15 Sep


RMCNews with Love Pickle and Elizabeth Jureckova – Loveland, Colorado … After a dreadful year of pandemic restrictions, soccer and volleyball have returned to Campion Academy.

According to students, not having competitive sports due to COVID-19 negatively impacted the school experience. “It felt kinda empty without sports last year,” Jovanna, Campion sophomore, said.

Sharing the same sentiments Kendra, Campion senior, expressed, “Having volleyball back is definitely a highlight of my senior year; I missed going to tournaments last year and being with my teammates.”

With sports back, the cheers of students, staff, and families returned as Campion Academy boys showed off their soccer skills during the season’s opening game against Mile High Academy. The Campion Cougars dominated the Mustangs 3 to 1.

“After not being able to play any sports last year, it is great to finally be able to play sports again, especially soccer. It’s already been a great start to the season, and it will only get better. We have a lot to work on together as a team, but we all are willing to put in the work. I think our whole team is excited to play soccer once again, and we all want to bring the trophy back home from Union,” Karson, Campion soccer member, expressed.

While the boys celebrated the win, the girls’ volleyball opening match between the two schools was underway.  The Cougars and Mustangs both showed perseverance during the match, and, in the end, MHA ended on top, winning 3 to 1.

Students were thankful to be back on the field, win or lose.

“It felt really good being back on the field. I think sports bring people together in a way nothing else can. You could definitely tell the effect of not having [sports] last year had on everybody. We’re all super excited to play again this season, make memories and have some fun,” Collin, Campion soccer team member, said.

“It’s nice to get back into the groove and feel the energy of competition,” reflected Kylie, Campion captain of the volleyball team. “I have a good team, and I am looking forward to what this season will hold.”

— RMCNews with Love Pickle and Elizabeth Jureckova; photos by Gwyn Reeves and Jill Harlow

15 Sep


RMCNews with Samantha Nelson – Cody, Wyoming … Creation, the Flood, and dinosaurs were at the center of two community event seminars held in Cody and Worland, Wyoming, in early September.

The event, presented by Creation Truth Foundation, an independent ministry based in Oklahoma, hosted 150 community members combined at two separate five-evening presentations. The uniqueness of the programs came from the life-size dinosaur fossils and casts set up for the presentations.

Reflecting on the planning and organizing done for the program, Samantha Nelson, spouse of Pastor Steve Nelson of the Cody district, said four words were the catalyst of the process. “’ In the beginning, God’ are the words that kept coming to my mind as Steve and I thought about possible ways to reach our community. Many Christians today believe the evolutionary lie or some amalgamated version of it, such as God started Creation, but then evolution took over.”

She added, “How can Bible-believing individuals believe these lies of the enemy of our souls? In my mind, the only way to be able to share Bible truth with others effectively was to get back to the basics and build a common foundation upon the truth of God’s Word, which tells us that, ‘in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.’”

In Worland, the middle school auditorium was transformed as dinosaurs were set up on stage.   Youth occupied the front rows, getting a better view of the dinosaurs and actively participating in the discussions. Some of them were able to assist with dismantling the dinosaurs and packing up fossils.

The event was live-streamed, giving those unable to attend in person the opportunity to experience the informative series. “I started watching the Creation Truth Foundation seminars done in Worland a couple of weeks ago. After the first one, I couldn’t stop. I watched all five seminars today! I highly recommend them,” Traci Pike, teacher at Mountain Road Christian Academy in Casper, enthusiastically expressed.

During the meetings, the guest presenters of the seminars visited SonShine Academy and met with students allowing them to look at some of the smaller fossils they brought and get answers to their questions.

Nelson recalls an interaction with a community member in Cody that made all the planning, organizing, and hard work worth it.

“One of the biggest blessings to take place was meeting a family who was searching for truth and a safe church family. God arranged this interaction. One of our Facebook ads stated the programs would start at 1:30 p.m. Saturday instead of Sunday. None of us caught the error. A little before 1:30 p.m. Saturday, a family walks in. I apologized for the error and the fact that none of us were aware of it. Then, we just started talking.”

Questions were asked, recalled Nelson, “Did we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior? Were we Mormons or Jehovah’s Witnesses? Were the presentations biblical? Did we believe God created everything?” the family quizzed.

