02 Sep


By Jon Roberts – Denver, Colorado …“Everyone has a story, and this is mine,” remarked Rajmund Dabrowski, RMC communication director, on his recent Adventist Journey interview.

The North America Division selects an Adventist to tell their story every month. Sometimes it is a lay member who has had an influence in their community or an employee of the church. Then there are those who have not only dedicated their lives to spreading the good news of Jesus, but also invited others around the world to walk with them on their Adventist journey.  Dabrowski is the latter.

Recalling his journey and the opportunity it offers others to join in his story, Dabrowski is grateful to the NAD communication team, many of whom he trained, worked with, and mentored over the years. “Often, I’m being described as a mentor, a designation I don’t deserve. Anyone who crosses my path is mentoring me as well. I’m indebted to work alongside many amazing young professionals. We feed each other,” Dabrowski commented.

“I was blessed to work with Rajmund Dabrowski at the General Conference. We worked together on the first television news program for the church, Adventist Newsline. It was an exciting time as we entered new territory for the church, and despite having a small team, we were able to produce programs that I am still proud of almost twenty years later,” Dan Weber, until recently NAD communication director, said.

Dabrowski has received several compliments and comments on the cover picture and the interview.  “The photo and video are by Dan Weber, a master photographer. All I can say is – Thank you,” Dabrowski commented.

Retiring several years ago from the Seventh-day Adventist Church world headquarters where he worked as communication director, he and his wife, Grazyna, settled in Colorado. He was prepared to rest and relax from church employment.  God had other plans.

In the video, we hear about his passion for reaching out and being in the community, as well as having open conversations on how the church can continue to meet the needs of the world and the church with new techniques and methods. In RMC, Dabrowski reclaimed his fondness for editorial work by editing and producing one of the most cutting-edge magazines in the church today … Mountain Views. Some of the finest authors in the church are being invited to engage  us in conversation about what we believe and how we act. “I’m enriched by probing deeper into the present truth,” he commented.

“Ray is a genius when it comes to communicating. His worldwide experience has helped him look at things from many different angles, and he likes a fresh perspective on life! It has been an honor to work with Ray and to be able to call him a friend,” Ed Barnett, former RMC president, said.

“Ray taught us to produce programming that was of the highest professional level possible. He inspired us to create and share stories that would help people around the world understand the breadth and scope of what the church was doing. All of this was because of Ray’s impact on our team and his desire that the church he loved and worked for was well represented to the world. His influence provided a major impact on my work for the church these past 20 years,” Weber added.

Dabrowski hopes his story will encourage others to get involved in the community, show love and kindness to others, giving their all to Jesus.

“Why did I accept the invitation to share my story?  Simple. We, as Adventists, are all on a pilgrimage.  Each of us has a story that also becomes the story of others.  What binds us together is Adventism,” Dabrowski commented.

To view the Adventist Journey interview, click here.

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photo by Jon Roberts

02 Sep


RMCNews with DeeAnn Bragaw – Ward, Colorado … From eastern Colorado and Idaho, from northern Wyoming and Texas, 115 women ascended to GVR for the 2021 RMC women’s convention Bee-Lieve, a chance to fellowship, grow closer to Jesus, and enjoy a weekend where women can be women.

The theme bee-lieve focused on reaffirming for those who gathered that God has a plan for their lives, no matter what. Through biblical stories and personal experiences, guest speaker Tamyra Horst, author and Pennsylvania Conference communication director, encouraged all to keep bee-lieving in God and His guidance in their lives.

Chris, an attendee from Cheyenne, reflected on the retreat, commenting that her most significant takeaway from the retreat was the message, “I am worthy and unconditionally loved.” Her sentiment was echoed by many who attended.

Sabbath included a workshop presented by Cindy Nash and Michelle Nash, wife and mother of Littleton church lead pastor Andy Nash, about praying for the prodigals in your life.

“It was wonderful to be with women from around RMC who love Jesus with all their hearts,” Cindy Nash commented on the gathering.

