Lisa Cardinal – Parker, Colorado … Benjamin Franklin once said that nothing is certain except death and taxes. But he was wrong! Only taxes are certain.

Because of God’s unfathomable, unfailing, incalculable love for this world, He gave Jesus and whoever believes in Jesus will have life forever! I have overcome the world, said Jesus! Death has been swallowed up in victory! The day is coming when He will wipe every tear from our eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things will be gone forever! (John 3:16, John 16:33, 1 Corinthians 15:54, Revelation 21:4)

“This past week, two people at Newday said yes to all of this! Yes, to Jesus as their personal Savior who lived, died, rose, and is alive in heaven in their place. Two people went public as Jesus’ followers and were baptized to powerfully symbolize their identity in Christ. Going down into the water—dying with Christ—and coming up out of the water of baptism, being raised to new life in Christ!” commented Lisa Cardinal, lead pastor of Newday Seventh-day Adventist Church in Parker, Colorado.

Ellie Dickerson was baptized at Chatfield Reservoir in Littleton, Colorado, with her family and friends present. She shared her public confession there.

Niko Dowling was baptized during the Sabbath worship experience at Newday Church, August 31. Those who attended the worship service heard his story of how Jesus changed his life and how God used relationships at Newday Church in his journey.

Dowling grew up in and attended Chaparral High School in Parker, Colorado. Several months ago, Niko watched a documentary on Netflix about the Blue Zones and discovered the Seventh-day Adventist community. He Googled to find the nearest Seventh-day Adventist church which was Newday Church.

“Niko came. He was welcomed. He filled out a connect card. He was drawn to the warmth and energy of food and people. He got involved with the Young Adults group and studied the Bible with Tim McTavish,” remarked Cardinal.

“For some,” she continued, “choosing Jesus personally happens in the context of growing up in a faith community, as it has for Ellie. For some, God works through life experiences and leads them to a faith community, as it has for Niko. No matter how it happens, God is always at work.”

—Lisa Cardinal is lead pastor of Newday Seventh-day Adventist Church. Photos by the Dickerson Family and Agape Hammond.