“In the moments together, God knit our hearts together as only He can do. This family attended every program and promised they would see us in church, too. God led this family to see the erroneous ad and to come to meet with us privately.”

–RMCNews with Samantha Nelson, wife of Steve Nelson, pastor of the Cody district; photos by Steve and Samantha Nelson

President of Creation Truth Foundation, Matt Miles, shares the Bible history of Creation.


Attentive crowds as President of Creation Truth Foundation, Matt Miles, shares the Bible history of Creation.


The stage fully set in Worland and people beginning to arrive for the presentations.
13 Sep

Brighton Adventist Academy honors Colorado fallen soldiers

RMCNews with Brooklyn Hill – Brighton, Colorado … Brighton Adventist Academy, Grades 5 through 10, recently visited “The Wall That Heals,” a traveling Vietnam Memorial, when it made a stop in Brighton, Colorado on September 2 to honor those who had paid the ultimate price for the people of the United States.

Students spent the week leading up to the event researching Coloradans whose name was listed on the Vietnam Memorial. Their assignment was to locate the name of the Coloradan each had chosen to study and etch a pencil rubbing of the name at the exhibit.

The field trip allowed students to experience an event that shaped their grandparents’ lives during the 1960s and early 1970s. Daneil, ninth-grader at BAA, expressed, “It was sad how many lives were lost in the Vietnam War.”

For others, the overwhelming number of those who gave their lives and were honored on the wall was what stood out. “It was interesting how many people were on the wall,” Nathaniel, ninth-grader at BAA, mentioned.

Students learned about items families left at the wall in Washington D.C. to honor their loved ones. The tour guide showed the students items, including an entire army suite, a care package sent to a soldier that was sent back to the family unopened because the soldier died before he could open it, and a prosthetic leg with a long note on it. There was also a motorcycle on display called The Gold Star dedicated to the veterans who lost their lives in the Vietnam War.

Reflecting on the event, Brooklyn Hill, a seventh-grader at BAA, said, “The wall made me feel sorry for all who died in the war. I [want to] thank the people running this establishment for all they have done for people to see their lost family members. I also [want to] thank my classmates for being respectful of the wall.”

The Healing Wall is three-quarters the size of the actual wall in Washington, D.C., and has 58,000 names on it.  The Wall that Heals left Brighton, Colorado, to travel to the Pinon Hills Adventist church in Farmington, New Mexico, where it was on display from September 7 to September 12.

— RMCNews with Brooklyn Hill, a seventh-grader at Brighton Adventist Academy; photos courtesy of Brighton Adventist Academy’s Facebook page

13 Sep


RMCNews – Lincoln, Nebraska … Under the theme Yes, Lord!, the 9th quinquennial session of the Mid-America Union Conference, September 12,  256 delegates voted 82% to 18% to allow conferences to submit female pastors to the union for ordination. Mid-America Union Conference joins the Pacific Union Conference and the Columbia Union Conference to become the third union in the North American Division to ordain women.

At the outset of the meeting, delegates re-elected Gary Thurber to serve as Mid-America Union Conference president. Dr. Herbet Morel Jr. was elected as vice president of administration; David VandeVere, treasurer of the Potomac Conference, was invited to join MAUC as vice-president of finance.

MAUC department directors elected for the next quinquennium, were Brenda Dickerson, communication director; Roberto Correa, disabilities director; LouAnn Howard, education director; Raylene Jones, human resources director; Robert Correa, multi-language and Hispanic director; and Nancy Buxton, women’s ministry director.

The session began with a devotional thought by G. Alexander Bryant, North American Division president. Bryant challenged the delegates, saying, “Don’t let your heart become overwhelmed and don’t let yourself get too stressed out with things happening in the world and the church … especially the church.” He added, “Jesus is interested in our mental health. Whatever is happening in this life, it is temporary. It’s not the final chapter. Let not your heart be troubled because Jesus is going to win!”

Changes to the by-laws, a regular maintenance item, became a topic of much discussion on whether or not to enlarge the MAUC Executive Committee from 35 to 38 members to ensure more voices are heard. Hispanic delegates spoke about the representation of this growing membership base within MAUC on the Executive Committee. One delegate expressed, “We would like to have a voice”. Gary Thurber explained that they recognize the importance of Hispanic ministries in MAUC and the conferences choose who will sit on the Union Executive Committee, and as part of recognizing the fastest growing membership base in the territory, the delegates voted the first Hispanic director of the Union.

