Catie Fairfield – Loveland, Colorado … Students from each class at Campion Academy in Loveland, Colorado, collaborated to create the final Week of Worship (WOW) that focused on the theme of God’s will in our lives.

This was a distinctive Week of Worship because all of it was organized and led by the students. Each grade level had a day to speak: freshmen started on Monday, seniors went Tuesday, juniors went Wednesday, and sophomores went Thursday. Vespers on Friday night was put on by the staff. Finally, students Addison and Caleb Gann gave the sermon on Sabbath to wrap up the week.

Each grade level had a theme that correlated with God’s will. The freshmen talked about guidance, seniors did faithfulness, juniors talked about courage, and sophomores had second chances.

Each day consisted of a special music, a Bible reading, a skit, an object lesson, and a testimony.

Eva Resz, senior student, mentioned, “I had fun during Week of Worship because I got to do a skit on faithfulness. We specifically did the skit on Sapphire and Ananias who were members of the early church. We wanted to show our peers the importance of staying faithful to God in everything.”

Along with that, there was a special praise team that sang every day and chose the theme song “Make a Way.” Seth Coe, senior student, elaborated, “I was so honored to be a part of praise team because I got together with my friends to just worship God and it felt very joyful.”

A very memorable highlight of the week was when Daneil Camas, senior student, got baptized on Thursday. Camas chose to get baptized by Pastor Wayne Morrison because she had grown up with him as her pastor.

It was a good way for the students to interact and hear how God is working in each other’s lives. Elin Sorensen, freshmen student, commented, “My favorite part of Week of Worship was hearing all the testimonies and seeing all the skits. It was fun to see my friends and schoolmates act.”

—Catie Fairfield is Campion Academy Student News Team. Photos supplied.