Samantha Nelson – Cody, Wyoming … It seems like June is the month for field trips and this year was no exception. Four youth from the Cody Seventh-day Adventist Church in Cody, Wyoming, took a trip to Vernal, Utah, to see Dinosaur National Monument on the Colorado and Utah border during the week of June 10.

On the way down to Utah, the group got to explore the historic South Pass City in the mountains of Fremont County, Wyoming. They also visited the historic Josie Bassett Morris cabin in Jensen, Utah, the 1,000-year-old Fremont Indian petroglyphs in Sevier, Utah, and the Utah Field House of Natural History Museum in Vernal, Utah.

The group hiked to the Red Fleet Dinosaur Trackway in Vernal and swam in the cool lake waters after a very hot trek down to the tracks. On the return trip home, they enjoyed exploring Red Fleet Dinosaur Trackway, where they observed several fossils from sea creatures and dinosaurs to plants and small insects. They also had the opportunity to earn the Park’s Junior Ranger badge and Junior Paleontologist badge and participated in a swearing in ceremony led by the park ranger on staff.

For three of the youth, this was their first field trip with the church youth group and the first time they’d been to these particular places of interest. Cedar Jeffers, Cody Church youth, was the “veteran” traveler who had been to these locations previously with her brother, Dean, in 2021. Cedar remarked, “It was so much fun to hang out with the other girls and revisit Vernal and learn about all the cool things God has created.”

The age range of the youth was from 10 to 16, with Sage James, youth participant, being the youngest. The older participants rallied together to help make it the best trip possible for her. As Sage put it, “I honestly really liked it because I got to get away from some things in Wyoming for a while. I enjoyed viewing the things Jesus created for us to see, including all the lizards. I’m going to miss this trip. It was the funnest [sic] experience I’ve ever had.” Sage did, in fact, see many lizards and spent much time trying to catch them as the group hiked various places.

While an extra excursion to Moab, Utah, had to be canceled due to a medical issue of a chaperone, the youth were very supportive and enjoyed an extra day just exploring and relaxing in Vernal and enticing Steve Nelson, trip co-chaperone and pastor at Cody Church, into a game of laser tag.

“Steve, who was the driver and co-chaperone—along with me, of course—exhibited great patience being the only male in a group of young ladies and he did an excellent job of showing God’s love to them,” commented Samantha Nelson, Steve’s wife and co-chaperone. “What made trip extra unique is that he missed his doctoral graduation ceremony to take the girls on this trip and they were so grateful they made him a special card and we all celebrated his graduation and Kailyn’s birthday together with cake.”

Steve explained, “What a wonderful opportunity to see amazing dinosaur fossils and the beauty of God’s creation. We are extremely thankful for God’s blessing and protection on our trip and the privilege to share this with the Cody youth.”

“The girls had a great time and even let me beat them at laser tag,” He continued. The question of who actually won may be debatable, but all that participated in laser tag had a great time. As Kailyn Jones shared, “It was the best trip ever because I got to hang out with everyone and see the fossils at Dinosaur National Monument.”

There were Bible studies about dinosaurs and creation and a daily devotional that helped the youth participants think more seriously about the choices they make in life and how to be a good friend to others.

One of the highlights of the trip for Samantha was “the blessing of watching the girls grow closer to Jesus and to each other. Yes, it was inevitable with a group of young ladies to have discussions about life, boys, struggles at home, etc., but when two of the girls asked for prayer for their mothers and the challenges they were facing, it showed a real depth of desire to know Jesus and to be more like Him and to see others follow Him, too.”

“It was a nice and eye-opening trip because we got to learn more about God and dinosaurs. It also helped build relationships as we all got to know each other better,” commented Katarina Black, youth participant. And that is exactly what the trip organizers had in mind when arranging this trip—an opportunity for the youth to grow closer to Jesus and to each other. Mission accomplished. Thanks be to God!

—Samantha Nelson writes from Cody Adventist Church where her husband is a pastor. Photos by Samantha and Steve Nelson.