Union College presented a report showing the healthy growth in enrollment and financial stability. The college representatives also showed that they have 25 million dollars in reserve for student aid.  A new feature of the college campus drew the attention of many in the audience when they presented plans to build the AdventHealth Fitness Complex in the next few years.

The final agenda item was the issue of pastoral credentialing. The topic, as expected, drew strong convictions from both sides of the issue.

“We are not here to debate women’s ordination. We are going to debate the policy,” Gary Thurber, MAUC president said at the onset of the lively hour discussion for women’s ordination in the MAUC territory. Thurber addressed the delegates stating they are called by God. “We are God’s Elijahs. We are the ones called for this territory.”

Mic Thurber, the new RMC president addressed the delegates on this issue by saying, “My personal support for this motion has been formed by 18 years of serving alongside educated, gifted, and called women to pastoral ministry. In the three churches I served as senior pastor, one or more female associate pastors each demonstrated the fruits of ministry over and over again.”

Dick Stenbakken, RMC delegate rose to the microphone to express his opinion. “I think as Adventists we talk a lot about mission, and we should. And I think we should not limit who can serve in it. We talk about present truth and I think the present truth is to ordain women along with men because it helps the mission of the church.”

Bryant spoke on the challenges he sees. “I personally stand in support of women’s ordination, but am challenged by this motion.” He said that this action doesn’t make women equal in the Seventh-day Adventist church. “Let’s ask the Lord for wisdom because this might help this particular situation but doesn’t help the entire issue. There has to be a way that we, as a church, figure out our way through this and keep pressing until we can get total equality.”

In conclusion, 256 delegates voted 82% to 18% to allow conferences to submit female pastors to the union for ordination making it one of the largest margins in favor of ordaining women to the Gospel Ministry.

Commenting on the historic vote, Doug Inglish, RMC vice president of administration, said. “The vote today means conferences can decide whether or not to submit female pastor names to the union for ordination.”

Those chosen to represent the Rocky Mountain Conference on the Mid-America Union Conference Executive Committee were Mic Thurber, RMC president; Darin Gottfried, RMC vice president of finance; Wayne Morrison, pastor of Brighton church; and two at-large members Carol Turk and Sam Miller.

Voted to serve on the Union College association board to represent RMC was Darin Gottfried, and serving on the Union by-laws committee is Mary Lynn Green, RMC trust and planned giving director.

Closing the session, Gary Thurber challenged the delegates to “keep our arms around each other and when we go from this place, we will send a message to our churches that the Mid-America Union Conference is Seventh-day Adventist to its very core and loves the world church and is thankful to be a part of it.”

He also stated that he is grateful for each female pastor in the Mid-America Union. “I hope more than anything today they know how important they are to our mission and that their pastoral leadership is vital to our territory.”

–RMCNews; photos by Rajmund Dabrowski and Outlook Magazine

09 Sep


By Jared Marcenaro – Laramie, Wyoming … Hail, cold nights, rocky trails, and high altitude could not stop Campion Academy’s outdoor club from having an unforgettable weekend backpacking trip in the Snowy Range mountains in Wyoming on September 3.

The group of 25 adventure-filled students left campus for a two-and-a-half-hour drive to the trailhead, where they were met with rain and hail.

Reflecting on the exciting beginning of the expedition Jahir, Campion senior, explained, “It was memorable because Mr. Kast started our group on the wrong trail, and when we got onto the right trail it started raining and hailing. But, when that passed, we got to see the beautiful night sky.” Once everyone had set up camp and settled in, they welcomed in the Sabbath with evening worship under the stars.

Sabbath morning began with breakfast and a devotional thought. Then it was off to their next campsite, about six miles away. The hikers enjoyed beautiful views while pushing their physical limits as the trail got steeper and surpassed 11,000 feet in elevation.

“Getting to be in nature was very peaceful. I feel like being out there distracts you from school and any stress you have. You get closer to God, and you have time to talk with friends,” Matthew, Campion junior, said.

When they arrived at the end of their hike, campers settled in and had time to explore or relax.

“One thing I enjoyed was the freedom we had, especially on Saturday because I could wander off on my own time, and it wasn’t restricted to staying at camp or on a trail,” Noah, Campion senior, said.

