RMCNews – Grand Junction, Colorado … J.J. Martinez, III, associate pastor at the Grand Junction Seventh-day Adventist Church in Grand Junction, Colorado, was ordained August 17.

Martinez was a student at La Sierra Academy and Rio Lindo Adventist Academy in Riverside and Healdsburg, California, respectively. He attended a local community college for a few years and then transferred to Union Adventist University in Lincoln, Nebraska.

“Growing up, I never knew what I wanted to be until I got to high school, but even in high school, I could never imagine where God took me today … When I first started at Union College,* I was not studying to be a pastor; in fact, I had begun the pre-nursing program,” reminisced Martinez.

“Although I was really enjoying all that nursing had to offer,” he continued, “I knew that it wasn’t the path for me. After spending much time in prayer, I realized that I was being called into ministry. When I made the switch from the nursing program to the theology program, I felt like a burden was lifted from my shoulders, and I knew that God would continue to lead my path no matter where I went.”

Martinez relocated to Colorado after receiving his degree and served in a three-church district before leaving for Seminary at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan: “While at Andrews University, I took on a ministry role as student dean, which I credit a lot of my leadership to today in my current role. I am thankful not only for the education I experienced but also for the relationships that took place.”

Upon finishing Seminary, Martinez returned to Colorado to serve in the Grand Junction Church. He remarked on his ministry journey, “Grand Junction has challenged and stretched me in so many ways. I am thankful that God continues to direct each path that I have taken, even in the moments in which I am unsure. Ministry still continues to be at the forefront of my mind, just as it was at Union College.* My prayer is that God may continue to grow and lead me more and more each day.”

The Candidate for Ordination was introduced by Elizabeth McDonald, La Sierra University Church associate pastor for Children and Family Ministry in Riverside, California, followed by the Ministry Affirmation provided by Doug Inglish, RMC vice president for administration. The Ministry Charge and Ministry Welcome was presented by Mickey Mallory, RMC Ministerial director, and the Ordination Prayer was offered by Mic Thurber, RMC president.

Mallory commented, “The ordination service was an affirmation of the calling that God has put on JJ’s life to serve God’s people, and it was rewarding for him to see the impact his ministry has made on the people that were present.”

* Union Adventist University was formerly known as Union College

—RMCNews. Photos by Susan Inglish.