Xander Assa – Loveland, Colorado … The first-ever Adventist Indonesian Youth & Young Adult Ministries Convention, or AIYMCON, was held at Campion Academy in Loveland, Colorado, July 10-14.

AIYMCON was started by a group of Indonesian youth leaders, pastors, and young adults from different regions of the country, which also include several Campion Academy and Mile High Academy alumni. It was started because a few Indonesian youth and young adults were devoted to reach, unite, and support the Adventist Indonesian community and empower its next generation.

One participant remarked, “I experienced a unity that I’ve never experienced before in the Indo community. Nobody knew what to expect but everyone left feeling blessed someway somehow. I knew a handful of people who felt revived and were brought to tears because they didn’t think the Indo community was right for them anymore.”

“My goal is to tear down that wall for those who feel that way now and, hopefully, to prevent it for future generations to come. The Holy Spirit was in every detail,” they continued.

The convention boasted 250 registrants and 800 people present for the program’s Saturday morning Sabbath service. The attendees included Indonesian youth and young adults from Colorado, California, Washington, New Jersey, Michigan, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania. It held seminars on mental health and marriage, youth-led worship services, sermons from pastors of the Indonesian community, small group activities, a career fair, and a 3-on-3 basketball tournament.

“AIYMCON was a statement of unity for the Adventist Indonesian community,” remarked Xander Assa, pastor and co-creator of the convention. “As a result, three souls made decisions for baptism and two made decisions to enter into pastoral ministry.”

“Many friendships were made between attendees from different states,” he continued, “and a spiritual revival was experienced amongst the youth and young adults. AIYMCON marks a groundbreaking shift towards unity in the Adventist Indonesian community.”

“It was great seeing all of the Indonesian youth and young adults praising Jesus,” commented Mickey Mallory, Rocky Mountain Conference Ministerial director. “Kudos to Pastor Xander and his team for making this happen. The huge turnout showed how much youth and young adults are hungering for these kinds of opportunities to come together in worship and fellowship.”

—Xander Assa is co-creator of AIYMCON and a pastor and Master of Divinity student at Andrews University. Photos supplied.

Executive committee from left to right: Derwin Suyatno, Logisitcs Lead (MHA 18), Steve Suinda, Secretary (MHA 10), Xander Assa, President (CA 16).
AIYMCON Leadership Team.
Baptism by Pastor Xander Assa.
Last day group photo.
Sabbath service group photo.