Students shared what they learned about God throughout the day at a worship closing out the Sabbath. “Seeing the stars makes you realize how small we are but how God still cares for us,” Preston, Campion junior expressed.

Early the following day, a group of ten adventurous club members set off to hike to the summit of Medicine Bow Peak, while the rest of the members opted to sleep in. “I enjoyed the hike on Sunday morning,” said Ekenna, Campion student. “Even though it was really hard, it was awesome going to the summit and looking down on where you just came from and how far you got. It also relates to your spiritual walk, where you need to go through a struggle so you can look back and see how far you’ve come.”

One more hike awaited the students—the hike to the vans and busses to transport them back to campus. Love Pickle, senior, summed up her weekend saying that, “The people and the views made backpacking fun.”

To view a student-produced video recapping the weekend, please click here.

–Jared Marcenaro is a Campion senior; photos by Noah Sturges, Airi Nomura, and Jill Harlow

09 Sep

“I work for you,” says the new RMC president during the first office meeting

RMCNews – Denver, Colorado … “To you, this is another staff meeting, but to me, this is a big deal,” Mic Thurber said to the conference office staff at the beginning of their monthly meeting, September 7.

Meeting the staff officially for the first time, Thurber chaired the meeting.  After a worship thought by Mickey Mallory, RMC ministerial director, the new president began by sharing how he is eager to start his ministry in the RMC territory.

Thurber stated that when new leadership arrives, there is often anxiety among the staff concerned about how this change will affect them.  Thurber explained his leadership style comes down to “I work for you,” referring to the fact he is not a micro-manager.

He said he has a pastor’s heart and sees his role as president to be the office staff senior pastor. “I’m still a pastor,” commented Thurber.

The staff was able to meet for the first time Darin Gottfried, RMC vice-president for finance.  Gottfried shared how he is looking forward to getting settled in their new home in a few weeks and looking forward to getting to know the staff and church members.

Jana Thurber, the new RMC women’s and prayer ministries director attended the meeting and meet the staff.  Jana also explained she is looking forward to also filling a new position of ministerial spousal support.

Several staff expressed their joy in welcoming Thurber and Gottfried while appreciating Doug Inglish, vice-president for administration, for his maintaining the RMC ship these past few weeks.

The meeting closed with a renewed emphasis by Thurber explaining evangelism in RMC starts in our community by being loving and caring neighbors.

–RMCNews; photos by Rajmund Dabrowski and Jon Roberts

09 Sep

NAD President Commemorates 9/11, Calls Adventists in North America to Prayer of Remembrance

By North American Division News — Columbia, Maryland … As we remember how life in the United States and around the world changed 20 years ago when 3,000 lost their lives in terrorist acts on September 11, 2001 — as planes crashed through the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Virginia, and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania — I urge our members in the North American Division to pray for those who were impacted by these events and lost loved ones on that day. We remember the first responders, many who gave their lives in service to their fellow human beings. We also remember the brave passengers on United Flight 93 who sacrificed their lives to save others.

I encourage us to remember the hope God gives us. He will sustain us and provide us with peace. May we also remember this promise: “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33, NIV).”

— G. Alexander Bryant, president, Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America

photo by iStock

This statement was originally published on the North American Division website

09 Sep


By Jon Roberts – Casper, Wyoming … For many, a job is a four or five-day workweek consisting of eight to ten hours per day before going home. However, for the farmers and ranchers of Wyoming, it is a 24/7 way of life.

Tilling the soil and caring for the animals God created can often be challenging, but the benefits outweigh the difficult work. Joseph and Cynthia Pedersen, cattle ranchers, and members of the Wheatland company, see their livelihood as a sustainable way of life.

“Americans are fast losing hold of the food supply. Just seeing the Covid lockdown shows how important it is to have American agriculture and its resources readily available to us. We need to be more sustainable on a grassroots level.”

However, sustainability is only one of the reasons for this need. “Our family tries to apply a clean-eating model with simple ingredients that are locally sourced. We like to know how our beef was raised, what conditions they lived their lives in, and that they were given the best possible care along the way. This is what has led us to finish our own beef. We feel blessed to be able to offer that assurance to our buyers.”

For others, like Lee and Kimberly Ludeman, homesteaders, and members of the Wheatland company, the lifestyle is about being financially independent. “We raise chickens, dairy goats, cows, and horses, and also grow a garden and preserve our harvest. We are doing pretty well in this economy. We grow and raise most of our food, and that helps with expenses.”

