Samantha Nelson – Cody, Wyoming … How to reverse heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes were topics presented by Dr. James L. Marcum in a series of health lectures at the Cody Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cody, Wyoming, September 20- 21.

A board-certified cardiologist practicing with the Chattanooga Heart Institute in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Dr. Marcum was named “one of the most influential physicians in his field” by USA Today. His passion is discovering the neuro circuitry that controls our psychological and physiological health and discovering healing methods that go beyond traditional medicine. He is the author of The Ultimate Prescription and Medicines That Kill.

Dr. Marcum’s seminars were engaging, informative, and practical, and the attendees remarked on appreciating the content. On September 22, he also offered free consultations to those who signed up. All of the slots were filled up immediately as people found his wisdom and advice very helpful for their personal situations.

Chrissy James, a member of the Cody Church, said, “Dr. Marcum has a passion for the Lord, His Word, as well as his fellow man’s health and wellbeing. It shows in his character and presentation. My husband and I count having been a part of the experience as a blessing.”

Her husband, Chuck, commented, “Dr. Marcum’s programs were filled with knowledge in both the spiritual aspect as well as the physical. My wife and I are looking forward to working through the Bible study packet.”

As an added bonus to the attendees, Dr. Marcum left a case of the Biblical Prescriptions for Life workbook and DVD for each person to take and share. Samantha Nelson, Cody Church member and wife of lead pastor, Steve Nelson, remarked, “All in all, it was a very beneficial series and drew some new interest in health, as well as in our church, from some community members.”

—Samantha Nelson writes from Cody Adventist Church where her husband is a pastor. Photos by Steve Nelson.