The convention continued with an afternoon service project. With the help of the teen girls attending their convention at GVR, the women tie-dyed pillowcases that were donated along with new pillows to Crossroads safehouse in Fort Collins and the women’s shelter in Cheyenne.

Women left the convention remembering décor, attention to detail, opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and fun.

The convention was a bitter-sweet moment for DeeAnn Bragaw as she begins a new chapter in her life as the North American Division Women’s Ministry director after four years in RMC.

“Thank you all for the privilege of serving you as Director of Women’s Ministries for our conference. As I transition to the North American Division, I’m so grateful Jana Thurber will be serving our RMC women. I know she will love you, as I have,” DeeAnn Bragaw said.

–RMCNews with DeeAnn Bragaw, North American Division Women’s Ministry director; photos supplied

02 Sep


RMCNews with Betty Soper – Delta, Colorado … With fellowship, games, and bushels of corn, the Delta, Cedaredge, and Paonia churches came together for their 24th annual end-of-summer corn roast and potluck.

Event organizers were unsure if the event would occur since the location for the event became unavailable when the usual hosts moved to Nebraska.

The gathering took a lot of prayer, recalls Betty Soper, a Delta member. “We said a prayer, rented a local-park pavilion, and waited to see if people would attend. We knew it was a wonderful way to get to visit with friends from neighboring churches and to have a place to invite the community to join us for the event.”

Planners had hoped for maybe twenty or thirty people to show at the new location. But the event was well known and anticipated by the churches and the community, and 80 individuals gathered to enjoy the afternoon.

The corn roast fellowship event attracted 50 church members from the district as well as some 30 community members, including a family whose only association with the church was their child who attended the Delta Adventist School.

As afternoon became evening, everyone left filled with delicious Olathe sweet corn and with memories to last through the fall and long winter ahead.  It was the perfect end to a summer in the mountains.

–RMCNews with Betty Soper is the Delta church membership clerk and women’s ministry leader; photos by Jodie Gage

02 Sep


By Airi Nomura – Ward, Colorado … All Campion Academy seniors have made it through some difficult times in their lives–the first day of school as kindergartners, those awkward years in middle school, Zoom, and the first three years of high school–but could they survive their greatest test yet? Like a weekend in the outdoors with no camping tents and working together as a team to survive the elements.

In late August, seniors boarded the bus to depart the luxuries of campus for Glacier View Ranch for the annual senior survivor weekend, where students would bond with each other and get to know Jesus more.

Their survival in nature started after dividing the seniors into groups. The first task was making their shelter in the trees and rocks with only tarps. After the perilous-looking tarp bedrooms were finished, the groups worked together to cook all their meals.

Reflecting on the adventure-filled weekend, new Campion senior student Gabriel Olvera commented, “It was nice to make new connections and new friends. The activities were fun, and it was fun cooking for myself and everyone.”

Every night, all the seniors gathered around the campfire to discover and go deeper with Jesus. “It was super fun to experience senior survival because it’s known as a bonding experience, and I think that’s what it did for our class,” reflected Regan Garman, Campion senior. “I really enjoyed our last worship together on Saturday night. That was really special to me when we did communion and washed each other’s feet.”

Students participated in activities designed to build cooperation and trust between them, including trust falls, a spider web, and nitro crossing. “The activity I enjoyed the most was the trust fall because I felt like I could actually trust my classmates. At the beginning, I was very scared, but it was relaxing and relieving when they caught me,” Duda De Oliveira Campion senior said.

As the seniors departed GVR, they were different from when they arrived.  New friendships had been formed, trust was created, and they were not only individuals who attended classes together, but a close-knit senior class.

To view a student-produced video of the event, click here.

–Airi Nomura is a Campion Academy senior; photos by Jacqueline Kobagaya

01 Sep


RMCNews – Olathe, Colorado … Children recently learned the important life lesson of making a big difference in small ways at a Vacation Bible School hosted by the Olathe Hispanic church.

Twenty children from different denominations in the community gathered nightly in August for the five-day event. The VBS included fun and adventurous activities including, crafts, games, and a chance to begin or continue a walk with Jesus.

