Daisy Dalegowski – Denver, Colorado … The LifeSource Mountaineers had their first combined Adventurers and Pathfinders Investiture on May 20. This was a special ceremony to honor the completion of the curriculum’s requirements.

Sixteen Adventurers and eight pathfinders earned a combined 142 honors and badges during the program year. That is an amazing achievement!

This year the Mountaineers participated in door-to-door community outreach, a Christmas extravaganza, Club Ministries Sabbath, and Adventurer Fun Day. They also raised over $1,000 during the Great LifeSource Bake-Off. All of that was outside the 550 program hours prepared by the staff for the kids.

It was a busy year full of making friends, learning, and growing in the Lord. The Mountaineers Leadership team would like to thank all of the staff, families, church members, and conference team that supported them through this very successful year.

We look forward to seeing what amazing adventures are in store for them next year!

—Daisy Dalegowski is the director of club ministries at LifeSource Adventist Fellowship. Photo supplied.