05 Sep


Jose Briones – Ward, Colorado … Glacier View Ranch (GVR) in Ward, Colorado, became a haven for spiritual renewal and fellowship at the Campestre Hispano, August 31-September 1. The camp meeting, which unfolded against GVR’s breathtaking natural backdrop, focused on the profound theme of being “Baptized in Fire by the Holy Spirit.” This theme resonated deeply with the 600 attendees, guiding them through an enriching journey of faith.

The event featured insightful talks from renowned speakers Felipe Andino, pastor in the Washington Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and Aneury Vargas, pastor in the New York Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Their sessions delved into the role of the Holy Spirit within the family unit and how to lead a Christian life that authentically mirrors the beauty of Jesus. Their messages were not only spiritually uplifting but also practical, offering attendees actionable advice on nurturing their faith and living out Christian principles in daily life.

For the youth, the camp meeting was particularly engaging. Leonardo Balaguer, from the Texas Conference, delivered inspiring talks that spoke directly to the challenges and opportunities faced by young believers. His sessions were designed to motivate and empower the younger generation, encouraging them to remain steadfast in their faith and to find joy in their spiritual journey.

The weekend was not just about spiritual growth; it also included a range of social activities that fostered community and camaraderie among attendees. From outdoor games to group discussions, participants had ample opportunities to connect and share their experiences. The highlight of the social events was a concert by Anita Peña and Arlen Balaguer. Their performance, rich with gospel-centered music, was a powerful reminder of the connection between music and worship. Peña’s and Balaguer’s soulful melodies and uplifting lyrics helped deepen the attendees’ connection to Jesus, creating an atmosphere of praise and reflection.

The Campestre Hispano at Glacier View Ranch was more than just a series of talks and activities; it was an experience that brought people together in their shared faith. Through meaningful discussions, dynamic speakers, and inspiring music, attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose and a stronger bond with their Christian community.

“The weekend’s events underscored the significance of the Holy Spirit in personal and communal life,” commented Jose Briones, a pastor in the Rocky Mountain Conference, “making the camp meeting a memorable and transformative experience for all involved. Hispanic Ministries hopes to continue reaching those thirsting for the Gospel within the Rocky Mountain Conference and delivering the good news in any language.”

—Jose Briones is pastor for the Colorado Springs, Greeley, Nueva Esperanza, and Fairplay district. Photos supplied.

05 Sep


Lisa Cardinal – Parker, Colorado … Benjamin Franklin once said that nothing is certain except death and taxes. But he was wrong! Only taxes are certain.

Because of God’s unfathomable, unfailing, incalculable love for this world, He gave Jesus and whoever believes in Jesus will have life forever! I have overcome the world, said Jesus! Death has been swallowed up in victory! The day is coming when He will wipe every tear from our eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things will be gone forever! (John 3:16, John 16:33, 1 Corinthians 15:54, Revelation 21:4)

“This past week, two people at Newday said yes to all of this! Yes, to Jesus as their personal Savior who lived, died, rose, and is alive in heaven in their place. Two people went public as Jesus’ followers and were baptized to powerfully symbolize their identity in Christ. Going down into the water—dying with Christ—and coming up out of the water of baptism, being raised to new life in Christ!” commented Lisa Cardinal, lead pastor of Newday Seventh-day Adventist Church in Parker, Colorado.

Ellie Dickerson was baptized at Chatfield Reservoir in Littleton, Colorado, with her family and friends present. She shared her public confession there.

Niko Dowling was baptized during the Sabbath worship experience at Newday Church, August 31. Those who attended the worship service heard his story of how Jesus changed his life and how God used relationships at Newday Church in his journey.

Dowling grew up in and attended Chaparral High School in Parker, Colorado. Several months ago, Niko watched a documentary on Netflix about the Blue Zones and discovered the Seventh-day Adventist community. He Googled to find the nearest Seventh-day Adventist church which was Newday Church.

“Niko came. He was welcomed. He filled out a connect card. He was drawn to the warmth and energy of food and people. He got involved with the Young Adults group and studied the Bible with Tim McTavish,” remarked Cardinal.

“For some,” she continued, “choosing Jesus personally happens in the context of growing up in a faith community, as it has for Ellie. For some, God works through life experiences and leads them to a faith community, as it has for Niko. No matter how it happens, God is always at work.”

—Lisa Cardinal is lead pastor of Newday Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos by the Dickerson Family and Agape Hammond.

04 Sep


Karrie Meyers – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … The Senior Class of 2025 at Mile High Academy (MHA) in Highlands Ranch, Colorado, embarked on an unforgettable journey to Lost Creek Wilderness near Bailey, Colorado, August 23-25. The Senior Class students proved their endurance and class spirit as they braved a four-mile hike to their camp. Despite the challenging trek, the breathtaking views and the sense of achievement made the journey worthwhile.

On August 24, the students set out on a smaller hike to a stunning gorge, where they gathered for worship and discussions about their upcoming senior events and plans for the year. The serene environment provided a perfect backdrop for reflection and planning, adding a meaningful touch to their adventure.

The nights were filled with laughter and lively conversations as students chatted from their tents well into the night. “The whole trip was low key and fun,” said senior student Josh Makizimana. “The evening talks were the best part.” While mornings were a bit rough due to their late-night fun, by Sunday, everyone was energized and excited to get back on the buses and head to their next destination—HuHot Mongolian Grill restaurant.

Ridge Tull, MHA Upper School science teacher and Senior Sponsor, shared his thoughts: “It was wonderful to experience the Senior Retreat and kick off the school year as a class. Each moment, from the challenging hikes to the lively conversations, was a step towards what promises to be an exciting year ahead.”

As the class looks forward to moving ahead with the school year—and their Senior Class trip—they are excited and ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This retreat was not just a test of endurance but a celebration of their journey together as they embark on their final year at Mile High Academy.

Tull encourages the seniors to reflect on their Senior Survival weekend as they continue with the school year. “Just put one foot in front of the other, every step is progress.”

—Karrie Meyers is the marketing and development coordinator at Mile High Academy. Photos supplied.

03 Sep


Alexandra Cordoba – Ward, Colorado … Students from Campion Academy in Loveland, Colorado, and members from the Campion Seventh-day Adventist Church, joined together for a Sabbath worship service and to connect in nature on August 24 at Glacier View Ranch (GVR) in Ward, Colorado.

A highlight of the day was the baptism of Campion Academy freshman student Daphene Farner. Over 200 people gathered to celebrate her commitment. Farner recalled, “It was an unreal feeling. I was really nervous because over half the campus was there, in addition to church members. I loved it!”

Students hiked in three different groups, each with a view of the mountains. Senior student Isabel Rivera said, “I loved the view, and the experience was very eye-opening. It made me realize how much nature there is to explore and how grateful I am.”

Next, attendees split up into four rotations to participate in a scavenger hunt, charades, a worship thought, and praise in the Longhouse. After the activities, everyone had hot dogs, watermelon, chips, and desserts. Finally, Leandro Bizama, associate pastor of Worship and Evangelism at Campion Church, led a worship to close the service at the flagpole.

New Campion Academy music director, Naomi Fernandez, reflected on the day: “My soul was refreshed by being in nature. It was nice getting to know church members and students in a relaxed atmosphere.”

—Alexandra Cordoba is a Campion Academy News student editor. Photos supplied.