Dennis Magaña – Montrose, Colorado … Maranatha Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church in Montrose, Colorado, celebrated Children’s Day or “Dia del Niño,” April 27-28.  It was a moment for the church to recognize and celebrate their youngest members and soon-to-be members.

The Saturday morning service, April 27, was run by the children’s classes, including song service.  The whole church enthusiastically sang song after song with the kids, which some members commented brought back memories of their childhood growing up in the church and singing some of those same songs.

The worship sermon was about Noah and how, through his faithfulness and always doing what God commanded him, ended up saving him and his family.  The church was reminded as well to take time and take care of their children, as they are the future of the church.

In the afternoon Adventist Youth (AY) program, everyone enjoyed the icebreaker that was done showing many of the parents and leaders of the church as children and having everyone guess who each person was.  After the service, a special store was set up where the children could shop for a toy, which was obviously their favorite part.

On Sunday, April 28, games, food, shopping, and piñatas were shared by all, and it was such a joy watching the kids play together and be celebrated.

What was especially amazing about this weekend was the number of visitors this event brought to the church.  On Sunday, four brand new families that had never been to the church heard about the event and came to celebrate with them.  One of the families commented after, that this was exactly what they have been looking for in a church family, and that they would be worshipping with the church next Sabbath.

Another family from Belize was talking to Santo Valdez, lead pastor, and he commented that he thought he was the only person from Belize in all of Montrose.  Imagine his amazement when he found out that he was not the only one from Belize, as there are two other families in the Maranatha Spanish Church from Belize as well.  The family member also mentioned that he used to be Adventist, and that he has not been back to church since 2013, but now he and his family are making plans to attend on Sabbath as well.

Pastor Santo commented that these types of events are continued proof that Christ’s method of how to evangelize works.  Christ ministered to the needs of the people first, and then He said, “Follow me.”

Please pray for the Maranatha Spanish Church and for all the new friends they met this weekend that the Holy Spirit, working through us, will continue to guide and show Montrose the need we all have of a Savior.

—Dennis Magaña is head elder at Montrose Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos supplied.