Brent Learned – Ward, Colorado … The 2024 Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) Pathfinder and Adventurer Leadership Convention weekend was held at Glacier View Ranch (GVR) in Ward, Colorado, September 13-15. It is a weekend of spiritual renewal, training, and encouraging fellowship.

Jayden Anggormas, a theology student at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee, and member of the Colorado Indonesian-American Seventh-day Adventist Church, spoke about what it means to believe the promises God has spoken over His believers who He has sealed with the Holy Spirit.

The Sabbath worship service was led by a Hispanic worship group that goes by the name “Redeemed” and who is made up of musicians and vocalist from half a dozen Adventist churches up and down the Rocky Mountain Front Range. The event was attended by 214 club leaders and staff representing over 30 pathfinder and adventurer clubs.

Kathy Walker, RMC club ministries training coordinator, commented, “The turnout was great and the weather beautiful. The music and speaker were wonderful and inspiring. Thank you all who taught and helped.”

Jodi Gage, RMC pathfinder coordinator, said, “The breakout sessions were full of collaboration with others. The leaders were sharing and helping each other. Our speaker was spiritually uplifting and challenged us with our relationship with God. I left the retreat refreshed and energized for God and my relationship with him.”

A track of courses designed for teens and those in the Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program was prepared to equip them to lead with excellence in their local pathfinder clubs and churches. “It is encouraging to see pathfinder teens who love Jesus and are passionate about proclaiming the Gospel in the churches and communities eagerly step up and accept leadership position and inspire others to follow and shout together ‘I believe what He said about me’ and ‘I believe who He said I would be’,” remarked Brent Learned, RMC assistant youth director.

Sue Nelson, RMC Adventurer and Pathfinder executive coordinator, commented, “Even coming on the heels of the Gillette International Pathfinder Camporee, our club ministries Rocky Mountain Conference Leadership Convention weekend was well attended. There was a lot of interest in the Teen Leadership and Master Guide training, along with Adventurer learning. I especially enjoyed the praise team ‘Redeemed’ and the messages brought to us by Jayden Anggormas.”

“Thank you to all the many adventurer, pathfinder, and council members who volunteered to make this weekend special, spiritually uplifting, and successful,” Learned commended. We couldn’t do events like this without every one of you giving generously of your time, energy, passion, and love for God.”

—Brent Learned is the RMC assistant youth director and Mills Spring Ranch manager. Photos by Barry Manembu.