was at peace that God was in charge of my destiny, not me. I said, “Okay, whatever your will is, Lord”.

He added that the experience has made him more intentional about daily conversations with Jesus. He said instead of “praying on the go,” he now takes time to have a conversation with God and thank Him every day for saving his life. “I now have been very intentional about my time with Him. It’s made all the difference in His presence. I even broke with my cliché prayers like ‘Lord, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior today.’  I now pray, ‘Let’s talk, Lord.  I’m choosing to let you be the Lord of life today. Let’s talk.’ I want to be with Him because He is so beautiful.  He is the Living Water. Every time I open His Word, it is a firehose, not a tap.”

Vincent plans to share his testimony in the next issue of the Mountain Views, including when an angel visited him in the middle of the night when he felt the presence of the angel opening his lungs.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Rajmund Dabrowski


Pictured left to right: Gabriella Vincent, Shayne Vincent, Susan Vincent (Shayne’s mother)
11 Nov


By Airi Nomura – Loveland, Colorado … Campion students took a trip to an enchanted forest in the gym transformed for the annual student association banquet on November 7.

The student association officers worked to make the transformation by lining the walls with lighted evergreens, hanging sparkling lights overhead, draped with ivy, and decorating the tables with woodsy decor.

“I thought it was very pretty; all the decorations were very beautiful. The most fun thing about the banquet was just spending time with people,” Sierra, Campion junior, said. “I thought the live music was really nice; I liked it a lot. It was a great addition because it felt romantic.”

The night finished with a scavenger hunt around campus. After completing all the missions, students loaded onto a decorated party bus and went for a ride. Seth, a sophomore, reflected, “I had a lot of fun. I enjoyed spending time with my friends on the party bus because we sang a lot of songs, and it was pretty loud, which made me feel good.”

“It went very well. We were able to set it up in a quick and efficient manner. Despite a few minor issues, it seemed like we were able to pull it off and make it fun for everybody. We stayed on task and focused, and all worked together as a team,” Clark, SA president, said.

Reflecting on the evening, Erin Johnson, the SA sponsor, said, “There were a lot of hours put into [it] beforehand to get the look we were going for, and then it was hours of setting up, but the SA did a really great job. It looked like everyone was smiling and having fun, and that’s what it’s all about.”

To view a student-produced video highlight of the banquet, please click here: https://youtu.be/t_yryVnQzZc

–Airi Nomura is a senior at Campion Academy; photos Jill Harlow and Gwyn Reeves

11 Nov


By Jacqueline Kobagaya – Loveland, Colorado … The Campion pastors hosted a dinner on November 5 for the NextGen Pastors aimed to provide ministerial experiences, share stories, answer questions, and mentor them.

NextGen Pastors is a program created by the Campion church for youth and young adults who feel inspired to go into ministry and to guide them through their first steps.

Each pastor shared their experiences about how they felt called by God, even if the journey wasn’t easy or short.

Carlos Santana, who is currently studying theology at Southwestern Adventist University, shared how God has always been weighing on his heart. He said, “I knew early on about Christ, but I also ran away from it. Once I stopped caring about what others thought, I let God take control and let things fall into place.”

The participants connected with the stories, and also shared how they felt called into ministry.

Samuel, a sophomore, said, “After hearing all of these experiences, I feel even more encouraged to go into this field. Their passion and stories show us in the younger generation what we can be in the future.”

Micheal Goetz, senior pastor at Campion church encouraged the students, saying, “If you feel God tapping on your shoulder, listen to it! You’re not going to fit a certain mold or look like other people around you. God has a special plan just for you.”

–Jacqueline Kobagaya, photos supplied

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