Reflecting on the event, Julia Chavez, Olathe VBS coordinator, was thrilled with the community attendance. “Ten of the children were from different faith backgrounds,” she expressed joyously.

The event concluded with a special evening where families joined the children for a closing program which began with fellowship over a meal. Ruben Balaguer, pastor of the Olathe Hispanic church, presented the final Bible story to the group of kids who listened attentively to the story, which demonstrated that the small acts we do can make a big difference.

Reflecting on the week-long adventure, Balaguer commented, “We thank God for those children who were able to learn Bible stories, sing new songs, play with new acquaintances, and enjoy an unforgettable week. It was wonderful to share the gospel with the community children who may have never heard stories about the heroes of the Bible.”

The certificates handed to each youth at the closing ceremony will be a lasting memory for their time at Hero’s Vacation Bible School.

–RMCNews; photo supplied

31 Aug


RMCNews with Linda Benningfield-Hashman – Cañon City, Colorado … A great kitchen is what sells a home, but what sells God’s house?

Recently, Maranatha Volunteers International arrived at the Cañon City Adventist church to assist members with much-needed renovations to the fellowship hall and kitchen. The church regularly hosts cooking classes, Financial Peace University, Nedley Depression and Recovery programs, evangelistic outreach, and other community events. It has been many years since updates were done to allow for more efficient and attractive service areas.

When he reviewed the scale of the work to be completed, John Davidson, Cañon City pastor, knew the congregation could not do the job alone. In early 2020, Davidson contacted Maranatha and asked for assistance. Earlier this year, they sent a representative to evaluate the site. The request was approved, and plans began to be made to complete the project.

Volunteers arrived in the middle of August in their “covered wagons” and set up camp by the church for two weeks. They came from across the country, including Colorado, California, Washington, Oregon, Texas, Oklahoma, New York, Missouri, and Arizona. Every day, the group of 23 individuals began their activities at Four-Mile Christian Academy for worship, prayer, and to review the day’s schedule.

Reflecting on Maranatha’s involvement in projects worldwide, Danny Poljak, project coordinator, explained that the beauty of Maranatha is that it is a proven system that works. It is not a relief project or a first-responder ministry to help in disasters. They have very specific goals and guidelines in place for their niche in serving the world, leading to the continued success of Maranatha.

The group completed many projects in the two-week time frame, including remodeling the kitchen, installing new cabinets and appliances, laying 3,000 square feet of new flooring, hanging drywall, texturing and painting, installing new doors, renovating the bathroom attached to the kitchen, installing a shower, painting the hallways, painting and repairing the library, creating a new sign for the food pantry, scrubbing scuff marks from the gymnasium walls, and landscaping by laying down tons of rock.

“As I volunteered serving meals, I watched members bring in meals to share. Every day I got to see the volunteers working hard and faithfully in the 90-degree weather, in dust and dirt, on cement floors, or outside in the hot sun,” Linda Benningfield-Hashman, Cañon City church communication leader, commented.

She added, “The volunteers’ kindness, faith, and determination were a testimony to everyone watching. At the end of the day, they were exhausted but remained positive, pressing forward with determination to complete the task. God doesn’t fool around when He pulls a team together for Maranatha!”

To answer the question about what sells God’s house—it’s not a kitchen that sells God’s house. Love does. Can the church still offer the community what it needs if the cabinets are outdated and falling apart, and the stove has only some burners working? Of course, it can.  God works in all circumstances no matter the surroundings; however, it is a blessing to have a beautiful, efficient area to greet and serve the community, offering love.

Would you like to be a Maranatha volunteer? Do you have a project that could benefit your church that might fit Maranatha’s goals? For more information, go to their website www.Maranatha.org or call 916-774-7700.

— RMCNews with Linda Benningfield-Hashman. communication leader at Cañon City Adventist church; photos supplied

26 Aug


By Ron Price … I went to the dentist a week ago. I had endured terrific pain for about three years and decided enough was enough. The week prior, I visited my mechanic because my truck had been running poorly again for about three years. I must be in the mood to get things fixed as I also recently called a plumber to fix a sink that had been clogged, you guessed it, for about three years.

