Dorie Panganiban – Crownpoint, New Mexico …  As one of six sites participating in the 2022 Native Impact Evangelism on the Book of Revelation, La Vida Mission hosted and led the Crownpoint, New Mexico 10-night “Message from the Metal Man” Bible prophecy revival.

Reporting in Navajo Mission, Dorie Panganiban, La Vida Mission Outreach co-coordinator, said that two local community members were baptized as a result of this outreach.

Joseph, who was baptized, asked Dorie after his baptism, “People will know about my baptism, so what shall I say and do if someone ask me that they too want to get baptized? Because I know of at least three friends of mine who would.”

Not all went well Initially, “strong wind and bad weather prevented us from setting up our canopy tents outside, as originally planned for better distancing between attendees” for the presentations by Pastor George Tudose. On the first evening, two canopy tents were blown away and destroyed by the wind, Dorie reported.

“After many prayers and much consideration, and after carefully weighing the pros and cons of meeting outside or inside, the Lord impressed most of us to agree on meeting inside our small church and it worked very well,” she added. Commenting on Impact, Pastor Dale Wolcott, Native Ministries coordinator for the Arizona Conference, said that the Crownpoint site had “the largest number of community members of any of the sites, the highest for any site, any night”.

A prayer commitment, preparation for the meetings, ongoing friendship-evangelism, Bible study, and home visits brought a good group of interested community members to participate in the Impact meetings and to make a commitment to accept Jesus Christ.

La Vida Mission, located near Farmington, New Mexico, is an independent ministry not affiliated with the Rocky Mountain Conference.

— Dorie Panganiban is La Vida Mission outreach co-coordinator. Photos supplied.