The challenges are ever-present for the Ludemans and Pedersens.

For the Ludemans, it’s the long Wyoming winters. “The biggest challenge we have as homesteaders in Wyoming is providing grass and hay for our animals and keeping them warm in the winter.”  For the Pedersen’s, it is trying to maintain a ranch while also maintaining other work. “It’s not our only job, so working it all in leads to very long days and nights for the whole family.”

For some, making friends and relating to homesteaders and ranchers can seem like a daunting task, mainly when their knowledge of sustainable living is confined to walking down the aisles of Safeway or King Soopers twice a week.

Shayne Vincent, pastor of the Casper church district, explains that becoming friends and discussing religious topics is often a long-term effort, but it is worth it. “Ranchers and farmers are good people—shirt-off-their-back type of folk. Where life is more about character and how you treat people than what you believe.

For non-members, religion is one of those topics reserved only for the best of friends and sometimes family. This makes evangelism a long-term process of winning respect rather than short-term fact-based change.”

The Pedersens echo Vincent’s sentiments. “The agriculture community is uniquely aware of the blessings and provisions of God. If you take the time to get to know these people, you will find a group with a profound respect for the Lord and His ways. Then the Spirit can open doors to share the messages of the three angels, the hope and joy we have as earth wraps up its final scenes and can make you friends for eternity.”

Vincent adds, “In these parts of the country, it is mostly traditional values. Hard work and treating your neighbor right are what folks aspire to. In addition, taking care of your animals and the 4-H type activities are daily parts of life for those in and out of the city. Their love for the Bible and their practical wisdom makes our members integral and respected members of the community.”

With a demanding lifestyle, it may seem not very easy to get a full day of rest per week, but Sabbaths are more than just another never-ending workday.

“Animals are fed on the Sabbath. We eat, and they eat; the Sabbath doesn’t change that. God has provided blessings on the other six days of the week. We let things rest on Sabbath, us and our animals; thus, the very long days the rest of the week,” Pedersen’s explains.

The Ludemans also have animals to take care of on the Sabbath. “We still have to feed the animals on the Sabbath. We also have to milk the goats, but it only takes a few minutes out of the day. We do not ride our horses on the Sabbath.”

If a rancher or homesteader arrives late or misses church, be gentle with them is the Pedersens plea. “Don’t give your farming and ranching neighbors dirty looks if they come into church late. They probably had calves out. Don’t judge them if they miss a Sabbath. Maybe they had a cow or a goat in labor, or their irrigation water went out of control and was about to flood the highway. Just smile, and [be] glad they made it when they come to church or events.”

For the Petersens, the best way to do outreach is by being part of the community. “There are many agricultural organizations that we can support, get to know, and be involved with in the community — 4-H, FFA, Cattlewomen chapters, Stockgrowers.”

The Ludermans are also involved in the community. “As homesteaders, we are able to provide fresh eggs, goat and cow milk, and produce from our garden to people in our community.  We make goat milk soaps and cheese as well. We enjoy providing fresh, organic foods to our community. We are hoping to provide equine therapy for our community in the near future.”

For both families, their way of life is something they hope to pass along to future generations. “We hope our children learn to appreciate the land and resources God has provided us so that they can understand where their food comes from and how to manage those resources responsibly and to do their work for the Lord and honor Him with their labor and integrity. We hope to pass on a willingness to work hard and serve wherever God calls our children,” the Pedersens explain.

The Ludermans have the same hope, “We think that there will always be homesteaders. We would love for our children and grandchildren to learn how to homestead and provide for themselves.”

“Homesteading is a very rewarding, heartwarming, sometimes heartbreaking way to live. We feel closer to God when we are in the garden or with the animals. It is a great feeling to be able to share the things that God has provided from our homestead with our community,” the Ludermans add.

The final piece of advice the Pedersen’s would like to share with their non-agricultural church members is to help them out where you can. “If you have the opportunity to lend a hand, do it. You will gain valuable skills and another perspective. Many religious talks happen in an alleyway, at a butcher table late at night, or after rounding up a loose cow. Remember to pray for them when they are absent. Guaranteed, they are lifting up prayers over whatever has kept them away. Offer to pray for and with them.”

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos courtesy of Wheatland company Facebook page.