I think I know what facetious means, and I’m pretty sure I just gave you an example.  If you believe any of those statements, you likely should question my sanity and wonder why you should care what I have to say – or write.

I’m happy to say those experiences were all made up, but please get the point I want to make. Researchers have determined that most couples in a distressed marriage endure their pain about three years before they reach out for help. I can think of various words to define this behavior, but none I care to use in public.

All relationships will endure periods of discord and distress from time to time. To expect otherwise is foolhardy at best. So if you find yourself in a challenging marriage (or other relationship), please do not hesitate to do whatever it takes to get you to a better place. And, contrary to apparent popular opinion, sooner is far better than later.

Relationship guidance, support, and help are plentiful and easy to find in our internet age. To prove my point, here’s a link to a brief (6:07) video I made that will help you prevent ugly confrontations from getting out of hand https://vimeo.com/561815827/d2adf8eee9.

I can think of lots of lousy excuses for failing to seek help for a troubled relationship, but few, if any, good ones. Please, don’t wait.

— Ron Price MA writes a regular column on www.RonPrice.com.  He is the owner/operator of Productive Outcomes, Inc., and has spent the last 30+ years as a mediator, helping people resolve their differences with others. He provides in-person and virtual training on a variety of life skills. He is a member of Piñon Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church in Farmington, New Mexico and a member of the RMC Executive Committee. For more information, visit www.RonPrice.com. To add your name to his weekly mailing list, please send him an email at [email protected]. Photo supplied

This article was reprinted with permission

26 Aug


By Jon Roberts – Louisville, Colorado … “It feels great. I’m happy. I’m honored and humbled that the Lord has seen fit to have this recognition bestowed upon me. I didn’t do anything to earn it. If God calls, God equips,” Tim Jones, pastor of the Twin Peaks and Longmont churches, expressed during his ordination service held recently at the Twin Peaks church.

Jones, relatively new to Adventism, but no stranger to being a pastor, grew up in the Pentecostal church.  His family life included a devoted Pentecostal mother and an abusive father. After years of abuse, his mother gathered the courage to leave the abuse and move the family from Georgia to California.

Following high school graduation, Jones joined the military and recalled how, after leaving the military, he was able to reconnect with God.  “After the army, I got a job with the telephone company. On one of my service calls, I met a Baptist minister, and as I was leaving the job, he challenged me to read the Gospel of John. God spoke to me through that gospel. I was 24 years old at the time, and I realized that I needed this loving Savior.”

Jones adds, “I went to a Pentecostal church that I knew about and walked down front and said I wanted to be saved. I asked Jesus to come into my life and take away my sins. I felt as if a physical weight was lifted from my shoulders, and the dirty, filthy person I had become was being cleansed. In front of all of those people, I cried like a baby. I felt so good inside. I was a changed man–radically changed.”

This ordination service wasn’t the first for Jones, he explains. “I graduated from college, and graduate school, was ordained into the ministry, and was actively involved in the Pentecostal/charismatic movement. In 1991, I moved to Sacramento with my family, and in 1997, as a Pentecostal minister, I went through a divorce. After three years in that dark and withdrawn place, I knew I needed help getting my life back together, or I would die in this depression.”

Jones started to reread the Bible and experienced Genesis and Exodus with a renewed focus on understanding Scripture. He read about the Sabbath and wanted to know more. Thus began a months-long journey discovering the peace Sabbath provides.

The service, held in front of Jones’ church family, also included surprise visitors. Jones’ brother asked to be picked up at the airport because he wanted to support his brother.  As Jones arrived to retrieve his brother, he was surprised to see not only his brother but all of his siblings who flew out to support him, including his sister, who is a Pentecostal minister.

Throughout the gathering, individuals who played an essential role in Jones’ ministry thanked him for his service as an Amazing Facts evangelist and recognized God’s calling on his life. One speaker expressed, “Pastor Jones, you have touched many lives, and the fruits of your labor won’t be known till heaven.

