MHANews – Highlands Ranch, Colorado … Mile High Academy (MHA) recently unveiled its new branding campaign during the school’s annual Walk-A-Thon event.

“Our goal [for the campaign] was to create something that reflects the school’s forward momentum and to build visibility and recognition across our community,” said Andrew Carpenter, MHA principal.

Updates to the logos came after input from stakeholders in the form of surveys, individual interviews, and group engagement sessions. The strongest feedback was that the visual identity must clearly articulate and define MHA as a school.

The stakeholders settled on three important directives, stating that existing logos should be simplified, should find the symmetry of “three elements,” and that the Mustang mascot is integral to MHA’s athletic program and school pride.

Thus, the School Board was recently presented with and approved a new school mark, academic seal, and Mustang logo that will be implemented across MHA’s physical and digital properties.

The school mark and academic seal centers around a three-line image of a flame. Research revealed a distinctive correlation between MHA’s values and the number three. The tri-flames express MHA’s underlying principles of faith practiced at the school. This imagery is central to the identity of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Trinity, the Three-Angels Message, and MHA’s philosophy of holistic education, the cultivation of mind, body, and spirit, are all reflected in this tri-fold symmetry. The symbol further exemplifies the core of MHA’s individual schools (lower, middle, and upper), their momentum, and their shared goals. It underscores the perpetual commitment to learn, explore, and serve. The flame personifies the light that shines into the school, its families and community while epitomizing what MHA desires to teach its students, that they reflect the light of Jesus in this world. The shield in the mark represents the daily commitment to developing students with strong and sound minds. It is further a reminder to rely on the Armor of God, as we are admonished in Ephesians 6.

The MHA Mustang logo was also reworked to set itself apart from other Mustang and Bronco logos in the area. The shield was encompassed as a point of connection to the new school mark. The Mustang stands tall, representing pride, strength, and power, while using the color black to further express these attributes.

The school has already begun implementing the new identity across its digital platforms. Physical use will transpire over the next several months as funding becomes available and during ongoing maintenance and campus updates.

The school has also partnered with Out of Breath Sports to develop an online store so that the community can purchase MHA and Mustang swag items.

“We are excited to embrace our new identity,” said Carpenter. “Our new branding is one that we can all look towards to know what Mile High Academy stands for and where it is headed.”