09 Sep


RMCNews with MHANews — Highlands Ranch, Colorado … Ax throwing, PVC ping pong, cardboard boats, and capture the mattress were the highlights of Mile High Academy’s high school outdoor retreat in Deckers, Colorado.

The retreat from the city began with student association officers spending a day in the wilderness on September 1.  As they arrived at Camp Shady Brook YMCA grounds, the atmosphere among the student leaders was electric with plans for getting to know each other better and planning the school year’s events.

First off was building leadership and self-confidence by completing a high rope challenge course some thirty feet high. Afterward, they gathered together for a team meeting to discuss the calendar and spiritual goals for the school year.

“It was awesome,” reflected Andrew Carpenter, MHA principal on the day. “The students bonded together as classmates while focusing on what it means to be a spiritual leader for not only peers but also for the world around them.”

The next day, the student association officers were joined by the other high school students where they were quickly divided into six groups. They were each given cardboard and duct tape and the task of building a sea-worthy vessel.  Four vessels successfully made it to the bottom of the lake.

After the groups decided that shipbuilding wasn’t in their futures, they moved on to a series of team competitions. The challenges included ax throwing, a climbing wall, maneuvering through a minefield, board walking, PVC ping pong, and finding seven gummy bears in a giant bowl of chocolate pudding.

The evening began with a joint worship focusing on the MHA spiritual theme for the year, “Abundant Joy”.

After worship, the night was just beginning as there was still one task to complete as a group … capture the mattress, a game similar to capture the flag but with a bulky mattress.

Reflecting on the event, sophomore Gwen said, “I am so thankful that [we were] able to have this retreat. It was fun watching our classmates grow and bond together as a group through shared experiences.”

–RMCNews with MHANews; photos supplied

08 Sep


By Nate Elias — Have you ever changed the thinking of someone on a social media debate? I rarely see in-person debates sway a person’s opinion let alone an online debate. Yet Christians have joined the social media debates (or more likely online wars) of opinion.

When God incarnate, made his earthly presence, he entered into a world of debate. The Jewish nation all wanted the same thing, freedom from Rome. The Jews developed factions based on their opinions concerning solutions to their occupation.

Considering the people Jesus invited into his circle of influence, Jesus wasn’t oblivious to the debate in Israel. Jesus included James and John, the sons of thunder (Mark 3:16), who believed in the violent overthrow of Rome. Then there is Matthew the tax collector (Matthew 9:9). He didn’t even keep fighting against Rome; he joined Rome. In between the two extremes were the Jewish religious leaders trying to work with and against Rome.

It would make sense that with this much debate and conflict that Jesus would have spent a significant amount of time expressing his position and debating against one side or the other in the conflict. Yet there are only a few minor references to Jesus even acknowledging the debate was taking place. How could Jesus separate himself from the constant battle while still bringing individuals from both extremes of the debate into his community?


As I consider our current struggle of existing with Covid 19 and all its variants, I wonder how Jesus would handle the debate? Would Jesus pick a side? Would he get on social media and post opinions? How would Jesus bring the church, his body here on planet earth, together when so divided by “facts” and “opinions?”

The Jewish community had a confession of their faith, Shema, that was part of their daily worship experience. “Love the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 6:5). Jesus stated this as the greatest command of God. He then followed up with, “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39). While the Jews bickered over the oppression of Rome, Jesus sought to redirect the Jewish focus to what it meant to love God and love each other. While the Jews fought against each other over salvation from Rome, Jesus brought eternal salvation from sin.


Do we need to be redirected by God to understand the love of God? The Apostle John wrote, “For God so loved the Cosmos, Universe, that He gave his only Son, Jesus” (John 3:16). In 1 John 3:16 John wrote, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children
of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1)

Three words come to mind—compassion, respect, and value—in following God’s invitation to love others. Every human being is born in the image of God. You have a personal story that drives your response to life. Having compassion means, I listen to your story that has impacted you. Respecting each person as a child of God is beautiful and difficult.

We are equal in value to God. We are equally God’s children. When I look at you, do I see my equal?

If I see you as my equal and God’s child, I won’t attack you online or in-person. I can disagree and don’t have to attack. God help us learn to love as he first loved us.

–Nate Elias, is pastor at the Piedmont Park Seventh-day Adventist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska; photo supplied.

This article was originally published on Outlook Magazine’s website

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