Reflecting on the ordination service, Jones stated, “It means to receive recognition from the church and its leaders that God has called me to the gospel ministry. Someone else sees the hand of God on my life and that He’s called me for the proclamation of His Word, which is probably the highest calling that I could aspire to.”

Jones added that he would like to thank “the people who nurtured me–mother, sisters, and brothers–who stood with me when times were hard and encouraged me when I was feeling discouraged. And I also want to thank the Rocky Mountain Conference leadership for recognizing that I could be a candidate for ordination.” He continued, “I appreciate every one of those men and women in leadership in the Rocky Mountain Conference. I also want to thank my churches, elders, deacons, and all the church members, who’ve been so supportive of me. And so, I’m grateful. I’m truly grateful.”

–Jon Roberts is RMC communication/media assistant; photos by Jon Roberts

25 Aug


By Marsha Bartulec – Erie, Colorado … Vista Ridge Academy kicked off the new school year celebrating in-person classes, an expansion of early childhood education options, and 36 new students.

In response to growth in the community and demand for early childhood education, Vista Ridge Academy expanded its early childhood education program by adding an additional room, creating a dedicated preschool (3-year-olds) room, and a dedicated Pre-K (4-year-olds) room.

After parents dropped off their children, the parents attended the annual boo-hoo or yahoo breakfast. The name of the event represented parents’ feelings toward the first day of school, parents may feel sad to drop off their students, hence boo-hoo, or they may be excited to drop off their pupils, hence yahoo.

Brittany McLachlan, school board member and parent of a kindergartener, is thankful her son can be in-person learning this school year. “We hope our son learns to be brave and be kind. We want him to show Jesus in all that he does and have the best time ever learning new things,” said McLachlan.

Brenda Garcia, a new parent at VRA of a fifth-grader and seventh-grader, is thrilled to have her daughters attend Vista Ridge Academy. “I wanted my girls to try something new. We like the environment, and everyone is really nice,” said Garcia.

After breakfast, the day continued with a dedication prayer service on the soccer field. Teachers and staff were introduced, followed by Herbert Hernandez, Chapel Haven pastor, Geoff Patterson, lead pastor at Boulder, and J. Murdock, associate pastor at Boulder, who led in the prayer of dedication for the school year.

Patterson is excited about this school year. “The staff has done an amazing job getting everything prepared, especially with the addition of new classes, and moving into rooms that weren’t used shows innovative thinking and skill on the part of the leadership. The facilities here are just fantastic. The field and the building are in such good shape and kept up so well. It is a good representation of what a Christian school ought to be.”

Students are happy to be back in school. One student in the first and second grade classroom said, “I love this school! It’s way better than I expected. I can’t wait to come back tomorrow.”

Sandy Hodgson, principal, agrees. “We look forward to learning together with our students and families and pray for God’s blessings on another great year.”

Vista Ridge Academy has 101 students enrolled for the academic year.

–Marsha Bartulec is vice-principal for administration at Vista Ridge Academy; photos by Rebecca Murdock, Marit Guild, and Shondra Cizek

24 Aug


By Annette Treat – Worland, Wyoming … Students at SonShine Academy in Worland, Wyoming received the royal treatment on their first day of school. The red carpet was laid out for the school’s eight students to parade toward a special VIP entrance.

The event began the school’s 43rd year, providing a safe space for students to excel at academics and have fun learning about the love of Jesus. But the school’s journey hasn’t been an easy one. Year after year, the church faced the reality of closing the school due to a lack of funds. However, members always stepped out in faith that God would provide–and He has.

“We pray daily that the Lord will greatly bless every church and person who has given to SonShine Academy,” Annette Treat, principal, said.

After an appeal for members to support SonShine Academy at Wyoming camp meeting a couple of years ago, the school has operated without a deficit.

The Worland teacher, school board, church members, students, and parents are all grateful for the financial help that continues to come from other churches and members from all over the state of Wyoming and beyond.

SonShine Academy would like to encourage churches that are discussing opening a school to step out in faith.  Every child would be blessed by the “red carpet” education that Seventh-day Adventist education can provide.

–Annette Treat is principal of SonShine Academy; photos supplied

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